Iowa Old Press

Cedar Falls Gazette
Cedar Falls, Black Hawk co. Iowa
September 8, 1905

Eddy District
-Carl Pitsch went to Minnesota the first of the week.
-Alva Bush is enrolled as a student at the I.S.N.S. for the fall term.
-P.H. Rasmussen who has been ill for the past two weeks is slowly improving.
-Geo. Miller went to Osceola Co. last week to look after the crops on his farm.
-Quite a number of people from this vicinity attended Ringling Bros. circus in Waterloo last Monday.
-Bernie Boehmier is working for Wilford Bozarth now. He is the proud possessor of a nice new top buggy.
-Last Monday while H.O. Bush was helping to load a car with machinery, a plow fell on his left foot mashing it very badly. Dr. Mead dressed the injured member. He is getting along nicely but will be laid up for a few days.

Personal Mention - Movements of People in and out of Cedar Falls
-Ed. Pitsch has gone to Wheaton, Minn.
-W.H. Eason has gone to Wichita, Kansas.
-Robert Fullerton left Tuesday for Chicago.
-H.E. Olbrick went to Denver, Colo. this week.
-D. Bennison has gone to New York to lay in stock.
-John Christiansen of East Cedar Falls is quite ill.
-Miss Eva Dussel has returned from a visit to Colorado.
-W.M. Wilson is in the vicinity of Barney looking after business.
-Harvey Metzger transacted business at Shell Rock the first of the week.
-Otis L. Jones of Des Moines visited his mother here a few days this week.
-Dr. A.S. Hansen who has been quite ill is able again to be about his duties.
-Mrs. E. Benedom drew the 50 piece dinner set offered by the Economy Shoe store.
-Miss Helen Snowden left this morning for Decorah to begin her school work next Monday.
-Chas. Brown and L.J. Ackerman had the pleasure of attending a reunion of their old regiment at New Hartford this week.
-Erich Petersen, who with his wife is visiting in Denmark requests us to send The Gazette to him at 26 Hollaendervel, Copenhagen, Denmark, where he will probably remain all winter.

Again we are called to record the passing away of one of the early residents of Cedar Falls, of one who knew of life in Iowa for sixty years. Mrs. Jane Burgess Elliott was born in 1828 and spent her young life and was married in New York City. She was married to William Elliott and the young couple came at once to Cedar Falls. They remained here about ten years then purchased a farm ten miles west of here near New Hartford.

Mr. Elliott died there a few years later and she came in 1887 with her family to this place to make her home, at the corner of Second and Iowa streets.

There were born to Mr. and Mrs. Elliott five children, three of whom are living at the present time, they are: William Elliott, Mrs. Sarah Hintz and Mrs. Alice McCowan.

She bore with remarkable christian fortitude and pateince the great suffering of the ten weeks of illness, grateful for the loving care bestowed upon her by her devoted children. She was an ardent member of the Baptist church and never failed in her attendance until prevented by illness. The sickness, death and funeral all occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. McCowan. Rev. H.S. Mable of the Baptist church conducted the funeral services, Tuesday afternoon, September fifth. The burial took place at Greenwood by the side of her husband and one of her sons.

The Hawkeye State - News of the Week Concisely Condensed

Double Funeral at Humboldt - The funeral of Pauline and Ida Metzner, who were drowned in the Des Moines River at Humboldt last week, was the largest attended funeral in the history of Humboldt County. Over 1,400 people passed by the coffins, while there were at least 600 others unable to get into the Congregational church. The Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges took a prominent part in the services. The father of the two unfortunate sisters, who is serving a twenty-five year sentence for killig the city marshall in 1901, was present, having been granted permission by Gov. Cummins.

State Fair Visitor Killed - In plain sight of his sister and his aged father, and within a minute after jokingly telling them goodby to step across the street on business, Jessie Pentico, a young man 23 years of age, was struck by an eastbound fair grounds car at East Second and Locust Streets, Des Moines, Tuesday night and instantly killed. Pentico and his father, who live at Colfax, came to Des Moines Sunday for a week's visit with his sister.

Thought It Was Whisky - George C. McHue, a Des Moines carpenter, 45 years of age, wanted a drink of whisky about midnight and reached for a bottle which he supposed contained the "stuff." Soon after he complained to his wife of a terrible buring sensation. An investigation proved that the man had taken several swallows from a carbolic acid bottle. Before medical aid could be procured the man was dead. He leaves a wife and several children.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2014]

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