Iowa Old Press

The Cedar Falls Gazette
Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co. Iowa
January 5, 1894

Mr. W.P. Fairchild, who was seriously injured in the head and body a year since, died at the home of his father, five miles south of Shell Rock on New Year's day and was buried at Greenwood cemetery in this city by the side of his wife, on Wednesday. It will be remembered that he was seriously injured a year since at the railroad crossing of the Illinois Central track, two miles east of this place, at which time Mrs. Fairchild was killed. Mr. Fairchild has suffered since that time from injury to his head and body. He went to Minneapolis several weeks since to receive treatment, but returned last Saturday and died on Monday. He was a former neighbor of Mr. B. Pierce now of Cedar Falls, who speaks of him as a worthy man and a great sufferer since the accident. The deceased was about 28 years of age. A child was born to them, but died young.

[transcribed by L.E., July 2007]

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