Iowa Old Press

Waterloo Evening Courier and Reporter
Waterloo, Black Hawk co. Iowa
January 10, 1920

Firing Squad from Camp Dodge Honors Dead Veteran
A special firing squad and a bugler will come from Camp Dodge Monday to conduct the rites at the grave of William F. Stewart, who died at his home, 413 Conger street yesterday. The Sons of Veterans will meet at the house for services at 8:15 a.m. and the funeral will be in St. Joseph's church at 9. the body was removed from Kistner's mortuary today and taken to the home. Those who will be pallbearers are all men who saw service during the late war. The names are Adolph Kaltenbach, Reed hayden, Ernie Vaan Schoyck, Walter Goswiller and Fred Kaltenbach. Mr. Stewart was a corporal in Company C, Three-Hundred and Fifty-first infantry, Eighty-eighth division. All members of Security Benefit association are requested to meet at the waiting station Monday at 9:15 to attend in a body the funeral of William F. Stewart.

City in Brief
-James Dwyer, Milwaukee, who has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Ellen Keegan, returned to his home yesterday.
-Mrs. A.M. Eppstein, and daughters, Helen and Lillie, Portland, Ore., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Levingston.
-Mrs. E.E. Lawless, 220 Thompson avenue east, slipped on the icy sidewarlk in the business district last evening and was considerably bruised in the fall.
-Chester R. Green, who has been very ill of pleurisy the past week, at his home 125 Kern street, is reported as somewhat improved today.
-Smallpox quarantines ordered this morning were for 1614 Bluff, 716 Campbell, and 86 Adams street. The first two are for children, age 3 and 4, and the last a woman of 50.

Miss Neva Hohl and Sergt. Weaver Wed
Mr. and Mrs. F.R. Hohl announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Neva B., to Sergt. Guy E. Weaver. The wedding took place at noon today in Des Moines at the residence of Rev. W.B. Sanford, formerly of Waterloo. The bride is a graduate of Waterloo Business college and was employed as stenographer for the Pawnee Tire & Rubber company. Sergt. Weaver is still in the service and was stationed here for several weeks, when he acted as instuctor to Co. M. He was 11 months overseas. His home is in Windfall, Ind. Pending his discharge from the army in March, the young couple have not decided upon a place of residence.

Marriage Licenses
Fay J. McCune, Cedar Rapids, 25
Edna M. Harmon, La Porte city, 26
Perry L. Jackson, Waterloo, 24
Millie Collins, Waterloo, 18
Roy Jessen, Waterloo, 21
Pearl Winkowitsch, Waterloo, 19

Isaac Sternberg Dies at St. Paul
Isaac Sternberg, founder of the Sternberg cloak and suit shop, Waterloo east, died suddenly at St. Paul yesterday. Mr. Sternberg went to St. Paul about two weeks ago for a visit with relatives and friends. Little particulars of his death could be learned, except those received in a telegram which stated death had been sudden. Mr. Sternberg came to Waterloo about 10 years ago from St. Paul, and founded the store which has since borne his name. Prior to that time he had been engaged at Fargo, N.D. and Watertown, S.D. He met with unusual success in his business here. About two years ago his health failed him and as early recovery did not seem promising, on Jan. 1, of the present year, he turned the active management of his business over to others. Deceased was a member of Waterloo lodge, B.P.O.E., and of the masonic order. Surviving are the widow and one daughter, Mrs. J. Hecht, New York City. Mrs. Sternberg is at present visiting her daughter in New York.

Picture of Aviator May Be Symbol of Waterloo
A large picture of Milo Miller, aviator, landing in his airplane is being completed by Frank Pierce and will be presented to the Greater Waterloo association, as symbolic of the spirit of Waterloo. The picture is done in black and white from a photograph taken by Mr. Pierce last fall, after sunset and just before a storm broke. Lieut. Miller had raced to the landing field ahead of the storm, which gave the picture a wonderful background. A Waterloo woman was inspired to write the following couplet as a caption for the photograph:
Angry winds but hold the pent up wrath
Until my 'plane is moored and anchor cast.


Mrs. Stephen Gilley, 1115 Fourth street west, died at 9:30 p.m. yesterday at the family residence, death following an illness which overtook her as she was preparing for bed. She is survived by the husband, and one daughter, Marion. The body was removed to the O'Keefe and Towne mortuary and will rest there pending completion of funeral arrangements.

Benjamin Franklin Reed died at 7:45 p.m. yesterday in Presbyterian hospital after an illness of six weeks from complications. He was born Jan. 6, 1852, in Springfield, Ill., and his parents came to Iowa, settling at Strawberry Point, while he was a boy. At Volga, Ia., he married Elizabeth Glidden and had two sons, Clifton A. Reed, Waterloo, and Ray E. Reed, St. Paul, Minn. Both survive. Mrs. Reed died five years ago in Sumner, Ia. and Mr. Reed came to Waterloo shortly afterward. The body is at Petersen Bros. mortuary and will be taken to Sumner Sunday, at 11 a.m. The funeral and burial will be Monday at Sumner.

Leo Francis Gunstead, age 6, died at 5 a.m. today at the family home, 600 Sumner street, after a short illness. Death was due to diphtheria. He was born July 21, 1913, in Waterloo, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Gunstead, and is survived by the parents and following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Charles Cutshall, Fifth street west; Clarence, leonard and Lawrence, Ella and Verna, all residing at home. Private funeral services will be at the O'Keefe & Towne chapel at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, with REv. J.B. Smith in charge, and burial will be in Fairview.

Mrs. Roger Seavey - funeral services will be Sunday at 3 p.m. from O'Keefe & Towne mortuary.

Osage News - Jan 10
-Mrs. Roy Woolverton returned last week from Brandon, Wis., Mrs. L. Kibbe, Mrs. Woolverton's mother, returned with her to spend the winter here.
-Dr. and Mrs. I.M. Skuttle returned Friday from Minneapolis. They will remain for the present with Mrs. Skuttle's mother, Mrs. J.C. Bartlett.
-Dr. and Mrs. Albertson, Austin, Minn., spent New Year's with the latter's mother, Mrs. E.S. Fonda.
-Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Mrs. Maud Holbrok, Hamilton, Mont., to Mr. Boni Fileff, also of Hamilton.
-Mrs. Robert Leach, Adel, is here visiting her mother, Mrs. James A. Smith.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2011]

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