Iowa Old Press

Citizen Herald
Jesup, Buchanan co. Iowa
March ?, 1905

Valentine Heinen, who so mysteriously disappeared from his home Gilbertville a week ago Monday night, has not at this writing, been found. Mr. Heinen, who had been up town, started home quite late in the evening, which is located near the Cedar River, and for some reason not known, he failed to reach. His wife, becoming alarmed by his long absence, aroused the neighbors and a search for the missing man was instituted. It will be remembered that the night was very dark and raining and Mr. Heinen's eyesight is poor. It is the supposition that he wandered too close to the river bank and fell over the high embankment, in the vicinity of his home, as foot prints were found on the river's edge, as was also his watch, and the small bushes were broken which he evidentally grabbed in his effort to save himself, and the belief was at once established he had met death in the waters of the Cedar. Arrangements were hastily made to secure the body, and the searching party commenced work at early morn to drag the river, the ice having been dynamited, so that the work could be more thoroughly prosecuted, but without results. On Monday, Mr. L. Pint, living east of Jesup, who is a nephew of the missing man, was in the Herald office, stopping here on his way home from Gilbertville, and in an interview, he stated that it was his belief, as well as many others familiar with the case, that his uncle did not meet his death by drowning, but that he crossed the river on the ice in safety, and is wandering through the country in a demented condition. Mr. Heinen is a man of 66 years old, about 5 feet tall, and speaks both the German and English language. A liberal reward is offered for his return home at Gilbertville, or for any information concerning his whereabouts.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Independence Conservative
Independence, Buchanan co. Iowa
March 15, 1905

Local exchanges last week announced that Valentine Heinen had been missing from his home at Gilbertville since the 6th of this month. It was first believed that he had drowned, as his watch was found on the river bank near his home. In tracing his footsteps, however, it was afterward believed that he had wandered away. His mind having been slightly affected at different times, relatives are of the opinion that he is wandering about possibly in a demented state. He is the brother of Mrs. Jacob Pint, and any information as to his wherabouts will be greatly received by his relatives.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]

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