Iowa Old Press

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler co. , IA
May 18, 1910

Hon. Daniel Dougherty Celebrates 62 Wedding Anniversary
Dougherty, May 14.
The sixty-second wedding anniversary of Hon. Daniel Dougherty and his estimable wife, pioneer residents of Iowa and Dougherty township, was celebrated here, when a reunion of their children and a gathering of friends and neighbors was held. To survive sixty-two years of wedded life together and still be hale and
hearty as are Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty, possessed of every faculty and still enjoying life as in their younger days is unusual. Daniel Dougherty, the pioneer settler of Dougherty township, was born in the county of Donegal, Ireland, Feb. 18, 1829. He came to Iowa in 1858 and entered the southwest quarter of section 86, township 94, range 19, what is now Dougherty township and actual settlement was made in 1863. In 1869 he built the house which was occupied by himself and family until November, 1893. From 1893 to 1897 Mr. Dougherty lived at Rockwell when he returned to Dougherty. He owns 500 acres of land and the apple orchard at the old homestead has been for years among the best in Iowa. One thousand trees were planted in 1872, since which time more than 500 have been added. He was married in 1848 to Miss Mary Gallagher. They are the parents of sixteen children, twelve of whom are still living. Hugh of Minot, N.D., Charles, Patrick, Daniel, James, John, Bernard, Margaret, Teressa, and Joseph of Doubherty; Mrs. John F. Wade of Des Moines and Rev. E. Dougherty, pastor of Holy Family church of Mason City. Mrs. F.E. McGlone died in March 1899 and William; William N. and Margaret died in infancy. Mr. Dougherty is a prominent man and is highly respected. He started poor but has made himself wealthy. He is a life-long democrat has served Cerro Gordo county as county supervisor two terms and in 1880 was a candidate on the democratic ticket for register of the state land office. He represented the state at the Baltimore convention in 1872 and is still quite prominent in politics. Mrs. Dougherty has always been prominent in Dougherty social circles. She possesses charming characteristics, winning all as her friends and her spry appearance is far from indicative of her advanced years.

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