Iowa Old Press

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler co., Iowa
November 12, 1902

At the State Institutions
Des Moines, Nov. 6- The board of control is succeeding in feeding the officers and inmates of the state institutions at a cost of about 5 cents per meal. The dietary report for Independence hospital for the month of October was received yesterday. The report on the officer's kitchen shows the average cost per person per day was 15 9-10 cents and the average cost per person per meal was 5 3-10 cents. The report on the five kitchens from which the inmates are fed shows the average cost per person per meal was 4 9 10 cents. The same quality of supplies used for both officers and inmates, and the bill of fare indicates that both patients and officers are well fed.

The report on the hospital for inebriates at Mt. Pleasant for the month shows 98 inmates at the institution. At the end of September there were 85 inmates. Five were paroled in the month of October, four by the governor and one by order of the district court. A startling feature of the report is the number of escapes. In the month of October ten escaped from the Mt. Pleasant institution.

At Cherokee department for inebriates there are 29 dipsomaniacs under treatment. There were 581 insane patients at the end of October, according to Superintendent Voldeng's report.

At Mitchelville at the end of October there were 200 inmates, as shown by Superintendent Fitzgerald's report. At Glenwood the number of inmates October 31 was 972. At Clarinda hospital October 31 there were 889 inmates and at Eldora 511.

[submitted by C.J.L., Oct. 2003]

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