Old Press
Boone County Republican
Boonsboro, Boone co. Iowa
Thursday, April 10, 1873
A new correspondent, Cultivator from Squaw Creek coal
mines, sends us a few lines of interest this week. We hope friend
"Cultivator" or some one else, will post us from time
to time, as to the doings and prospects in his locality.
Having an office in each town, we have a great advantage over
either of the other papers in getting local news. It is our
object to give news from all parts of the county. This is what
county papers are for.
Leg Broken
Last Friday, while playing with base ball, near the Second Ward
school house in Boone, a little lad, about fourteen years of age,
the son of Mr. John Phillips, had his leg broken in a rather
singular manner. It seemed he was standing with one foot resting
upon one of the bases. Another boy, in his haste to reach the
same place, sprang with his whole weight against Phillips' boy,
breaking his leg between the knee and ankle. Dr. Huntington was
promptly called, and set the broken limb, and the sufferer is now
doing as well as could be expected. This misfortune falls with
peculiar heaviness upon Mr. Phillips, who is a hard-working poor
man, with a large family to support. Boys should be a little more
careful in their sports, as by one heedless act they are liable
to do an injury to their play-fellows which they can never
The Mason Brothers, late of Moingona, now occupy Burgess' corner
store, in Boone, where they have for sale a large stock of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, Groceries,
Crockery, Glassware, etc. They are wide awake businessmen. Call
and see them.
From Squaw Creek
Eds. Republican - I noticed a short item in your paper,
not long since, concerning the coal mines here, in which you said
you would like to have a correspondent from this part of the
county, and so I thought I would try and write a few items about
the coal mines on this creek.
Coal was first discovered here in the winter of 1870-71 by Mr.
Zenor, on his land near where the Hutchingson Bros'. mine now is,
and, knowing nothing about working it, he leased it to Mr. J.
York, who sold out the next fall to the Paskin Bros., and they
sold in the spring following to the Hutchinson Bros., who began
for the first time to take out coal in paying quantities. Now
there are three coal mines in the hollow formed by a branch of
Squaw creek. All three mines, last winter, took out an average of
about 75 tons per day, which is doing very well considering the
capital invested. -Cultivator
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that on the
28th day of March A.D. 1873, the undersigned was appointed by the
Circuit Court of Boone Co., Iowa, executor of the estate of Fanny
C. Wood, deceased, late of said county.
M.K. Ramsy, Executor
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that on the 1st
day of April A.D. 1873, the undersigned was appointed by the
County Court of Boone county, Iowa, executor of the estate of
Aaron Spickletaire, deceased, late of said county.
Geo. W. Crooks, Executor.
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that on the 1st
day of April A.D. 1873, the undersigned was appointed by the
Circuit Court of Boone county, Iowa, administrator of the estate
of Thomas I. Benedict, deceased, late of said county.
John A. McFarland, Administrator
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that on the
28th day of March A.D. 1873, the undersigned was appointed by the
Circuit Court of Boone county, Iowa, administrator of the estate
of Henry Hoffman, deceased, late of said county.
John McCarthy, Administrator
-Dr. D.S. Diffenbacher, Dentist. Rubber used for Dental Plates.
Country produce taken in exchange for work. Boone, Iowa
-A.J. Sebring, Confectionery, Queensware, Crockery, Notions. Next
door east of McFarland's Bank.
-Wm. Berryhill. Boots and Shoes. Burned Out! But Still Alive! He
informs his old customers that he has now located his store one
door north of Guild & Hodges' Block. Boonsboro.
[transcribed by S.F., July 2013]