Iowa Old Press

Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Monday, April 3, 1905

Organized Effort to Find Remains of Valentine Heinen
River Between Gilbertville and LaPorte Will Be Searched
It Is Now Certain The Body Is In The Cedar River
Gilbertville-- A methodical search will be made tomorrow along the Cedar River by a large company of residents of this community in the hope that the body of Valentine Heinen may be found. It has been 3 weeks since the aged citizen mysteriously disappeared from this place. At that time and almost all the time since, the river was high, but the stage of water now is such as to permit of a careful examination of the bed of the stream. The water is shallow and clear.

For a time, the relatives were bouyed up with the hope that possibly Mr. Heinen had wandered away while temporarily unbalanced mentally. Several reports were received that a man answering his description had been seen, but in each instance the reports proved to have been falsely made as the persons believed to have been Heinen proved to be somebody else. The conviction is firmly established in the minds of the relatives now that the aged citizen fell into the river at the time of the high water and he was drowned. His body may have been carried down the stream and the searchers tomorrow will follow the stream as far as they can, making a careful search as far as they can go. It is hoped that the body may in this way be recovered.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
April 5, 1905

The Search Yesterday and Today Fruitless
The River Is Examined From Gilbertville to Mt. Auburn
Gilbertville, April 5--(special) A methodical search led by Peter Bahl, a son-in-law of Valentine Heinen, for the body of the latter was made yesterday along the Cedar River. The searchers inspected every part of the river from here to LaPorte, carefully examining every portion of the stream in the hope of finding some clue which would lead to the location of the body of the aged man who is believed to be in the stream. After spending the entire day in the quest, the searchers were obliged to return home without having accomplished their quest.

Today the searchers are continuing the hunt and the river from La Porte to Mt. Auburn is being carefully inspected. There is little doubt in the minds of anyone that Mr. Heinen, who disappeared nearly four weeks ago, fell into the river at the time the ice was breaking up and the water was high, and was drowned. Owing to the high stage of the water, the body was probably carried a long way down the stream and it is in the hope of discovering it that the organized and methodical search was made yesterday and today. Ordinarily a body would float this long after drowning, but the coldness of the water has probably preserved it and decomposition has not yet begun.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
April 20, 1905

Gilbertville, April 20, 1905- Mrs. Valentine Heinen was hurt quite badly last Saturday coming from Waterloo with John Harig, who was driving. In running through a chuck hole the buggy seat jumped out of its place and Mrs. Heinen fell, also Mrs. Jacob Thelon, but the latter was not as badly hurt as Mrs. Heinen, who is resting quite easily now under the care of Dr. Zellinger.

A theory to account for failure to find Valentine Heinen.
Gilbertville, April 20, 1905-(Special)-It is now believed that the body of Valentine Heinen is either caught in the brush or driftwood or is held to the bottom of the Cedar River by a load of sand, which has washed upon it. This is the only theory which can account for a failure to find any trace of the missing aged resident. A careful search of the river between here and Mr. Auburn has failed to reveal the remains which must be somewhere in the stream. It is probable that the body is weighed down so that it cannot rise as it naturally would when decomposition takes place.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]


Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Saturday, April 29, 1905

Wife of Man Who Mysteriously Disappeared Last March Expires This Morning
Gilbertville, April 29--(special) Mrs. Valentine Heinen, wife of Valentine Heinen who disappeared so mysteriously about two months ago, died at her home in Gilbertville at 2 o'clock in the morning after an illness of about 2 weeks, aged about 70 years.

Mrs. Heinen, while an aged lady, had been in the best of health up to the time of the mysterious disappearance of her husband. Since that time, grief and worry over the inability to secure trace of the missing husband has weighted heavily on her mind and it is believed that the general breaking down of health which followed was due almost wholly to the distressing circumstances. Deceased has been the prime mover to the diligent search which has been conducted for information regarding her husband, and it is said she had been unable to rest during the past six weeks.

The funeral services have not been fully decided upon but it is thought they will be held from the home next Monday. The interment will be in the cemetery at this place.

[transcribed by K.D., March 2009]

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