Iowa Old Press

The Newell Mirror
Newell, Buena Vista co. Iowa
August 17, 1900

Little Cora Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.P. Olson, died of pneumonia at the home of her parents Monday evening, August 13, 1900, aged three years and four months. The little one, although a very bright child, has been sadly afflicted since her birth, her limbs being in such a condition that she could not control them so as to walk. About ten days ago she was taken with pneumonia, which ended her short life. Funeral services wee held at the home on Harrison street at three o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Rev. P. Kjolhede officiating. A number of relatives and friends followed the little one to her last earthly resting place in Newell cemetery. The many friends of the bereaved parents extend their heartfelt sympathy to them in their loss.

Howard W. Stocker and Miss Myrtte PUrdum were married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. E. Purdum, at Fort Dodge, Iowa, Tuesday evening, August 14, 1900. They will be at home at Fort Dodge at 217 12the St., N., after September 1st.

The bride is a refined, accomplished and attractive young lady, and is well and favorably known to many of our citizens, as she visited in Newell several weeks last winter at the home of her sister, Mrs. E.W. Geyer.

The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Stocker. He has spent nearly all his life in Newell, where he has won a large number of friends. He is an excellent barber, a young man of good character and ability, and commences the battle of life with his bride under favorable conditions.

Mr. and Mrs. Stocker arrived Wednesday afternoon for a few days' visit at the home of the groom's parent, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Stocker, and also at the home of his brother, Carle, and wife.

Events of the Week......

W.C. Hanneman was on the sick list the first of the week.

Mrs. J.L. Mankey was quite sick a few days the latter part of last week.

H.A. Cushman was at Sulphur Springs on business Wednesday.

C.W. Decker, from near Sac city, was in town last Friday with a load of apples.

I.W. Bane was called to Sioux City Sunday evening on important legal business.

Chris. Jeppeson has recently erected a neat barn on his residence property in the south part of town.

Henry Harvey of Storm Lake, was in town Saturday of last week, shaking hands with his many friends.

Hans Christensen, of the firm of Jensen & Christensen, was quite sick last week with a severe case of tonsilitis.

Chris. Peterson and wife, of Marathon, drove down Tuesday to attend the funeral of his little niece, Cora Olson.

Mrs. J.F. Cheney left Wednesday for a few days' visit with her daughter, Mrs. S.P. McMakin, at Storm Lake.

Mrs. Alf. Doxsee drove over from Marathon Saturday and spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. E.P. Layman, and family.

A baby girl of standard weight came to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Grau, of Coon township, Saturday, Aug. 11, 1900.

J.T. Inman and family, accompanied by Will Cunningham, spent Sunday with E.H. Cunningham and family at their pleasant home in Coon township.

Miss Jennie Eaton of Fonda, arrived in town Monday on a visit with Mrs. Jane Cheney and with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Cheney, and family, at their home south of town.

M.L. Fredenberg has been engaged to operate the Huxtable & Lewis dray. James Heath resigned. We are not informed as to what Mr. Heath will embark in.

Mrs. E.W. Stetson has a full sized snow ball in full bloom. The snow balls are ususally all gone by the first of June and one in full bloom the middle of August is something unusual.

J.C. Blair left Monday for Council Bluffs and Omaha. He expects to meet his wife and daughters who have been visiting with Mrs. Blair's sister, Mrs. O.E. Hazard and family of Hebron, Neb., at Council Bluffs.

J.H. LaGrange of Storm Lake, was in town Tuesday evening to take work in Rabbi Chapter.

S.D. Driver, of Newell, Priest of Rabbi Chapter No. 107, now in progress of being moved to Storm Lake, accompanied by Messrs. W.H. Menter, E.W. Stetson and Owen Sinclair, were here Wednesday evening conferring the Royal Arch Degree of Masonry on Messrs. James DeLand, O.O. Harlan and V.A. Bryant.

Knudt Bodholdt's wind mill was struck by lightning and completely wrecked during the storm Tuesday night.

There will be a lawn social at the residence of F.A. Powell, Tuesday evening, Aug. 21, by the Y.P.S.C.E. Society. A prize will be given to the one bringing the most old rubber. Ice cream and cake will be served.

The M.E. sociable for the benefit of the M.E. church in Douglas township, held at the home of A.T. Porter, Friday evening, was a success, both socially and financially.

Pat. Meighen and wife have a new twelve pound boy, born Sunday, Aug. 5th.

Mrs. A. Winter was taken very sick Friday of last week with typhoid fever. She is at present rooming at the home of F.M. Dodge. This family has been sadly afflicted nearly all winter and is still in very bad shape. We do not know just what condition they are in for help to care for Mrs. Winter, but we would suggest that some of our lady readers form themselves into a committee and assist in caring for this worthy family.

Rev. G.E. Stump and family arrived in town Saturday for a week's visit with Mrs. Stump's father, W.H. Stott. Mr. Stump and family have been the past month at his old home in Ohio.

N.F. Stillman informs us that he has sod his large farm on the Coon to a Mr. Loomis of Dubuque county. Since selling his farm Mr. Stillman has been looking over a number of farms with a view of purchasing.

Misses Allie Watermand and Myrtle Conley, of Newell, were in town Wednesday.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2014]

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