Iowa Old Press

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler co. Iowa
July 12, 1922

Graettinger, July 10- Graettinger may have the laugh on the world. When gold was reported here last year, Iowa set up a loud guffaw. "Just wait, " said Graettinger. This week a gold amalgamating machine is in operation on the Smith farm near here. On a single day, Tuesday, a total of eight and one-half tons of gravel were sifted through the machine and in the evening four ounces of gold had been gathered. The present price of this amount of the precious metal is approximately $88. The cleanup will be sent to Denver for analysis and a definite report will be received within a short time. Mr. Smith has every reason to feel jubilant over the experimental run. Since receiving the first report from the assayers a year ago last May, his confidence in the gold mine on his farm has never been shaken. The farm was a mecca for visitors Tuesday, and practically the entire population of the city was out to see the gold machine in operation. With favorable returns from Denver large scale operations will undoubtedly be taken. Messrs. Smith, Harke, Herren, Kelly, Sevdy, Fitzpatrick, Young, and other gentlemen residing in the gold belt may still make a fortune from the discovery despite the loud laughs which their project has caused.

[transcribed by C.J.L.; July 2004]

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