Iowa Old Press

Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Wednesday, March 8, 1905

Prominent Citizen of Gilbertville Disappeared Yesterday Afternoon
Watch Found on the River Bank Suggests a Tragedy

Gilbertville, March 8--(special) Has Valentine Heinen, a prominent citizen of this place, been drowned in the Cedar River? This query is perplexing the people and is grievously crushing the heart of the wife and other relatives. Yesterday Mr. Heinen's watch was found on the bank of the river just North of the bridge. Nothing else was found. Owing to the condition of the ground, it could not be detected whether a man had gone to the river and plunged to his death. This think is certain: Mr. Heinen has disappeared. In other words, is it an accident or suicide?
Ever since Mr. Heinen disappeared and his watch was found, a search has been made for him, but no trace of him was had at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Mr. Heinen is an elderly gentleman. For several years, he lived in the neighborhood of Raymond. One of his sons lived for many years in the Northwestern part of Fox Twp. Until the man is found, either dead or alive, there will be no ceasation in the search.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Thursday, March 9, 1905

Efforts to Find Valentine Heinen's Body at Gilbertville Futile
Lost in the Darkness of Monday Night, He Slips in the River
Gilbertville--March 9--(special) Although unceasing efforts are being made to find the body of Valentine Heinen, who is supposed to have been accidentally drowned in the Cedar at this place, and the waters have been dragged carefully near the shore where tracks were seen, no trace of the aged gentleman has been found. It is now certain that Mr. Heinen was accidentally drowned. He was downtown Monday evening. It was a very dark night. About 8 o'clock, he started for home, and it is known that he became lost in the darkness, wandered too near the bank of the river, lost his footing on the ice and fell into the darksome, seething waters of the river. When he did not return to his home his wife became alarmed and reported the matter to her neighbors, who at once instituted a search.

They went everywhere about the town, but could find no trace of him. it was learned that he had left one of the stores about 8 o'clock and had remarked upon the darkness of the evening. Then the searchers went to the river bank and found evidences that lead them to the definite conclusion that the aged citizen had wandered too close to the bank in the darkness, and had slipped on the high bank and fell down it precipitous side into the river. His watch was found on the bank. The only explanation of this is found in the fact that he probably struggled and in doing so, he threw his watch from his pocket.

The next morning a company of men began to search the stream and the river has been dragged since but without avail.
Mr. Heinen lived alone with his wife. He was aged and his eyesight was somewhat impaired. This coupled with the fact that the ground was covered with glare ice, accounts for his having lost his way and slide into the stream.
The aged wife is nearly prostrated with grief.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Saturday, March 11, 1905

Cedar River at Gilbertville Refuses to Give Up It's Dead
Gilbertville, March 11--(special) No trace has been found of Valentine Heinen, who disappeared mysteriously about 8 o'clock last Monday night. A ceaseless search has failed to reveal any trace of his whereabouts. The most reasonable hypothesis to explain his disappearance, is that he wandered in the darkness too near the bank of the river, lost his footing, slid down the precipitous banks into the stream and was drowned. Acting upon this hypothesis, the river has been dragged for many rods below the bend where Mr. Heinen's watch was found and where tracks were discovered leading to the water's edge. Little credence is given to the theory that Mr. Heinen has wandered away in an insane condition as some one would have reported his presence ere this. It is believed that Mr. Heinen is dead and that his body is somewhere in the Cedar river. Owing to the stream being big, the water turbid, and the current swift, it has been very difficult to drag it.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
March 13, 1905

To Account for the Disappearance of Valentine Heinen at Gilbertville
Believed He Was Robbed, Murdered and Thrown Into River
Gilbertville, March 13--(special) There is absolutely no clue as yet that may lead to the finding of Valentine Heinen who disappeared from here a week ago tonight. there is a new theory as to the absence of the aged and esteemed citizen. He is known to have carried considerable money about his person and is said to have had between $200 and $300 on the night of the mysterious disappearance. The theory of robbery and murder has been advanced and is supported by the finding of his watch near the river bank. There is a theory that some evilly disposed person was acquainted with the fact that Mr. Heinen was in the habit of carrying money, and that they waylaid him near the river bank while he was lost Monday evening. In order to get rid of the body, it is contended that the assailants carried it to the river bank and rolled it down the precipitous sides of the stream, into the water. This theory would account for the presence of the watch near the water's edge, where it might have fallen from the pocket. The search of the whereabouts of Mr. Heinen has never been stopped for a moment since his disappearance was made known. The river has been dragged for many rods below the place where it is supposed the body fell into the Cedar, but thus far to no avail.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
March 14, 1905

That is the Theory Those Closely Connected With the Case Have
Tracks Were Partially Visible Leading To the Edge of River
There is no doubt in the minds of the citizens of this community who are cognizant of the lay of the land at the bank of the river, where Valentine Heinen disappeared a week ago last night. The consensus of opinion is that Mr. Heinen's body is in the Cedar River. It may not be in the water near the place Mr. Heinen fell into the stream. It may have been born upon the bosom of the swollen stream, carried over the dam and borne many rods below the town.

There was indisputable evidence to those who first visited the banks after Mr. Heinen disappeared that the aged man, whose mind had been weakened of late by brooding over troubles, which he could not help, but which lingered like a phantom in the imagination, wandered to the water's edge and into the river. In support of this theory, a young man who was first at the scene makes the following statement of facts:
"Tracks were seen leading for several rods to a bank about 50 ft. high, down the precipitous sides, through a quantity of brush, and out onto the edge of the stream. There were tracks of only one man. At the place where the watch was found, several limbs had been broken from heavy underbrush and the hook had been torn from the chain. The watch, no doubt, had been thrown from the pocket by a twig which had caught in the chain as Mr. Heinen was walking through the brush. The timepiece lay partially buried in the sand on the shore, edge down.

The relatives and friends of Mr. Heinen expect that the body will be discovered when the water goes down. It is now very high, too high to permit a dragging of the stream.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Saturday March 19, 1905

Relatives Seek Information About Missing Gilbertville Resident
The following is from the Jesup Citizen Herald: "On Monday, Mr. L. Pint, living east of Jesup, who is a nephew of the missing man, was in the Herald office, stopping here on his way home from Gilbertville, and in an interview, stated that it was his belief, as well as many others familiar with the case, that his uncle did not meet his death by drowning, but that he crossed the river on the ice in safety, and is wandering through the country in a demented condition. Mr. Heinen is a man of 65 years old, about 5 feet tall, and speaks both the German and English languages. A liberal reward is offered for his return to his home in Gilbertville, or for any information concerning his whereabouts.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
March 20, 1905

Gilbertville Man Supposed to Be Wandering About the Country
Valentine Heinen, the man who has been missing since the 6th of March, and who has supposed to have been drowned in the Cedar at Gilbertville, has not yet been found and the opinion of the public is that he has strayed off in a demented condition and is still wandering about the country. Mr. Heinen was supposed to have been in the Syndicate building on the third floor, last Friday, between 9 and 10 in the forenoon. He was a man about 66 years old, was about 5' 4", weight about 150, speaks the German and English languages, but the English language poorly. He wore a cap, a light gray coat, blue overalls, and soft felts with shoes. He had a sandy-colored mustache and chin whiskers, his hair was gray and wavy. His right eye was affected, the under lid was red and inflamed. A liberal reward is offered for his return [unable to read last line]

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
March 22, 1905

Gilbertville, March 22, 1905 - Nick Heinen is visiting here since the disappearance of his father, Peter Smith and his wife, who is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Heinen, are also here from Fayette county.

Oak Ridge Resident Sure He Saw the Missing Man
Son and Son-In-Law of Gilbertville Investigate Today
Same Man Answers Description Yesterday Morning
Cedar Falls- March 22--Is Valentine Heinen, of Gilbertville, wandering about in this vicinity? Charles Skelley living in Oak Ridge believes that he is. Yesterday morning between 8 and 8:30 o'clock, Mr. Skelley and his wife saw a man in their neighborhood who bore the exact description of the missing man. At first they thought it was a neighbor who had just gotten out of a serious sick spell; that he was out taking a short walk. A closer inspection indicated that they were mistaken in the persons identity.

Last night when the Daily Record came out it contained a description of Mr. Heinen and offered a reward for his apprehension. Mr. Skelley reported what he had seen at once and the relatives at Gilbertville were communicated with. A son of the missing man, and a son-in-law are here today endeavoring to find some other clue to Mr. Heinen.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
March 23, 1905

Man Seen In Syndicate Block Was Ed Perry of East Waterloo
Mystery Surrounds Disappearance of Gilbertville Man Deepens

The belief of the relatives and friends of Valentine Heinen, that the latter has wandered away in a demented condition and is still wandering about the country, is predicated almost wholly upon the report that Mr. Heinen was seen in the Syndicate block of this city last Friday, between the hours of 9 and 10, on the 3rd floor.

It has been learned that Ed Perry, a resident of East Waterloo, who resembles the description of Heinen in every particular, called at the 3rd floor of the building at the time mentioned and there is no doubt that confusion has risen between 2 men. Mr. Perry has long wavy hair and his physical and facial features are similar to those described as belonging to Mr. Heinen, the missing man. He wore blue overalls and the other articles of dress were similar to those represented as being worn by the Gilbertville man when last seen. If the condition that he was seen in the Syndicate block is to be eliminated from the problem to account for the mysterious disappearance of Mr. Heinen, there is little left to predicate the belief that Mr. Heinen is not in the Cedar River near Gilbertville. A son-in-law, Peter Bahl, and the other relatives are using their utmost endeavors to locate Mr. Heinen and it is believed that the report that the missing man was seen in this city largely led them to the conclusion that Heinen may have wandered away in a demented condition.

There have been a number of mysterious disappearances of people from Waterloo and vicinity, but in none of them has the earth seemingly opened up and swallowed the party so completely as at Gilbertville. A great many people in Waterloo, who are thoroughly conversant with the appearance of the river bank the morning after Mr. Heinen dropped out of view, cling to the belief that the body is somewhere in the stream. It may have been washed a long distance below the point where tracks were plainly visible on the bank.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]

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