Iowa Old Press

Boone County Republican
Boonsboro, Boone co. Iowa
Thursday, March 20, 1873

The Change
Our readers will perceive that a change in the name of this paper has been brought about. this as we stated last week, has been contemplated some time, and was made simply on the grounds of taste, and while taste may not be exhibited in the selection of the new, yet, certainly some showing in that direction is made in dropping the old. Yet we feel kindly towards the old Advocate, and would not desire to bury it out of sight without a word of praise or kindly remembrance. So we number it with the things that were and wrap about it the winding sheet, we are not wholly without feelings of regret. It has been a regular visitor to many families, and many have scanned its pages with eager interest. These too may have regrets, and feel that they would prefer the old to the new. We hope, however, that our readers will accustom themselves to the new order of things. We do not wish to give the impression that the new name is indicitive of any other change save that of name itself. The policy heretofore pursued shall be the policy of the future, and, as heretofore, we shall strive to make every improvement within our power. It shall be our earnest effort to raise the Republican to the foremost rank among the journals of the State.

Our Local News
-Col. Lowrie is here from Keokuk, and will remain during the present term of the Circuit Court.
-Those new goods that our merchant tailor, J.P. Nelson has been expecting have come.
-H.K. Miller, the busman, says he had so many passengers Saturday and Monday that he himself was compelled to walk.
-Mr. S. Joseph, of the firm of Bachman & Joseph, that live clothing firm of Boone, will go east soon to lay in a new Spring stock of goods.
-The smiling countenance of D.W. Bushnell, our former townsman, has again appeared on our streets, from which said countenance we read that business in Council Bluffs is prosperous, and that virtue is its own reward.
-Hon. Jackson Orr arrived at home last Friday. The wear and tear of public life in Washington does not seem to have impaired his health in the least. We understand that he will soon join his wife in Oregon where she has been spending the winter with friends.
-Mr. Rice will open his new drug store to the inspection of the public next Saturday. His taste in the selection of stock, and the general arrangement of the store will be appreciated.
-Mr. G.B. Dunne, the gas man will soon begin to excavate for the gas works for the city of Boone. the proposed improvements will give employment to a large number of hands for several months.
-The best articles kept in the market always to be found at Zimbleman's grocery.

School Boards Chosen
The school board of the Independent District of Boone for the ensueing year is as follows:
Dr. W.F. Clark, president
A.K. Welles, treasurer
S.S. Webb, L.J. Goodykoontz, O.T. Marshall, H.M. Case, J.H. Partello and V. Tomlinson, directors.
The secretary of the board has not yet been chosen.

The school board of the Independent District of Boonsboro for the coming year is as follows:
G.W. Crooks, president
Geo. Stewart, treasurer
Jake Johnson, secretary
T.N. Canfield, I.B. Hedges, R.K. Klugley, board of Directors

Mr. A.K. Welles has been city treasurer of Boone ever since 1866. He has also held the office of Treasurer of the Independent School District of Boone ever since its organization, being elected to both offices from year to year almost without opposition. This is pretty good index of the public estimation of his character as a business man and good citizen. Long may he prosper.

Advertisement: Henry K. Miller's Buss runs between Boone and Boonsboro every hour of the day.

Rev. R. Trewaitha, of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, in this city, has resigned his pastorate and will probably go east soon. During his residence among us, Mr. Trewaitha has made many strong friends who will regret the severing of his relations with the church in Anamosa and who will wish him abundant prosperity wherever his destiny may lead him. - Anamosa Eureka.
The many friends of Mr. Trewaitha in this vicinity, who doubtless join with his Anamosa friends in the sentiments above espressed. We wish him the most abundant success in his new field of labors.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2013]

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