Iowa Old Press

The Newell Mirror
Newell, Buena Vista co., Iowa
October 21, 1904

Foul Murder is Done in a Drunken Row—Charles Middaugh Killed by Finn Whitnah at Clarinda—Jugular Vein Completely Severed.

Sunday morning at 1 o’clock Charles Middaugh, a young farmer living near Clarinda, was killed by Finn Whitnah, a young man coming from a prominent family of Clarinda. The trouble started on the public square, but they were separated by companions and persuaded to go outside the city limits to settle the difficulty.

They left at once in a carriage, their companions with them, and it is claimed that while the two men were being searched for concealed weapons, Middaugh, who was the first searched, struck at Whitnah. After both had exchanged about five blows, Middaugh staggered back and throwing up his hands said he was killed and fell, and before a doctor could reach him he was dead.

Whitnah had not been searched, and fighting with a small pen knife, stabbed Middaugh five times, the last time completely severing the jugular vein, causing instant death.

All were more or less under the influence of liquor.

Middaugh’s father is one of Page County’s wealthiest farmers. He leaves a wife and two children. He was six feet one-half inches tall. Whitnah is single and measures five foot, three inches. He is in jail.

CRESTON MISHAPS - School Girl’s Leg Torn Off—Other Accidents
A Creston special says: Sixteen year old Maud Enochs had her left leg literally torn off below the knee in a run-away while she was coming to school from the country. The dismembered leg was found two rods from where the girl was released. She tied up the wound with her belt.

While four boys were wrestling with a gun the weapon was discharged and the contents emptied into the left lung of Gus Fischer, aged 16. He will probably die.

Milliard Lines narrowly escaped death by a rifle being discharged while he was pulling it out of a buggy. His right hand was lacerated and his clothes torn and set on fire.

While driving home from Creston with a load of coal, James Warrick, a farmer residing south of Creston, met with an accident by having his team run away. The team became frightened at an automobile, and ran the wagon into a ditch, throwing Mr. Warrick out and badly bruising him. Parties following on the road a few minutes after the accident, assisted Mr. Warrick home, and he is recovering from the effects of his fall nicely.

Joe Wray, a laborer at Creston, had two ribs on his left side broken while engaged in loading stock at the stock yards. His injuries will confine him to his room for some time. It is not thought any serious results will follow.

[transcribed by L.Z., June 2017]

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