Iowa Old Press

The National Advocate
Independence, Buchanan co. and Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
Thursday, June 12, 1884

[Note: The National Advocate was published simultaneously at Postville & Independence. It contained national and Iowa news. The 'local items' were different.]

-Fort Dodge will make an effort to raise $20,000 to secure a paper mill.
-The Catholics of Mashaltown are getting ready to build a $15,000 church.
-The postoffice at Ottana was burglarized by professionals, but they got little for their pains.
-The enrollment of convicts at the Fort Madison penitentiary is 400, increase of 25 over the same time last year.
-The Cedar Rapids pork house has cut up nearly 25,000 more hogs this season than it did during the same time last year.
-The Elkader Register says that a movement is on foot to secure a branch of the B.C.R. & N.R.R. from Elgin to that place.
-The Prairie Farmer says: Messrs. Williams & Flynn, near Helen Station, Iowa county, will plant 600 acres of sorghum this spring, just half of their farm.
-Rev. J. Bowman, of Cedar Falls, father of T.L. Bowman, of LeMars, has been granted a back pension amounting to $2,748.57, and will draw $15 per month hereafter.
-Alonzo Abernethy, ofrmerly state superintendent of schools, has just been elected dean of the Des Moines university, and will take the chair at the opening of the fall term.
-Senator J.K. Graves paid $30 for a ticket to the Chicago convention. Several of the Dubuquers who arrived home yesterday morning tell comical stories on one another about sleeping in bureau drawers, and on billiard tables, etc.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2005]

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