Iowa Old Press

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler, Iowa
April 23, 1913

Another Old Pioneer Gone
Again the angel of death has entered into our midst and claimed one of Butler county's oldest residents. Wm. Wray was born in Tyrone County, Ireland, in 1823, and died at St. Paul, Minn., April 15, 1913, aged 89 years. At the age of 19 years he came to this country with his mother and sisters to the city of Philadelphia. In 1847 he was united in marriage to Isabel Smith. To this union were born nine children, seven of whom are living. From Philadelphia he with his family moved on a farm near Bristow, Iowa. In 1873 death claimed his companion. He then lived with his children until the year 1880, when he was again united in marriage to Aravilla Niece. Five children were born to this union, all of whom are living. From near Bristow he moved on a farm near Aredale where they lived until about seven years ago when they moved to Aredale and in 1908 he was again called to mourn the loss of his life companion. He then lived at his own home until about a year ago his health became so poorly he was taken to St. Paul where he lived with his son until the time of his death. The funeral was held from the U.B. church at Bristow at 2:30 o'clock, Friday, and the remains were laid to rest in illtown cemetery. "Tis sad to think that one by one we all must leave our earthly cares and
pass to the great beyond but if by the Lord's will we are permitted to live many years beyond three score and ten those left to mourn should be reconciled, and hard though it may be, weep not but live in all hopes that God may say as he has said before, "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou in to the joy
of the Lord."

Funeral services for Mr. Wm. Wray, who died at the home of his son, Robert, in St. Paul, Minn., Wednesday, were held at the United Brethern church Friday afternoon, conducted by a former pastor of the deceased, the Rev. John Gourley, of Hansel. The remains arrived on the morning train and were taken to the home of his niece, Mrs. Wm. Connolly until this afternoon. Deceased having lived at Aredale for many years until about 8 months ago when he was taken to the home of his son at St. Paul, was very well known in this vicinity, and adjoining country and enjoyed the friendship of all, being a man of sterling character and strong convictions, in religion, a staunch Presbyterian and an elder in the church for many years. He was born in Ireland and came to this country in early manhood. His first wife, who was Isabella Smith, before marriage, died in the year 1869. In after years he was again married to Aravilla Niece, who preceded him in death 4 years ago. To the first union were born 7 children and to the second, 7, making him the father of 14 children, 12 of whom are living, namely: James, N.G., Anna, Arthur, Jennie Jaynes, Margaret Thompson, Ethel Creeden, W.J. Ray,
Robert, Harry, Andrew, Earl and Miss Alta Wray. Four of these were in attendance at the funeral, as was John Johnson of Janesville and George Smith of Winterset. Miss Esther Thompson, who is assistant principal in our school this year is a granddaughter. Undertaker Martin of Dumont had charge of the funeral and the body was laid to rest beside that of his wife in Oak Hill cemetery to await the resurrection. The sons acted as pall bearers. Charles and Robert Stewart and Mrs. Gus Flannigan here are among the other relatives and to all the bereaved ones is extended the usual sympathy

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