Old Press
Sumner Gazette
Sumner, Bremer co. Iowa
January 5, 1911
W.E. Marsh attended the big show of the Western Fancy poultry
association at Cedar Rapids last week, and took along three
entries from his famous flock of rose comb Rhode Island Reds.
"Red Cedar" and the cockeral each won first place, and
the pullet got fifth, making a prize for each bird taken.
Fred Tibbitts has been sick the past week, having all the
symptoms of typhoid fever.
D.R. Littell returned from Waverly Friday evening, after some
work on the board of supervisors. Dave's term as one of the
county fathers has come to a close and he can point to a doubly
good record.
John Ladwig has bought George Garland's residence, the house
formerly owned by James O'Connor.
Miss Lenora Koerth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Koerth of
this city, who is employed as stenographer at Rock Rapids,
underwent an operation for appendicitis at that place Dec. 27.
Miss Koerth's condition was reported very bad at the time of the
operation, but the Gazette was pleased to learn
yesterday that her condition was more favorable.
[transcribed by S.F., July 2009]