Iowa Old Press

Iowa State Reporter
Waterloo, Black Hawk Co. Iowa
June 12, 1872

Local Brevities
-Maj. Conger has reached home from the Philadelphia Convention.
-Rev. P. Hallowell will preach at the M.E. Church, east side, next Sunday morning.
- Miss Worthington has been East again after millinery goods and will have a grand opening on Friday next.
-C.F. Fowler leaves to-day for a visit among friends and relations in the East. He will be absent three or four weeks.
Cowin & Galloway, Hankinson & White and L. Alford, have all taken possession of their new offices in Farwell-Manson block.
-D.B. Stanton has gone to Des Moines to attend the Democratic State Convention. Mrs. Stanton accompanied him as far as Ames.
-Hon. J.D. Hunter, editor of the Hamilton Freeman, made us a very agreeable call yesterday, on his return home from the Philadelphia Convention.
-W.H. Hartman, of the Courier, is going on the editorial excursion. He has no fears of losing his hair on the plains, unless the wind carries it off.
-Judge Toman, the able editor of the Bulletin, at Independence, made a brief call on Monday. He was on his way to the editorial convention and excursion.
-George Forbes, the popular clerk of Swift's Hotel, has been confined to his bed for nearly a week with severe illness. We are glad to learn that he is improving.
-Sweet, the barber, has moved one door further up the street, into the building formerly occupied by J. Garbrandt. I.N. Arment, the jeweler, has taken Mr. Sweet's old quarters.
-Several of the delegates to the Grand Lodge at Davenport, returned last Friday and Saturday, having had a first-rate time. R.A. Whitaker and wife went to Illinois, to visit relations, and have not yet returned.

Court Reporter
Judge Brayton, we are glad to learn, has appointed as short-hand reporter of the District and Circuit Courts, H.W. Holman, of the firm of Lichty & Holman, of this city. This is a good appointment, and one that it gives us pleasure to note. Mr. Hollman came here from Allamakee county more than a year ago, and has given such evidences of industry, integrity and real grit, that we hazard nothing in saying that he will perform his duties in such a manner as will give entire satisfaction to all having business in the courts, and reflect honor on our city.

To Resume
Shilliam & Bratnober will open their meat market at the old place next Saturday, and will endeavor, by keeping the best and choicest meats, to secure the patronage of their old customers.

Lost His Fingers
A little son of Morris Hannon, the blacksmith on Sycamore street, lost the entds of three fingers and the thumb of the right hand on Monday afternoon, while playing with a straw cutter. The two first fingers were taken off below the first joint and had to be reamputated, which operation was performed by Drs. Ghrist and Brown.
Mr. Charley Carey, who sold his property here a few weeks since has located in Waterloo, where he has entered into partnership under the firm name of Hale, Carey & Co., for the purpose of manufacturing wagons, carriages and buggies, and doing general blacksmithing. Mr. Carey is a fine workman, and while New Hampton has lost a good citizen, Waterloo has gained one. We heartily wish Mr. Carey success in his new location. -- New Hampton Courier.
A.T. Weatherwax has purchased a part of the Brooks farm, about fifty-five acres, and is trying to show what he knows about farming. We think he will succeed.
For the Jubilee
Several of our citizens, including Mr. and Mrs. Farwell, Mr. and Mrs. Jenney, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, start during the present week for the Boston Jubilee and other points of interest in New England and the Eastern States. Mr. and Mrs. Farwell will visit Vermont , the White Mountains, Philadelphia, and other cities, and Mr. and Mrs. Jenney will take occasion to visit relatives in Ohio before their return.

Cedar Valley Medical Association
The annual meeting of the Cedar Valley Medical Society, met at Swift's Hotel in Waterloo, June 4th, 1872. The meeting was well attended from abroad as well as from this city, and proved to be one of unusual interest. The following named gentlemen were elected officers of the society for the ensuing year:
Dr. Geo. Warne, President
Dr. J.W. Ghrist, Vice President
Dr. W. Eddy, Secretary
Dr. S.N. Pierce, Treasurer

In this city, Friday, June 7th, Col. Wm. C. Clough, aged 52. Col. Clough was a native of Readfield, Maine, and afterwards lived at Farmington in the same State, from which place he removed to Providence, R.I., in 1845. In Providence he was proprietor of a successful stage line, which bore his name. He came to Waterloo in the winter of 1854-5 and purchased the land on which is his residence. The deceased was an industrious citizen, of strong mental force and charitable impulses, who will be greatly missed on our streets. He leaves a widow and four children to mourn his loss. The funeral from the house on Sunday afternoon was attended by a large concourse of our most respectable citizens. Two brothers of the deceased are prominent merchants of Chicago, one of whom, Mr. John M. Clough, was present at the funeral.

Sad Bereavement.
The Delaware County 'Recorder', of the 6th inst., gives the sad particulars of the death, on the 2d inst., of Mrs. Emilie E., wife of A.J. Brown, the clerk of Delaware county. Mrs. Brown was the victim of that terrible disease, cerebro spinial meningitis, and was nearly twenty-seven years of age at the time of her death. She was an old settler of the county, and in her varied relations as a wife, mother, neighbor and friend, won the respect and love of all who knew her. We sincerely sympathize with Mr. Brown in this his hour of affliction.

Notice of the Appointment of Administratrix.
State of Iowa
Blackhawk County
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as administratrix of the estate of Nathan Bullock, late of Blackhawk county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate and requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against the same will present them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for allowance.
Kunice Bullock
Dated Waterloo, Iowa, June 6, 1872

[transcribed by S.F., October 2007]

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