Iowa Old Press

Boone County Republican
Boone, Boone co. Iowa
Wednesday, March 22, 1876

Our Local News

L.D. Cook visited the Capital City last week.

The wife of Wm. Kelly, of Mineral Ridge, died on last Monday morning.

Messrs. Clark & Zediker, the painters, have also opened a shop in Jefferson.

Hank Miller raked in "a little thirty dollars" the night of the St. Patrick's Ball.

The affairs of J.A. Burtus will be thrown into Bankruptcy Court for final settlement.

Last Monday evening Mr. Charles McPherson was chosen president of the school board.

Mr. John Phillips in the Second Ward, is making some improvements upon his residence.

S.T. Stanfield has opened a repair shop inconnection with Mr. Sayre's Singer sewing machine office.

Alex Lobeck, one of the farmers of Grant township, will hold a public sale on Wednesday, March 29th.

J.E. Ingersoll is hauling lumber from Ogden to build a house on his farm a few miles north of that place.

Irvin Gore is getting his new drug store rooms in Sherman's bank ready for the reception of his new stock of goods.

A.J. Dyer has fully recuperated his health and finds that the out-door exercise given in the duties of deputy sheriff has been highly beneficial to him.

The father of the late Mr. S.S. Foster, whose funeral took place here last Monday, is stopping for a few days with Capt. Hughes and lady.

Mr. John H. Berry, who has been suffering from illness for a number of weeks past, is, we are glad to know, recovering and is now able to be on the streets again.

Mr. A.J. Fisk, formerly assistant principal in the Boonsboro High School and lately a teacher at Swede Point, will commence the study of law with D.R. Hindman of this city.

Elsie Chandler, youngest daughter of G.W. and Elizabeth Chandler, of Moingona, died on the 15th ult., of congestion of the lungs. She was two years and seven months old.

Jacob Black has left Boone county and removed to Greene, near Scranton. He is going to enter upon extensive farming operations out there this spring on the farm of Clark Henshaw.

Now if you want to ride in the busses between the towns you must buy a ticket or pay a quarter. Miller says that he proposes to stick to the rule. Tickets good for ten rides are sold for $1.00.

Henry Stepp continues to improve surely and steadily. He now sits up a large portion of the time, and with good luck he will be able to be out as soon as the mild spring weather comes.

Rev. Father Mackey has been quite unwell for sometime past, but is now recovering.

J.F. Brett informs us that his son, James E. Brett, now of Springfield, Walworth county, Wis., has been recovering considerably from his recent illness. His wife, who has been affected for some years with spinal affection is gaining in strength.

There was quite a contest down at Moingona, over the office of town marshal, there being fifteen or sixteen applicants for the position. The war was waged hot and heavy and the successful man was P.H. Kennedy. John Paton was his principal opponent.

L.A. Caswell, of Moingona, whose mill exploded sometime since, has purchased another boiler and mill machiner, second-hand material, of Mr. Weir of this city, and will remove it to the present site of the old mill. Mr. C. is a man not to be discouraged by a little explosion.

Mr. H. Southworth, of Fond du Lac, Wis., is here visiting his brother, J.J. Southworth, of this city. He will remain several weeks and possibly may conclude to make Boone his future home. He has been engaged in teaching for some time past. He is a gentleman of education and culture, such as we would be pleased to have abide with us.

Mr. Chas. A. McCune returned home last week from a two months' absence in the East. He visited New York and the other large cities, and returning spent some time at the old home at Tipton, this State. He escaped the snare of the feminine fowler who is spreading her leap year net for such as he, and returns ostensibly as "fancy free" as when he went out from among us.

L.S. Kutzleb and J.A. McFarland, being on Mr. Ira Little's bond as steward of the poor farm, have been out this week looking after their interest and seeing that the matters at the farm are attended to. There are numbers of cattle there and other stock which they have been looking after. Up to the latest accounts nothing whatever has been heard from mr. Little, since his mysterious disappearance.

Mr. L.W. Reynolds, of this city, is making preparations to enclose the balance of his extensive tract of land on the west side of the river with Hill & Jayne's patent barb fence, this spring. He will also build a comfortable and commodious dwelling house upon the place, making it ready for a tenant. When these improvements are completed the farm will be one of the best prairie farms in the county.

Mr. Ed. Scott, son of our townsman S.S. Scott, is at home on a visit to the old folks. He has been at work at Ottumwa for the past couple of years or so.

The Boone Cornet Band, under the very able direction of F.M. Havens, have become professional musicians. They deserve and should receive the encouragement of all good citizens. A town or city without a good band would indeed be a dull locality, especially in this the Centennial year. Our people may expect to hear some fine music from the boys during the coming season. They have as fine a set of instruments as can be found anywhere, and will wake the echoes.

Mr. V. Tomlinson, of our city,was among the bidders for the contract for building the Story county court house. It having been stated that his bid was even lower than Mr. Randall's, who was the lucky man, it is but just to say that Mr. Tomlinson's bid was higher than Randall's. The bid of the former was $39,700, while that of the latter was $38,437. Schoonover and Tyson, of Boone, were also bidders for the contract. Forty thousand dollars was the amount voted by the people of Story county for the building of a court house, and there being some little additions necessary outside of the building proper, it was the aim to let the contract as much below the full amount as possible so that some funds would be left.

Mr. Henry Hile, our oldest grocery man, has something nice and new in his store. It is called a tea tester and is appropriately named the Martha Washington. It consists of a reservoir for water, which is made boiling hot in a moment by means of two kerosene burners beneath it. Anyone wishing to test any of Mr. Hile's teas can put as much as they desire in a tea cup; the lamps are turned up and the tea is ready to drink in short order. It is a neat and ingenious arrangement, and one which lovers of good tea will be sure to appreciate. Go and see it.

Mr. J. Short informs us that his new mill at Vail is finished and in complete working order. Mr. S.'s son-in-law, both practical millers, will have charge of the mill.

John Browne's new office in Ogden will be over Schleiter Brothers' store, and Jack thinks that when it is finished it will be one of the best arranged offices in the county. He also expects to have his new residence ready by the 1st of July. This will be situated between the old Bloomburg residence and that of Mr. Nelson, now being built in the northwest part of town.

Man Lost
Considerable uneasiness has been manifested of late as to the whereabouts of Mr. Ira Little, steward of the poor farm. The last that was seen of him was on the 29th of December. He had gone to Marcy township to look after some poor with a view of taking them to the poor house. Failing to obtain them he came back to the old town and stayed over night at the Occidental, and the next day he disappeared. It is said that Mr. L. is subject to "spells" caused by a spinal affection and has at times before wandered away in a partially deranged condition, at one time going as far as New Orleans. Mr. L. is a rather small man, about five feet six inches, and about 50 years old. He does not have the appearance of enjoying good health, and in talking exhibits a hesitancy or impediment in his speech.

Official Seal
In the early days when Boone county was just organized, S.B. McCall we believe was County Judge. He had no official seal, and while waiting for one from the East, the Board of Supervisors, in session assembled, ordered that he be authorized to use the eagle side of an American half dollar for a seal. But on canvassing the Board, and the county officers in Boonsboro, it was found that none of them was the possessor of a sample of that kind of coin. One was subsequently found, however, and an amount sufficient to purchase it was duly appropriated by the Board. Some of the old papers in the county archives, we believe, bear the impress of this fist county seal. What became of the hald dollar of course no one knows. It should have been kept as a relic.

Catholic Church
Rev. Father Mackey has shown us the foundation plan of the new Catholic church to be built in this city. The foundation of the church will be rock. Father Mackey is now ready to receive bids, the work to be given to the lowest bidder. Father Mackey however reserves the right to reject any or all bids if necessary. The work of excavation will begin next week and building carried forward as fast as the weather will permit. The church will be 48X8X80-8. Mr. William Foster of Des Moines is the architect.

Married - At Hull, Iowa, on Sunday, March 19th, 1976, by I.D. Linerode, justice of the peace, Mr. Henry L. Hull to Miss Eva Oateny, of Douglass township, Boone county, Iowa.

Married - At the parsonage in Boonsboro, Iowa, March 14th, 1876, Mr. Charles H. White, of Xenia, Iowa, and Miss Mary H. Cady, of Des Moines, Iowa. W.T. Smith, minister.

Peoples Township Items
-Cass went ahead of us with their leap year wedding on the 29th. Mr. A. Benard and Miss Lydia Vernon were the happy couple.
-Jesse Vernon returned some time ago from the Keystone State, and looks as happy as can be. He reports that the round trip did not cost him seventy dollars, and in consequence some of our acquaintances think they can afford to visit the Centenial, among the number the Hon. Levi Colvin.
-There has been a series of meetings at Peoples school house, conducted by Rev. Bonta. We are to have a new school house in district No. 4, of course congratulations are now in order.
-We learn that the eastern side of the township has been amused and instructed by a show after the panorama, conducted by M.M. Reeder, a gentleman entirely blind.

Douglas Township Items
-Aunt Kizzy says she "noze the backbone of winter is broke, fur they air drapin' it down a jint at a time."
-Davy Jones' mill had something the matter with it last week, and had to be sent to town for repairs. It is running again.
-Jack Cromwell has sold his farm in the timber, and bought a small farm out near the Story county line. He will move out to it as soon as the roads are passable.
-We are informed that a company is being formed at Swede Point to go to the Black Hills this spring.

From Douglass
-Dr. Gwynn is having a good practice - all he can do. He is very successful.
-Dr. Satterlee has left permanently we understand. However we have a new one, a Dr. Sabin. From whence he hails we can not say.
-Hudson Aldrich leaves for Kansas soon.

Notice in Probate - at the Court House in Boone county, Iowa, on the 15th day of April, A.D. 1876, at ten o'clock A.M., an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Samuel Cunningham, late of Boone county, Iowa, deceased, will be admitted to probate. Phil. Livingston, Clerk

Notice in Probate - at the Court House in Boone county, Iowa, on the 15th day of April, A.D. 1876, at ten o'clock A.M., an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of William Colwell, late of Boone county, Iowa, deceased, will be admitted to probate. Phil. Livingston, Clerk

Notice in Probate - at the Court House in Boone county, Iowa, on the 15th day of April, A.D. 1876, at ten o'clock A.M., an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Thomas Russell, late of Boone county, Iowa, deceased, will be admitted to probate. Phil. Livingston, Clerk

State Items
-A Massachusetts colony of seventy families is about to locate in Cerro Gordo county.
-Recently married, in Iowa township, Johnson county, were Mr. Griswold, aged 92, and Mrs. Chapin, aged 84.
-August Arpe, a farmer of Allen's Grove, Scott county, was killed by lightning in his field last Friday. A small hole, in the neck, was the only mark found on him.
-Frank Weihl, a German butcher, was found dead in his bed at Dubuque Monday. He was a man of intemperate habits, a slave to strong drink, which ended his earthly career in the 40th year of his age, leaving a wife and family.

[transcribed by S.F., June 2014]

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