Iowa Old Press

The Evening Courier and Reporter
Waterloo, Black Hawk county, Iowa
January 8, 1923

McClenahan Gives Up Fight for Office; Lets Miss Francis In
Des Moines, Jan 8 - The war of superintendents ended today. P.E. McClenahan surrendered the office of superintendent of public instruction to Miss May Francis, elected in November, and who successfully disputed with McClenahan his right to hold the job until July 1. Following the ruling of the Polk county district court that the term expired Jan. 1, McClenahan decided not to appeal to the supreme court.

Find Yeggs' Tools and Nitro Under Culvert
Orange City, Ia., Jan 8 - Three guns, three bottles of nitroglycerine, burglar tools, dynamite caps and a length of fuse were found under a culvert southeast of Ireton, Ia., Sunday and identified as the equipment of the five men now held in the Orange county jail for the attempt to rob the Maurice State bank and the shooting of two officers and a doctor who surprised them.

Officers believe the man giving the name of Guy E. Brooks, is Dick Graves, Council Bluffs, Ia. They do not know the fifth man, who calls himself Frank Olsen, Chicago. When the men were stripped and searched, it was found that Olsen had been wounded in the chest, but not seriously.

Wolf Hide Robe Stolen
L.E. Glaza, 318 Williston avenue, was added to the list of auto thief victims Sunday evening when somebody purloined a valuable wolfhide robe from his car while it was parked on lower Jefferson street. The O.B. Beckwith police dogs followed a trail, but no arrests were made.

Eberle Shooting Hearing Postponed
Oskaloosa, Ia., Jan. 8 - The preliminary hearing of Mrs. Paul L. Eberle, charged with killing her husband in their automobile near here last Tuesday afternoon, scheduled for today, was postponed indefinitely because of the accused woman's physical condition.

Mrs. Eberle has been confined in a local hospital suffering from nervous collapse since the shooting. Physicians say she is recovering.

The special grand jury hearing the case is expected to make known its findings late today or tomorrow. Among the grand jury witnesses to be called today is State Agent W. B. Griffin, who is reported tohave unearthed considerable new evidence at Ottumwa.

Mrs. Eberle says she shot her husband in self defense.

One Killed on Railroad Crossing
Clinton, Ia. - Yengel Proth, 30, was instantly killed and his father-in-law, Henry Powe, 70, was perhaps fatally injured late this morning when their auto was struck by a Milwaukee passenger train at Dixon, Ia., and hurled from the right of way.

Sioux City Police Raid Still
Sioux City, Ia, Jan 8 - After tramping for several miles over hills and thru timber along the Big Sioux river, local police Sunday were rewarded by locating a 100-gallon still and several gallons of mash in a cave two miles north of Stone Park, about eight miles out of the city proper. A tip to one of the patrolmen led to the raid. The police smashed up the still, upset the mash and liquor and set fire to the timbers in the cave. No one was at the cave at the time of the raid.

Fort Dodge Hunter Killed
Fort Dodge, Ia., Jan 8 - Sam Broad, 43 years old, was instantly killed Sunday afternoon when accidentally shot thru the head by a companion while on a hunting trip. The accident happened when Broad suddenly stepped in front of his companion's gun as the latter fired at a rabbit. Broad's companion is not being held on the shooting. A coroner's inquest will take place tonight.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2017]

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