Iowa Old Press

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler, Iowa
17 Apr 1907

Judge Brennan of Des Moines is the owner of an idea which is most valuable. He does not like the practice of sending boys to the state industrial school. He says it is a serious thing to send a boy to Eldora to
be practically imprisoned until he is of age, in an institution in which he is thrown with all sorts and conditions of boys, enabling them to compare notes in wickednese. Judge Brennan would send the boys to farms. He would have each of the populous counties of the state buy and stock large farms, and to these farms he would send the boys who needed reforming. He would have the boys divide their time between farm work and school work. The city boy who is inclined to badness should be sent to a farm but he should not be
sent to a farm where he can learn all the badness possessed by several hundred other boys. Judge Brennan is the owner of an idea that looks good.

A good definition of a gentleman: "A man who is clean inside and out; who neither looks up to the rich nor down on the poor; who can lose without squeeling and who can win without bragging; who is considerate
of women, children and old people; who is too brave to lie, too generous to cheat, and who takes his share of the world and lets other people have theirs."

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