Iowa Old Press

Cedar Falls Gazette
Cedar Falls, Black Hawk co. Iowa
January 1, 1875

Sudden Death
Reverend Dr. Marshall, who was pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Dubuque, died of apoplexy last Saturday evening, at his home in that city. His pulpit ministrations have been regarded as among the most effective in the State. He was expected to preach in this city on the 8th inst., and to be present at the Crystal wedding to be given the pastor of the Presbyterian church.

Crystal Wedding
The Crystal wedding of Rev. A.B. Goodale and lady will be celebrated at the Presbyterian church Monday evening January 10, from seven to eleven o'clock P.M. A number of ministers are expected to be present.

In 1874, 408 persons were made happy by the issuing of 204 marriage licenses by the Clerk of Black Hawk Co.

-Our former citizen A.L. Nichols, now superintending a department in the Car Shops of the D & M R.R. at Dubuque, spent a part of the holidays with old friends.
-Sheldon Fox was at home several days. He reports milling matters quiet in Minnesota.
-J.R. Wagner, of the Greene Press, called on Tuesday. He represents Greene to be the most prosperous town in Butler, which may not be far from the truth.
-L.L. Cook returned from California several days since. Mrs. Cook is convalescent.
-O. Tolerton, of Webster City, spent the holidays with his brother in this place.
-G.H. Richmond and wife, from Buena Vista County, are visiting old friends in this vicinity. He reports the county propserous; says he can travel all over hs county and not hear grasshoppers mentioned, but here every man he meets talks grasshopper.
-Dead - We learn that W.L. Hurlbert, well known to the people of Beaver township, Butler Co., died the other day in Indiana. Whiskey was too much for him.
-Robert Nelson has bought the lot adjoining David Smith, and will build a house on it early in the spring.
-The Atlas tells of the marriage of Jacob Watermuler and Trientjier Kappedriejer over in Grundy.

Ragged Boy Arrested
A ragged looking chap, nearly grown, called at Justice Knapp's office, on Monday, and while making some inquiries relative to collecting some wages he claimed were due him, was asked by Mr. Royce if he were not from the Reform School at Eldora. He said he never had been there, and soon made tracks for the door. Mr. R. immediately examined the description, which had been furnished him, of three boys who ran away several months since, and finding this boy answered to one, he hunted him up. On being arrested, he confessed to running away, and was taken to jail to await the notification of the Superintendent of the Reform School at Eldora, who sent for him on Tuesday. The boy's name is John Tower. He was convicted of burglary, in Dallas Co., and sentenced to a term at the Reform School, from which he ran away several months since, with other boys, one of whom was recently caught at Missouri Valley Junction.

Death of Mrs. Kinney
The Chicago Post of Monday notices the death of Mrs. Kinney, wife of Rev. Kinney formerly of this place, now residing in Chicago. Mr. Kinney will be remembered as having been the pastor of the Episcopal church in this city some years since.

Death of Mrs. Reed
Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, wife of Martin Reed, died in Waterloo on Christmas night, aged 61 years. Mr. Reed was formerly a resident of this place.

Granger Institute
Delaware county is to have a Farmers' Institute under Grange auspices, commencing Jan. 19th. Col. A.B. Smedley, and one of the professors from the State Agricultural College will be in attendance.

Pictures! Pictures! The latest and best style west of Dubuque at Mrs. A. Gibson's, corner Main & First Sts. A specialty made of Pictures on Watch Faces. Also, enlarging and copying all kinds of pictures. Established 10 years - The Oldest Picture Gallery in Cedar Falls.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2010]

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