Iowa Old Press

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler, Iowa
August 25, 1909

New Point Raised on the Validity of the Moon Law
Davenport, Iowa, special of August 21:- The point that the Moon law does not apply to special charter cities in Iowa was raised in the district court today when Attorneys Ficke and Ficke of Davenport filed a brief on behalf of Ernest Wenzel, a leading Davenport saloon keeper who is being prosecuted by the civic federation. The attorneys call the attention of the court to the fact that the Moon law is not by title or otherwise an amendment of the so-called Iowa mulct law, but is a law by itself and that no provision was made by the legislature for its application to Iowa special charter cities, Davenport, Dubuque, Glenwood, Keokuk, Muscatine and Wapello. If the courts sustain the contest the Moon law regulating Iowa's saloons will not apply in those cities.

[transcribed by C.J.L.; June 2004]

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