Iowa Old Press

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler, Iowa
September 7, 1904

Butler County Veterans Hold Their 26th Annual Reunion at Greene. A Success in Every Way.

There was a stir in the old town yesterday, the occasion being the 26th annual reunion of the veterans of Butler county. The day was perfect but it is thought perhaps the heavy rain the night before kept some from a distance from coming. However, there was a good sized crowd of old veterans and their friends
here and we think all went home with a kindly feeling for their brethren of the Post here and the people of Greene in general. Headquarters were established in the alley next to the First State Bank, where Cols. A. Moss, C.V. McClure, and C.B. Weston, with Adjutant S.E.Connor were busy all the forenoon receiving and registering the visiting comrades. The following is the list of veterans registered:

Aaron Moss, A 31 Iowa
Thos. Belknap, E 31 Iowa.
Albert Boggs, G 31 Iowa.
C.B. Weston, B 73 Ind.
S.E. Conner.
C.V. McClure, H 49 Pa.
S.T. Hotchkiss, D 31 Iowa.
W.H. Rupert, C 148 Ill.
F.H. Warner, B 142 Ill.
E. Morrill, B 20 Maine.
Phil Shultz, I 89 Ill.
Ed Stevens, A 1 Maine
Joe Blandin, G 16 Wis.
T.T. Hall, K 8 Iowa.
T.B. Bowman, K 1 Iowa.
Jacob Hoffman, D 15 Iowa.
W.F. Crouse, 1 25 Wis.
Levi Sheets, I 4 Wis.
Albert Boggs, G 32 Iowa.
Willis Butler, E 12 U.S.
J.M. Landes, K 15 Ind.
T. Anderson, G 133 Pa.
W.L. Starkweather, D 85 NY
T.M. Belknap, E 31 Iowa.
W.H.H. Fleek, C 30 Wis.
J.A. Suburne, G 2 Ill.
W.H. Dickman, E 27 Iowa.
W.C. Knight, E 47 Wis.
G.W. Russell, C 55 Iowa.
J.A. Landis, H 30 Ind.
James Deardorf, I 63 Ohio
John Winterburn, K 13 Vermont
A. McNames, K 11 Mich.
J.J. Rife, 12 Ind.
J. Temple, I 41 Wis.
D.R. Freeman, D 7 Wis.
W.F Nolterieke, D 49 Iowa, Spanish.

F.M. Hart, A 21 Iowa.
N.J. Wanamaker, C 25 Wis.
Phillip Loomer, I 44 Wis.
L.L. Jones, G 95 Iowa.
F. Patterson, A 105 Iowa.
R.R. Cook, H 3 Wis.
C.M. Ransom, K 15 Ill.
Harry Cook, D 49 Iowa, Spanish.
H.T. Bonton, K 22 Wis.
A. Mitchell, K 22 Wis.
J.D. Roberts, B 94 Ill.
T.S. Walters, F 32 Iowa

J.J. Niblack, F 93 Iowa
F.E. Orvis, E 32 Iowa.
W.H. Winship, A 189 NY
L.F. Bristow, I 9 Iowa
C.T. Myers, I 3 Iowa
D.L. Brownly, K 28 Iowa.
B. Pierce, H 92 Ill.
G.G. Blake, E 95 Ill.
L. Echet, H 105 Ill.
R.W. Hannant, E 32 Iowa.
H. Thompson, D 15 Ill.
F. Orvis, E 44 Iowa.
S.M. Harding, E 44 Iowa.
George Adair, F 32 Iowa.

G.H. Benham, I 9 N.S.
T.J. Taylor, F 20 Wis.
O.M. Ruggles, A 16 Wis.
L.H. Fellwock, K 35 Wis.
E. Crewell, G 27 Iowa.
A. McNally, D 17 Wis.
S.W. Jeffery, I 25 Wis.
L.M. Harris, K 7 Iowa.

A.C. Rosencrans, I 4 Ill.
C.T. Ackley, B 7 Iowa
C.E. Lamb, E 7 Iowa
G.M. Hubbard, G 9 Iowa
Wm. Comstock, G 22 Iowa.

J.C. Forney, G 32 Iowa.
J. Goodnart, G 51 Ill.
C. Cole, F 33 Wis.
John Moon, B 30 Wis.
J.F. Troutun, K 30 Iowa.

E. Taylor, B 25 Wis.
B. Elliott, G 75 Iowa.
J.H. Michael, C 174 Ohio.
G.C. Latham, G 3 Vermont
L.J. Rogers, K 2 Wis.

J. Buel, I 3 Iowa.
H.C. McNames, B 18 Mich
J. Yost, 215 NY

H.C. Brown, G 1 N.H.
Geo. Schuler, C 31 Iowa

C.V. Surfus, E 12 Iowa.
J.F. Clark, G 1 Iowa

V.P. Shaw, H 49 Ind.
F. Dunning, C 1 Maine.

Aredale, E.A. Lockwood, D 77 NY
Waverly, W.W. West, B 45 Ill.
Root's Siding, C.W. Arkills, G 32 Wis.
Kesley, J Consadine, K 147 Iowa.
Mason City, Alba Miller, C 74 Ill.
Waterloo, Chas. Crabtree, H 44 Wis.
Hammond, La., A.A. Egnew, K 4 Ind.
Clyde, Ohio, N.B. Mason, A 72 Ohio.
Oxford, Wis, L.E. Chamberlain, F 44 Wis.

The assembling of veterans and their friends after dinner brought out a good crowd who followed the bands to J. Perrin Park, where the exercises were held. After music by the band came the invocation by Father Sheehy, music by the choir and the address of welcome by Col. A. Moss, which was responded to by Geo. Adair of Shell Rock. After more music Col. Moss introduced the orator of the day, Hon. O.B. Courtright of Waterloo, who made a short historic address that was highly appreciated and followed closely to the close. There was just a business meeting held after the speech and no campfire. It was unanimously decided to hold the reunion next year at Allison. R. Gonzales of Allison was elected Colonel; Geo. Adair of Shell Rock, Lieut. Col.; and L.J. Rogers of Allison, Major. Other staff officers, aides de camp, etc. will be chosen later, when the date of the next reunion will be announced. The members of the Post here can feel well satisfied with the way the reunion passed off, nothing occurring to mar the pleasures of the visitors and their untiring efforts seemed to be fully appreciated.

The Floyd Band, 18 men in full uniform, fancy green coats and white trousers, furnished plenty of good music for the reunion, in fact they made a decided hit. Prof. E.A. Sheldon, principal of the schools there, is the capable leader and instructor of this fine organization. They also furnish a good orchestra in connection with the band.

We must not forget to mention the drum corps in writing of the Soldiers' Reunion. It was composed of the following old soldiers: W.W. West, fife; Levi Sheets, bass drum, and Frank Warner and S.E. Conner, snare drums. They were feeling jubilant over the events of the day and gave us any amount of those good, lively old tunes.

[submitted Feb. 2004 by C.J.L., Great-grandniece of A[lexander] McNally (1847-1936) of Co. D, 17th Wis., above. Descendants of Myles McNally]

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