Iowa Old Press

Progress Review
LaPorte City, Black Hawk co. Iowa
June 5, 1930

Sixtieth Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Witt Sr. celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary on Tuesday. Relatives and friends called on them during the day and refreshments were served but no demonstration was made as both Mr. and Mrs. Witt are frail. However Mr. Witt has improved considerably since their return here from their winter home in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. Witt were both born in Germany and he is now 86 years old and she is 81. They lived in the same little village and attended the same school. He came to the United States in January, 1867, and she came in May, 1870. The following June they were married at Sabula, Ia., and lived in that community for ten years. Fifty years ago they moved to a farm south of town in Bruce township, Benton county, and made their home for twenty-five years. Then they retired from the farm and moved to their present home on Locust street in La Porte City, where they have resided for twenty-five years.

Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Witt, three of whom are living. Two daughters, Mrs. August Hilmer and Mrs. J.B. Kerstetter, have their homes here and one son, peter, lives in Minot, N.D.

For the past fifteen years Mr. and Mrs. Witt have gone with Mr. and Mrs. Kerstetter to Daytona Beach, Florida, for the winter, thus escaping the extreme cold of the northern climate. Each year they are very anxious to get started south but toward spring are just as anxious to return to their home here.

The numerous friends of this worthy couple will offer congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Witt and wish for them many more years of happiness, and the privilege of celebrating other anniversaries.

Effort To Get Complete List of Deceased Veterans
An effort is being made to get a complete list of deceased local veterans of the several wars in which this country has participated. Heretofore a list of deceased Post members has been given but the predominating idea now is to show honor to all those who served their country. If any names are omitted from the list below a favor will be conferred by calling this office, giving the name and the burial place, so that next Decoration Day these may be included in the honor roll. The list so far as known at present is as follows:

-Civil War Veterans-
J.C. Adams
David Allison
Jacob Ballheim
Geo. W. Beal
F.S. Boynton
Walter H. Bell
Isaac Boomhower
Simon Bitterley
J.C. Burgess
Andrew Bishop
Benj. Brown
A.E. Burham
Thos. Bunton
Chas. Carr
Wm. Chapple
R.H. Clark
A.J. Colvin
Alva Colvin
A.J. Cowley
Noah Cotton
T.W. Cox
Clement Catois
David Cry
Cyrus Cotton
Wilbur Crowell
J. Milton Chase
Allen Cotton
Isaak Cotton
Clement Cooper
L.M. Chambers
Jas. F. Camp
J.B. Darling
G.W. Dickerson
E. Dolph
John T. Dowding
J.S. Eberhart
B.E. Eberhart
A.U. Evarts
F.M. Fritzsinger
Vincent Edsil
Henry Fry
Zacariah Fuller
David Faust
Peter Frisby
J.H. Gaskins
R.J. Gillespie
Geo. Grettenburg
John Gallager
Wm. G. Goodwin
J.R. Gay
John Goodfellow
Geo. Garrison
Martin Geyer
E. Goon
Geo. Gallarno
Chas. Herring
J.M. Hinkle
Peter Huffman
Henry Husman
N.H. Isenhower
Saul Harvey
Eugene Jarvis
Wm. Jones
Hiram White
A. Southerland
Abe Williams
David Harmon
Nate Kennedy
Elisha Kline
Henry Kahler
Jas. Kennicott
A.E. Kline
Daniel Lanning
C.A. Mitchell
D.M. Mitchell
J.E. Maxfield
John McCall
R.J. McQuilkin
John McQuilkin
J.L. Moore
T.B. Moore
Thos. P. Mitchell
D.S. Morgan
Michael O'Reardon
Wm. M. Osler
W.F. Pickerell
Henry Pearsall
Wm. Peverill
Saml. Piondell
R.J. Pray
S.A. Paige
S.V. Pelley
Peter Peterson
J.B. Roszell
T.L. Reed
Benj. Russell
Geo. W. Renle
N. Shannon
G.F. Sanford
Henry Stephens
Wm. Sargents
James H. Stull
S.W. Schaible
Stephen Singleton
Albert Scroggins
Wm. Smelser
Harvey Schubert
James Smith
W.W. Smith
Capt. G.W. Sells
Alonza Speer
Jeremiah Snyder
Peter Trost
James Tripp
John M. Tripp
F.M. Thompson
Chas. Thrall
Dr. Jesse Wasson
Jos. C. Wright
Wm. Wright
Mahlon Williams
A.J. Woodley
Henry Waldroff
Lester Webster
Lt. H.B. Webster
Edwin VanSchoick
Wm. White
Clayton Young

-Mexican War-
John Dubyshire

-Spanish American Veterans-
G.M. Hughes
Hans Johnson

-Mexican Border Veteran-
Elmer A. Paige

-World War Veterans-
Kenneth Bannister
Merlin Cummins
Emil Dutler
Allen Foss
Lester R. Griffith
Herman Huck
August Kruse
Henry P. Perigo
Reinhard Pump
Floyd Rundell
S.J. St. Clair
Jonathan Welch
--- Axtell

Norman H. Blanchaine New Lion Club President
At the close of the noon-day luncheon of the Lions Club Tuesday the annual election of officers took place and resulted as follows:
President, Norman H. Blanchaine
First Vice Pres., H.G. Esher
Second Vice Pres., W.F. Breecher
Third Vice Pres., C.L. Fish
Secretary, C.A. Brust
Treasurer, Jesse O. Kober
Lion Tamer, S.W. Foss
Tail Twister, L.C. Taylor
Directors for 2 years, Roy E. Ashley and Geo. Banger
The meeting which was well attended, was in charge of Lion W.W. Little.

Birthday Anniversary
A gathering of relatives and friends in the T.J. Lane home here, last Friday, celebrated the seventy-sixth birthday anniversary of Mr. Lane. Unfortunately Mr. Lane was taken sick that morning and was not able to enjoy the elaborate dinner that was provided and could not do much visiting. Mrs. Miller of Brandon brought a huge birthday cake over and it was served as a part of the dinner.

Notice of Proof of Will
In the District Court, May Term. 1930. State of Iowa, Black Hawk County, [illegible words]. To All Whom It May Concern. You are hereby notified that an instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of George W. Fritz, deceased, having been this day [illegible], opened and read, Monday, the 16th day of June, 1930, [illegible words]. J.W. Thompson, Clerk District Court

Notice of the Appointment of Administrator.
State of Iowa, Black Hawk County, ss No. 9390. Notice is Hereby Given, that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as Adminstrator of the estate of Ophelia Hummel deceased, late of Black Hawk County. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against the same will present them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for allowance, and file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court.
W.M. Blough, Administrator, La Porte City, Iowa

[transcribed by S.F., August 2006]

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