Old Press
Waterloo Daily Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
March 1, 1892
Sudden Death -- Mrs. Eliza J. Baker, wife of J.
J. Bker, 214 East 3rd street, died very suddenly this morning at
5:30 c'clock. Mrs. Baker has been troubled for some time with
heart disease. Last night she retired in her usual health,
occupying the same bed as a friend, Mrs. Wilson and a child who
had been visiting her from Greene. At a few minutes after 5 they
were awake and exchanged words in converstation, but soon were
soundly sleeping. Mrs. Wilson shortly aroused herself and spoke
several times to Mrs. Baker, asking if it was not time to get up.
There was no reply. She was dead. The doctors attribute her death
to dropsy of the heart. The deceased was 67 years of age, and a
native of Connecticut, moving west in early times, having lived
in Cedar Falls 15 years previous to her 5 years of residence in
Waterloo. She leaves a husband, three daughters and a son to
mourn a mother's loss. The funeral services will be held at her
late residence next Thursday at 10 a.m. Her remains will be
interred at Cedar Falls.
[transcribed by L.E., August 2008]
Iowa State Reporter
Waterloo, Black Hawk County Iowa
March 3, 1892
Other Deaths
Mrs. Eliza, wife of J.J. Baker of this city, died very suddenly
at her home, 214 East Third Street, Tuesday morning at about 5
o'clock, of dropsy of the heart. Deceased had been subject to a
heart trouble, but was apparently in her usual health before
retiring. She was enjoying a visit from a lady friend from
Greene. They both occupied the same bed, and, at the hour
mentioned above, the friend called to Mrs. Baker and asked if it
was not time to get up. Receiving no response, an investigation
found her dead. Mrs. Baker was 65 years old, and leaves a husband
and four children, three daughters and the son. Two of the
daughters and the son reside in this county, Mrs. John Call, in
Waterloo township, Mrs. Geo Thompson, in this city, and the son,
J.J Baker, at Cedar Falls.
Mrs. N. C. Tardy died at her home yesterday at 2 o'clock of
typhoid fever following la grippe, at the age of 44 years. She
leaves a husband and four children. The funeral will be held from
the late residence tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. G. F.
Holt officiating.
More Real Estate Transfers
This has been a busy week in real estate circles. On Monday C.B.
Stilson sold for Mrs. Geo. Goodell, to N. Bisdorf, lot 5, block
47, east side, $650.
On Tuesday Mr. Stilson sold for A. C. McStay to G.W. Chatfield,
of Barclay twp., lots 1 and 2, block 4, Day's addition, $1,400.
On Monday C.P. Bratsober sold to Geo. E. Lichty the northwesterly
one half lots 8 and 9, block 63, Cooley's addition, $1,725. Mr.
Lichty will commence the erection of a neat home thereon as soon
as weather will permit.
Yesterday H.J. Eickelberg sold to G. C. Reupke lot 8, block 21,
Geo. H. Blake sold on Tuesday, to Job A. Rolley, of Illinois, 80
acres, section 18, Poyner twp., $3,000.
On Monday Ricker & Bratsober sold to N. Wilson a house and
lot near high school building, east side, $1,000.
Yesterday W.H. Brott sold J.L. Carr's farm, 166 acres in Waterloo
twp., to a Mr. Speicher, of Grundy County, for $50 per acre.
[transcribed by L.E., August 2008]
Waterloo Daily Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
March 8, 1892
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our heart felt thanks to the kind friends of
Waterloo and Cedar Falls for the kindness and sympathy shown
during the death and burial of wife and mother. Also to Mr. and
Mrs. J.M. Helfer. Mr. Helfer was at the poor farm as soon as he
heard of Mrs. Call's mother's death. They stayed at the farm
while J. Call and family went to the funeral. And especially to
Mrs. Frank Wilson, of Greene, who was such a comfort to her in
her last hours. Thanks to those friends who lined the grave with
flowers and evergreens. It was so nicely done it seemed as though
our mother was laid down among the roses.
Mr. J.J. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Baker
Miss Emmaretta Baker
Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John Call
[transcribed by L.E., August 2008]