Iowa Old Press

Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Thursday May 4, 1905

Relatives Believe Him Insane or Dead, Petition Court
Want Peter Bahl Appointed to Look After His Property
Believing that Valentine Heinen of Gilbertville is insane or dead, application for temporary guardianship of his estate has been made in district court. The court is asked to appoint Peter Bahl, who is a son-in-law and who lives in Waterloo.

Application for temporary guardianship was filed yesterday in district court by Edwards and Langley for William Heinen against Valentine Heinen. The petition recites the fact that the plaintiff is a son of the defendant and that on or about March 6, 1905, the defendant disappeared from his home in Gilbertville, Black Hawk Co., IA, and no trace of him has yet been found. That the defendant for some time prior to his disappearance had been in feeble health; that he was 56 years old and resided with his wife at Gilbertville. The plaintiff believes that the defendant was laboring under mental aberrations at the time of his disappearance and believes he was and is a person of unsound mind. It is set forth that the petitioner and other relatives have made diligent search for his whereabouts and have been unable to ascertain the same.
Valentine Heinen is said to be the owner of about 200 acres of farm land which is rented at an annual rental of $500 a year, that defendant was possessed of $50, being part of the 1904 rentals which was conducted by the wife of the defendant.

It is also set forth that since the disappearance of the defendant, Anna Mae Heinen, wife of defendant, has died and it is necessary that a guardian be appointed to protect the interests of the defendant and care for his property. The petition prays that Peter Bahl be appointed guardian.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Saturday May 6, 1905

Raymond--Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinen, who came here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Valentine Heinen, returned to their home at Iowa Falls Thursday.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
May 10, 1905

Son Discovers Body of Father in Cedar River Near Gilbertville
Body Showed Evidence of Being in Water a Long Time
Coroner Is Called and Inquest Will Be Held Today
Gilbertville, May 10, 1905--(special) The body of Valentine Heinen, the aged man who disappeared from his home here about the first of March, was found this morning by his son Nic. Heinen, and Frank Youngblut, a farmer living near here.

The body was discovered in a bend of the river, lying partially buried in a large sand bar in the center of the stream. The body was badly decomposed, and showed signs of having been in the water a long time. Nic. Heinen has been searching the country thoroughly for a week past, under the impression that his father was either dead, or had wandered away during a fit of temporary insanity. For several days the search has been confined to the region of the river, and today the long and arduous search was rewarded. the body was scarcely discernable from the bank, being partly covered by the shifting sand which had been thrown up around it since the body was deposited there. The place where the body was discovered is a mile from the Heinen home and almost half a mile south of Frank Youngblud's farm. the sand bar is located in a sharp curve of the river and the current at this point is very swift.

The body was taken to the old home and Coroner McManus notified. He is expected to arrive during the afternoon and an inquest will likely be held. Arrangements for the funeral services cannot be made until the findings of the coroner's jury is made.

Since the disappearance of Mr. Heinen nearly two months ago, his aged wife died, partly from the effects of a fall and partly from grief over the disappearance of her husband. Coroner McManus held an inquest and the jury, composed of Nick Bloes, Mike Delagardelle, and Frank Youngblud, brought in a verdict of accidental drowning. In Mr. Heinen's pocket was $65.15, the amount of money which he was know to have when he disappeared. The finding of this money does away with any theory of foul play.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
May 11, 1905

Large Concourse of Friends Gather to Pay Last Sad Rites
Rev. Father Nemmers Officiates and Preaches Funeral Discourse
Gilbertville, May 11--- (special)- The funeral of the late Valentine Heinen was held from St. Mary's Catholic Church in this city this morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. Father Nemmers preached the sermon. There was a large turnout of friends an neighbors to show this last token of respect to the deceased whose body was found yesterday forenoon. Interment was in the cemetery at this place beside the remains of the wife, whose death was caused partially if not wholly by mourning over the disappearance of one who walked down the pathway of life with her and had been a close friend and confidant all through the years.

A great burden was removed from the relatives when the remains were found. For many weeks the search for some token of the missing citizen has gone on unceasingly. Now that the body has been recovered, there is a sort of joy in knowing the secret of the long suspense.
While it was almost certain that Mr. Heinen wandered too close to the precipitous banks of the river on the fateful night of March 6th, slipped and fell into the deep water, there was an element of uncertainty which caused the relatives to grieve.
As stated yesterday, the discovery of the money which Mr. Heinen was known to have when he was last seen dispels any probability of foul play

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]

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