Iowa Old Press

Waterloo Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk co. Iowa
May 14, 1879


~The Mt. Pleasant Reporter says that not less than seven hundred dollars goes out of Mt. Pleasant each month for beer and whisky. The money goes to Ottumwa, Burlington, and Chicago.

~Daniel Coffee of Dubuque has sued Patrick Logan & Sons for $5,000 damage for injuries sustained by him in being knocked down through the carelessness of a driver of a hearse at a funeral.

~The editor of the Worth county Eagle is bragging of two quarts of new potatoes, this yearıs crop, a present on the 1st of May from H. H. Renmore, of that vicinity.

~The Iowa City Republican says, Hon. Rush Clarkıs life was insured for $12,000. This, with the pay of salary for the full term, as customary, will leave to his wife and four children ready means to the amount of nearly $20,000.

~The widow of G. B. Brown, assisted by Frank Wightman, will continue to conduct the Aborn House of Des Moines, until the expiration of Mr. Brownıs lease, May 29, 1880. Wightman has been manager of the house for some time.

~Ada Raridon, of Keokuk, 15 years of age, attempted suicide with laudanum a week ago last Friday evening because of jealousy, her mother having shown favoritism to an orphan boy of the same age as the daughter. She was restored.

~The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad, with a posse of fifty men, headed by the Sheriff of Audubon county, are ousting the squatters on the lands of the company in that county, and their houses are being torn down. The squatters claim a pre-emption title.

~It is rumored that the leading members of the Methodist church at Des Moines and throughout the state are moving to organize and establish at Des Moines a university, the same to be under the patronage of their church, and to be known as the Methodist university.

~Last Wednesday officers raided a beer saloon at Logan, and succeeded in capturing forty gallons of gin, whisky and other spirits, which were emptied into the streets. An effort by United States officials was made to seize the liquor for unpaid taxes, but the local officials were too fast.

~While some young men were playing baseball in Cedar Rapids on Sunday, one of them named Fienke accidentally struck a little 5-year-old son of Moses Lenhart over the forehead with a base ball club, inflicting a large flesh wound and producing severe concussion of the brain.

~Nelson Porter, living near LeMars, has been for some time abusing a six-year-old child of Ambrose Daw, of OıBrien county, which was adopted by Porter. Daw came to hear of it and kidnapped the little one, and the courts refused justly to have it returned.

[transcribed by L.Z., November 2010]

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