Iowa Old Press

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler co. Iowa
April 25, 1917

Last Thursday evening at the Lutheran church occurred the marriage of Miss Margaret Pagles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Pagles, to Walter Hildebrand, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hildebrand. Only the immediate relatives were present. For the present they will make their home with the groom's parents. The Recorder joins the many friends in extending congratulations.

Boche Bullet Kills Iowan.
Ottawa, Ontario, April 23 -- Private F. Freeman of Gleenwood, Iowa (? Glenwood), was among the seven Americans killed in the ranks of the Canadian troops fighting in France. Thirty-one other Americans were wounded. the casualty list made public Monday carried 2,000 names, mostly wounded.

Local News.
Geo. Wilson, A.L. Sullivan, Ray McGee and Mr. Doty from Clarksville left Monday night for Brady, Mont., to look at land. From there they will make a tour of inspection of the surrounding county with the view of taking up homesteads.

Mrs. Charles Gates received a card this noon announcing the marriage of Miss Helen Beryl Ellis and Lloyd H. Vincent in Los Angeles, Cal., April 21. Mrs. Vincent has a host of frineds here who will participate with the Recorder in extending heartiest congratulations.

-Hair switches made by Inez Ellis
-James Hurd sundayed in Clarksville.
-Ella Landers is quite ill with tonsillitis
-Wanted -- Cattle to pasture. G.R. Watterson
-Geo. Wilson was in Clarksville on business Monday.
-A.B. Mahnke was in Waverly on business thursday.
-John Skillen visited in Nora Springs Saturday and Sunday.
-Mrs. VanDyke came over from Charles City Tuesday.
-H.S. Robinson was a business caller in Waterloo Tuesday.
-Roy Stahl of Rockford was calling on friends here Sunday.
-C.H. Bunker and family were visiting in Bristow Sunday.
-Merle Heckman was here from Charles City over Sunday.
-H.W. Mullarky and family were Charles City visitors Thursday.
-Father Hogan returned Saturday from a week's visit in Dubuque.
-Will Meyne is improving his home by putting on a sleeping porch.
-C.H. Kellogg of Charles City was a business caller here Tuesday.
-R.R. Markle and Geo. B. Tracey were Mason City visitors Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peddycoart of Marble Rock visited friends here Sunday.
-J.N. Neal and wife spent Sunday in Bristow with Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Arnold.
-Wm. Buchols and wife went to Haugan, Wisconsin, Sunday on business.
-Miss Leah Sullivan went to Shell Rock Tuesday to teach the Jefferson school.
-Bessie Love and DeWolf Hopper in Triangle pictures at the opera house tonight.
-Charley Hoeft has had his shoe shop all repapered and fixed up spick and span.
-Ed Scully, living east of Clarksville, was a business visitor in Greene yesterday.
-Mrs. Druschell went to Rockford Saturday to care for her daughter, who is quite ill.
-Miss Josephine Wolf of Mason City is here for an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Wolf.
-Miss Harms, stenographer for Gates Lumber Co., spent sunday with her parents in Oelwein.
Mrs. W.C. Curtis, Miss Emma Miner and Chet Miner went to Rochester, Minn., last Thursday.
-Mrs. Will Moon went to Rochester, Tuesday, to be with her son, Will, who is in the hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. T.T. Shafer went to Marble Rock Saturday for a short stay with the E. Hoadley family.
-Geo. Watterson and wife are proud possessors of a six cylinder, seven passenger Studebaker purchased of Frank Cheney.
-H.F. Reinking went to lowden, Friday to attend the funeral of Henry Diechman, a relative. Mr. Diechman will be remembered by many as he visited here a couple years ago.
-Henry Murphy was called to Brooklyn, Wisconsin by the death of mrs. Murphy's mother Wednesday evening. Mrs. Murphy has been at her mother's bedside for the past four weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy returned Saturday evening.
-Art Parno, who has lived the past few months in Alcester, South Dakota, was here visiting his parents Saturday. He went to Clarksville Saturday afternoon to join his wife for a few days visit with her people. Monday they left for Eagle Grove, which will be their future home.

Dumont News.
- Mrs. R.C. Dubrusky and little son came hme from Waverly Friday evening.
- Donald Becker after taking treatment at the Hampton hospital for the past five weeks, returned to his home last week and seems to be quite a little improved in health.
- Monday evening at a six o'clock dinner Mrs. J.B. Metcalf entertained her husband's Sunday school, the Sunday school superintendent and the pastor and their wives at supper in honor of Mr. Metcalf's birthday. Those present were Messrs. John Becker, T.F. Becker, Frank Kaley, A.W. Wilcox, C.R. Martin, W. McDowell, Carl Boeckemeier, Rev. H.D. Green and their wives and Prof. Rex Haight and Hubert Hilliker.
- Park Shreve is home from his railroad duties at Grundy Center for a few days.
- Mr. Davis, who has been superintendent of the school house job, moved his family to Cedar Rapids last week where he has work on a very large job.
- Fred Barr of Clarksvile was here Monday on business. He set a few markers in the Dumont cemetery.
- Mrs. Johnson still remains very ill with no encouragement for recovery.

State News in Brief.
- Charles City -- F.T. Vasey has been reelected as superintendent of schools for another year at an increase of salary. Worcester Warren of Missouri Valley has been elected principal of the high school.

- Marshalltown -- Demand for a god quality of milch cows in this time of high prices for dairy products was evidenced in a sale near Green Mountain of the D.K. Thomas herd of seventy grade Holsteins. The cows sold for a total of $6,723, an average of $140. B.A. Abel, of Grinnell, paid the top prices for two cows, bidding them in for $420. W.B. King, of Gladbrook, bought another for $240; J.J. Strowbridge, of Union, paid $312 for two, and A.V. Stahl, of Beaman, $196 for one.

- Albia -- A Red Cross chapter has been organized in Albia with mrs. Helen Townsend as president; Mrs. Ed Palmer of Avery as vice president, Miss Myrta Harlow as recording secretary, Mrs. Roy Ott as enrolling secretary and Mrs. N.E. Kendall as treasurer. The enrollment is eighty-nine with more coming.

- Newhall -- Clarence Yoch and John Seilhammer of Newhall left Sunday for Jefferson Barracks at St. Louis, Missouri, where they will go into training in the regular army. The Newhall band and a large crowd of Newhall people were at the depot to give them a send-off. The band played "Star Spangled Banner", "Uncle Sammy" and other appropriate selections amid the cheers of the by-standers.

-Perry -- Mrs. Harve Bndy, wife of a well known farmer living northeast of this city was fatally injured when she was struck by a bolt of lightning last Sunday night. She lived for about an hour but the efforts of physicians were unaviling. She was assisting her husband with the evening chores when the flash struck the barn.

-West Union -- No man in Iowa probably takes greater interest in the fighting in France than George Wander of Clermont. As a boy Wander was familiar with the ground over which the French and Germans are contending this week, he having been a native of Alsace.
-Iowa City -- Mildred E. Ritchey of New London, a sophomore student in liberal arts at the state university died at the university hospital. After it was thought that she was on her way to recovery from tonsilitis she
suddenly took worse and an operation for a ruptured appendix failed to save the girl's life.

Jailed for Threat on President.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, April 23 -- B.F. King, wealthy land owner of Millersburg, Iowa, was locked up here this afternoon on a charge of threatening to commit a public offense against the United States government. He is charged with having said he would like to shoot President Wilson. Bond was placed at $10,000, which he was unable to furnish. King is 61 years old.

[submitted by S.F., Feb. 2004]

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