Iowa Old Press

Evening Courier & Reporter
Waterloo, Black Hawk co. Iowa
September 9, 1921


Jacob M. Meyer. The remains of Jacob M. Meyer, who died Saturday at Waverly, arrived at 9:50 a.m. today and are at the Kistner mortuary pending funeral arrangements. A widow and four daughters survive.

Glenn Baldwin. Funeral services for Glenn Baldwin, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Baldwin, 223 Edwards street, who died Saturday at Presbyterian hospital, were at O'Keefe & Towne's chapel at 2 p.m. today, with burial in Fairview.

Mrs. Carrie Stange. Body of Mrs. Carrie Stange, who died in Los Angeles, Cal., last Tuesday, will arrive here tonight in charge of relatives. It will be taken to Kistner's undertaking parlors. Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home of her brother, Ben T. Stapela, 1012 Western avenue, with Rev. Clyde J. Askins, pastor of First Baptist church, in charge. Burial will be in Fairview.

Mildred Lea Mills. After an illness of but one day, Mildred Lena Mills, age 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Mills, 911 Broadway, died Sunday at 5 a.m. of pneumonia. She was born Aug 25, 1914,and was a pupil of John Fiske school. The body will be taken to New Hampton, Ia., tomorrow monring, after a short service in the O'Keefe & Towne funeral home. Burial will be Wednesday, following services in St. Joseph's church at New Hampton.

M.G. Egloff. The remains of M.G. Egloff, who died suddenly in South Dakota last Friday morning, will arrive in Waterloo at 4:45 p.m. today on the Rock Island. Accompanying the body are his son, Joseph Egloff, Grand Rapids, Mich., and his only brother, Dr. W.J. Egloff, Mason City, Ia. Funeral services will be tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the Egloff residence, 722 Fourth street west, with Rev. Titus Lowe, pastor of the First Methodist church, Omaha, a son-in-law of Mr. Egloff, in charge. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery, Cedar Falls.

Elias Willier. Elias Willier, age 84, resident of this city for nearly a half century, died at his home, 1109 Hawthorne avenue, at 9:03 p.m. Sunday from ailments incident to advancing years. Elias Willier was born in Dauphin county, Pa., Oct 1, 1837. He came to Leaf River, Ill., with his parents at the age of 16 years. He was married in that city in 1859 to Miss Ellen Heald. The couple removed to Tama county, Ia., in 1873, locating on a farm. They came to Waterloo in 1878 and he had lived here continuously since. Mr. Willier was for many years employed aat the A.T. Lane stone quarry. Surviving are the widow and the following children: W.G. and A.W. Willier, this city; Miss Bertha Willier, at home; Mrs. C.J. Miller, Dallas Center, Ia.; Mrs. O.L. Sage, Cherokee, Ia.;; Mrs. W.B. Sands, Washington state. One brother, John Willier, Leaf River, Ill, survives. There are also surviving 27 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. The body may be viewed Tuesday at Petersen Bros. undertaking parlors. Funeral services will be at Petersen's chapel at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, with Rev. W.H. Beachler in charge. Interment will be in Elmwood.

Edward Sullivan, New Hampton, Killed by Blast
New Hampton, Ia, Sept 19 - Edward Sullivan, farmer, near New Hampton, was killed Saturday when a premature explosion of dynamite, with which he was blasting rock, blew his head off. Sullivan was clearing ground on his farm. A son, who is on a wedding trip, cannot be located and funeral plans await news from him.

Auto Kills Boy Hanging to Car.
Mason City, Ia., Sept 19. - Struck by an automobile as he was being drawn along on a bicycle behind a car, Jimmie Ritchie, 12 years old, of Ventura, was fatally injured last night on the paved road near Clear Lake. He died in a hospital an hour after the accident. Rex Shannon, undertaker at Garner, was the driver of the car which struck the boy. No inquest has been held yet. Just a month ago a brother of the dead boy was struck by an automobile within a few rods of the scene of last night's mishap and suffered injuries which were at the time believed fatal. He has recovered however.

10-Day Trip of 1905 Made in 8 Hours Now
Garner, Ia., Sept. 19 - Just 16 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Lon Schneider arrived in Garner from Lisbon, N.D., in a horse and rig after a 10-day trip, thru rain and over muddy Iowa roads. They made the same trip this week in eight hours with their son Kenneth as pilot, via airplane. The plane traveled 400 miles at an altitude of 3,000 feet. Kenneth is a stunt flyer at Dakota fairs and proposed the trip to the old folks.

Adel Man, 65, Kills Self on Sire's Grave
Adel, Ia., Sept 19 - Clar Byers, 65 years old, committed suicide at the Oakdale cemetery here las night. HIs body was found across the grave of his father with a bullet hole thru his head. Byers came here Saturday from Denver.

City in Brief.
-Mrs. J.S. Hattery has moved from 301 1/2 to 300 1/2 Fourth street west.
-Walter and William Delaney left this morning for Clermont to attend the funeral of a cousin.
-Miss Margaret Connelly, who is ill at her home, 407 Saxon street, is reported as improved today.
-Nicholas Flammang today was named by the county board as a vital statistics registrar for Fox Township.
-Miss Doris Allen, 733 Third avenue west, left last night for Milwaukee, where she will resume her college work.
-Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Haffa reached home today after a two weeks' motor trip to Chicago and Lake Geneva.
-Miss Agnes M. Lauritzen has gone to Chicago, where she will resume her studies at the Rush Convervatory of Music.
-Miss Leah Edwards left this morning for Boulder, Colo., where she will enter the senior class of the University of Colorado.
-Mr. and Mrs. William Adrian went to Omaha, Neb., yesterday for a week's visit with their daughter, Mrs. Helene Adrian Pfeffer.
-Judge M.F. Edwards, Parkersburg, was in the city for a short time this morning. He was enroute to Waverly to hld court.
-Mrs. Walter Delaney and mother, Mrs. Sarah Golinvaux, are visiting relatives in Sioux City. From there they will visit friends in Nebraska.
-Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Carr and son, Mark, jr., Fort Dodge, Ia., are guests at the home of Mr. Carr's mother, Mrs. E.A. Heald, 409 Broadway.
-Miss Madelene McIntieer, who has been spending the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Sue Taggart, left last night for New York City, where she will resume her studies at the college of Mt. St. Vincent on the Hudson.

Nine Waterloo young men left last night for Urbana, Ill., where they will resume their studies in the University of Illinois. They were: Russell Bartley, Clifford Collins, Roland Roepe, Charles Tarbell, Matt Patterson, Graham Hay, Graydon Nauman, Reinhold Peter, and Seth McCormick. There will be about 15 Waterloo students at the University of Illinois this year.

11 Hurt, 2 Probably Fatally, in Mine Slide.
Centerville, Ia., Sept 19 - Eleven men were burned and are in a hospital here as the result of being caught i a slide of mine slack on a dump at Galleyville, near here yesterday afternoon. Two of the men are expected to die.

Three Killed on Grade Crossing.
Perry, Ia., Sept 19- Three persons were killed late yesterday when a Minneapolis & St. Louis passenger train crashed into their auto on a grade crossing three miles south of here. The dead are Nels Christianson, 40, a farmer; Della Christianson, 34, his sister, and Martin Nederhouse, 25, an auto mechanic, who had been visiting the Christiansons. There were no obstructions to the motorists' sight at the grade crossing and no explanation of the accident has been given, as all three occupants of the car died almost at once.

Huldah M. Zilmer and Norval Flynn Are Married Today.
Nuptials of Miss Huldah May Zilmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Zilmer, and Norval C. Flynn, Riverside, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Flynn, Iowa City, were solemnized at 9 o'clock this morning at the home of the bride's parents, 626 Eureka street. Dr. E.J. Lockwood, pastor of First M.E. church, performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by immediate families and close relatives. The bride's brother, Edwin A. Zilmer, and his wife, were attendants. Wild asters and browneyed susans were used to form the bower in a corner of the living room where the service was read. The bride wore a traveling suit of navy blue. Breakfast was served to the guests, places being laid for 10, and Mr. and Mrs. Flynn departed immediately for Cedar Rapids, from where they will take a trip east. They will be at home after Oct 15 at Riverside. Mrs. Flynn is a west high graduate. She finished a four year course at Iowa State Teachers college in 1919, taught at Sioux Center and at Riverside, where she was superintendent of schools. Mr. Flynn is managing his father's farm near Riverside.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2009]

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