Iowa Old Press

Sumner Gazette
Sumner, Bremer co. Iowa
January 7, 1926

Marvin Schluter, son of Rev. H.C. Schluter, Evangelical pastor here, passed away on December 29th, at a hospital in St. Paul, Minn., aged 24 years, eleven months and one day.

Two of the actors, playing prominent parts in the production, "Enemies of Youth" which was shown at the Cass opera house Christmas day, were recognized by many Sumner people as Bobby St. Clair and Jack Milton, formerly of the Hazel M. Cass players.

Miss Sarah Madden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Madden, and Will Hagedorn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hagedorn, were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon, January 6, at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. W.W. Vine of Sumner performing the ceremony.

Stella Spears, whose ability as a music teacher was well known through-out Bremer county, died December 30, at her home in Mnneapolis, where she had resided for the last 18 years. Previous to then she had made her home in and around Westgate.

Charles Day arrived here Thursday night, Dec. 24, after spending the past six weeks in Rochester, Minn., undergoing treatment at the Koehler hospital. It was one mighty fine Christmas present for Mr. Day's folks and his friends to know that his condition was improved sufficiently to enable him to return home.

Clarence Livingston, who had been a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Livingston since Dec. 25, returned yesterday to his home in Edgerely, N.D. On the occasion of this visit the three boys of the family visited together for the first time in ten years.

Miss Blanche Munger, who is employed in Chicago, came last Wednesday evening to spend the holidays in Sumner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Munger.

Frank Longfellow of St. Paul, was a guest Sunday of his brother, Sam and wife and Mrs. Ferd Reimler. Mrs. Reimler has been quite ill the past week but her many friends are encouraged to note that she is improving rapidly. She expects to accompany Mr. and Mrs. Longfellow on their trip to California which they have planned in the near future.

Miss Ruth Miller was 12 years old Jan. 2, and in honor of the event her mother, Mrs. Aaron Miller, entertained the members of the Blue Bird club, of which organization her daughter is a member.

Mrs. Lou Regali of Washington, D.C., came recently for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. R.E. Tibbits and Mrs. M.E. Wall and her mother, Mrs. Mary Baumgartner.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2009]

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