Iowa Old Press

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler, Iowa
April 27, 1910

Mrs. C. Gates, Sr., Called
One of the Oldest Residents of Floyd County Answers Summons of Death
The Recorder last week chronicled the condition of Mrs. C. Gates, Sr., mother of Senator Gates, Henry Gates and Albert Gates and Mrs. B.F. Hoil, all living in and close to Greene. Her broken arm and other conditions was more than her extreme age and failing constitution could bear up under for long and
peaceful rest and the end of a long life came at ten o'clock, Friday morning, May 22, 1910. Mrs. Gates had been a lifelong member of the Catholic church and the funeral was held at St. Mary's church in this city on Sunday morning, Father Sheehy conducting the services. The remains were taken to Marble Rock and placed by the side of those of her husband buried there about ten years ago. The pall bearers were the younger members of the Gates families, two sons of Henry Gates, two from the Albert Gates home, Charley Hoil and John Gates were those chosen to bear the coffin and remains of their grandmother to the last
resting place. Mrs. Gates was born in Ireland and came to this country when a young girl. Was married to Charles Gates in New York. In 1855 they moved to Iowa and settled at Marble Rock and a few years later they moved on a farm part way between Greene and Marble Rock on the west side of the Shell Rock river. Here they resided in peace and comfort until the death of Mr. Gates some ten years ago. Her daughter, Mrs. Hoil went to her mother's home and has devotedly cared for her ever since. For a long time Mrs. Gates would not leave the old home, but finally sickness and declining years were telling on her and she was persuaded
to come to Greene and live at her daughter's home. This she did, though very reluctantly. A small portion of the time was spent at the home of her son, Senator Gates. Seemingly she could not find contentment though everything possible was done for her by those who loved and pitied her. In her younger days Mrs. Gates was a lady who had many acquaintances in her neighborhood. Highly respected and a good Christian mother, ever striving for the good and comfort of her family and friends. The Recorder joins the many in expressing condolence for the sorrowing ones.

Data at hand this morning gives the following: Julia Casey was born May 12, 1829, in Ireland, came to this country at the age of 19. Was married to Charles Gates in Rochester, New York in 1855 and moved to Marble Rock that same year. George Gates of Marble Rock is a member of the family being omitted from the
names above.

[submitted by C.J. L., Sept. 2003]

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