Iowa Old Press

Sumner Gazette
Sumner, Bremer co. Iowa
Thursday morning, November 1, 1923

-Consolidated with the Sumner Herald and Westgate Herald, May 1917-

News on Route Three
by W.M. Farnum

F.H. Fedeler delivered hogs in Sumner the past week.

Mrs. J.P. Wells spent Thursday at the H.F. Bergmann home.

Alvin Hucke spent Wednesday night with his friend, Orville Sweet.

A.E. Treloar shipped a carload of fat cattle to Chicago Tuesday.

Miss Phyllis Hucke is spending this week at the Will Schutte home near Westgate.

Vaughn Fortney of Alpha has been delivering baled hay in Sumner the past few days.

H.F. Bergmann and family returned home Monday from Madison, Wis., and report a fine time.

The new merchant at Richfield store is doing a nice business and is gradually increasing it. A.J. Rueber is the proprietor.

After a few weeks visit with relatives and attending her daughter's wedding to Donald Gundacker at Hawkeye last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Korupp returned to their home in S. Dak., Monday, stopping at St. Paul to visit her father, F. Pleggenkuhle.

August Pleggenkuhle who has been in a critical condition the past two months and with little hopes of recovery, returned home Monday and his again on his old stamping ground and his many friends are glad to see him. He wishes to thank his friends and neighbors for the kindness and assistance they offered in looking after the business and feeding the carpenters and workmen so that there has been no delay in completing his new home.

News from Banks and Fremont
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sorge has been having the measles.

Mrs. Marc Fridley and children spent Sunday at the Fred Nothohm home.

Mr. Will Swartz has been quite ill the past week with a siege of the mumps.

Mrs. E. Annhauser of Racine, Wis., came last week for a visit with her cousin, Monica Potratz and with other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhea of Grundy Center, came Saturday for an over Sunday visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duhrkopf.

Miss Maria Schwab, who came from Germany recently, is employed at the P.J. Messerer home. Her brother, John Schwab, was an over Sunday visitor at the Messerer home. He is employed at the Wescott & Winks produce plant.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2016]

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