Iowa Old Press

The Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler co. Iowa
Wednesday, P.M., February 2, 1910

Margaret Rague Dead.
The death of Margaret RAgue occurred last Wednesday at the home of her uncle, Martin Kuck, three miles east of this city. She has been a sufferer for several months from appendicitis and early in the fall had an operation performed at Greene. Margaret was 18 years ofld, her parentd, Mr. and Mrs. L.O. Rague live at Greene. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Rague of this city. -- Charles City Press.

Patents have been granted as follows: Wm. J. Cook of Des Moines, manure spreader; Severin Lilland, Jewell Junction, combined whip, lock and socket; Isaac L. Mitchell, Cedar Rapids, crushing machine; Jens Nielsen, Cedar Falls, rotary engine; Fred Steiner, Newton, washing machine; Wm. C. Zimmerman, Lone Tree, coupling.

Dubuque Girl Weds Irishman.
An international romance culminated in Dublin, Ireland, when Helen matthews, daughter of Judge M.C. Matthews of Dubuque, was married to Hon. Joseph McMahon, a wealthy land owner of Dublin. the groom presented the bride with Mayne Lodge, the estate of the Matthews family since the fifteenth century, but which passed out of the name by the recent death of a relative, as a wedding gift. Father O'Sullivan, a cousin of the bride, and secretary to the late Cardinal Satolli, performed the ceremony.

Editor's Wife Burned
Mrs. C.E. Kroessen, wife of the editor of the Ute Independent, was burned to death in a fire which consumed the Kroessen home early on a recent morning. Mr. Kroessen, sleeping on the first floor, was able to escape with two children, one 4 years of age, the other 1. Mrs. Kroessen was on the second floor and was probably suffocated, as her body, partly burned, was found on the bed. She was 25 years of age.

Twenty Head of Cattle Drown.
Twenty head of cows, owned by William Dear, a farmer living near Cedar Rapids, went out onto the ice on the Cedar River to escape from the storm under the banks. They huddled together and the ice broke, precipitating all of them into deep water, where they were drowned.

Insane Man Dies from Exposure
Fred Bussy, an aged inmate of St. Francis Asylum in Burlington, escaped while temporarily insane and was found a half hour later dead sitting in front of the building, his back to the wall. Exposure killed him.

Child Scalded to Death
The 2-year-old child of Theodore Irwin of Andrew fell into a tub of scalding hot water. The child died from the burns.

Goes Insane Because of Hug
The embrace of a young man, followed by incessant teasing on the part of girl companions, while at work, caused pretty 20-year-old Lily Nygren of Keokuk to become insane. these facts were disclosed in the application to the Lee county insanity board, which ordered Miss Nygren committed to the State institution at Mount Pleasant. She is in a critical condition and the strictest watch is being kept for fear she will attempt suicide. Miss Nygren was employed in a wholesale house. Several weeks ago she was playfully embraced against her will by a young man working by her side. Seeing Miss Nygren's resentment several of her girl companions teased her ntil she quit work and went home, where she cried for several days. Upon returning to work the girls again teased her and she again went home crying. melancholia ensued, followed by insanity.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2007]

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