Iowa Old Press

The Keystone Bulletin
Keystone, Benton co. Iowa
Thursday, July 24, 1913

-Howard Bronson was a Belle Plaine visitor Sunday.
-Harry Higgins visited his mother and sisters at Omaha Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Rozema were visitors to Cedar Rapids Monday.
-Heckt & Thiessen sold an Empire car to Wm. Gulstrof this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henning, Paul Hellwig, Herb Boysen and Frank O'Brien were in Cedar Rapids Friday.
-Miss Ella Feuerbach of Delmont S.D. is the guest of her uncle, Philip Feuerbach and other relatives and friends here.
-Agent Art Haas has got tired of boarding and has moved to the rooms over the depot. His sister is keeping house for him for the present.
-Charlie Hennings opened his threshing season Tuesday at the Wm. Offt place. Jake Melhouse of Garrison is firing for Mr. Hennings this year.

H.P. Smith, superintendent of schools at Newton, Iowa, spent Sunday in Keystone, the guest of the Rozema family. Mr. Smith will be remembered as principal of the schools here in 1906-'07 and '08.

Keystone friends were pleased one day this week to receive by parcel post a barrel of fish from the campers at Minne Estima. The fish consisted of cod, salmon, canned sardines and mud turtles. Doc Donnan claims to have run them down and kicked them to death.

Miss Della Smoley came up from Cedar Rapids Monday evening and spent Tuesday with friends here. Miss Smoley is now in her second year of service at St. Luke's hospital.

-A baby boy was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Albers.
-Miss Ella Stein has been numbered among the sick this week. Too much picnic.
-Mrs. Henry Lorenz was quite badly injured one day this week by falling from the top of a load of hay.
-Mrs. Harry Knight and daughters Grace and Nina, visited las week with Mrs. Knight's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Shoop at Maxwell, Iowa.
-Artist Boysen has been doing a fine job of painting on the Frenz Kroyman home.


Ground Hog Corners
-Lambert Benish and Miss Hruska were Sunday evening callers at P.A. Snow's.
-August Jammer from north of town, was a business caller in these parts Wednesday morning.
-P.A. Snow and family and C.R. Snow, Sr., spent Sunday at the Moeller home in Blairstown.

Van Horne
-Miss Nelda Fry was a Cedar Rapids passenger Tuesday.
-Miss Anna Becker is visiting relatives in Larchwood, Iowa.
-Mr. Bishop of Marion is now employed as timekeeper here.
-Mr. Rae and Garry Kelly of Blairstown spent Sunday with their parents here.
-Mrs. Mary Milheim and son of Sharon, Penn., are visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity.
-Miss Gladys Andrews went to Cedar Rapids Friday where she will visit her uncle, Mr. John Shenneberger.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Kirk returned home Sunday from Spirit Lake where they have been for the past week.
-Mrs. Wm. Donnely went to Cedar Rapids Tuesday where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Milo Whipple.
-Mrs. Nina Neil and son Billy Sundayed in Cedar Rapids at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith.
-Mr. and Mrs. P.R. Holler and children went to Mt. Auburn Sunday to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Hartwig Albers.
-Mrs. Christenson and sister Miss Lillian Natzel of Lost Nation spent Thursday at the home of their friend Miss Mae Honzelka.

-Mrs. Josifek is enjoying a visit from her sister of Cedar Rapids.
-Mrs. N.K. Shugart and son Harold were Marion visitors Sunday.
-Mrs. P.R. Overturf enjoyed a visit from her mother, Mrs. Stoddard of Tama last week.
-The August Stine farm was sold Monday for $200 an acre to a man by the name of Surface from Toledo.
-Mrs. Bert Stout and son Milton, of Belle Plaine spent a few days the last of the week with her sister Mrs. Jay Mason.

Myron Heaton had the misfortune to receive a severe kick from a horse last Friday. He was riding horseback when a loose horse kicked and struck him below the knee making a wound that required ten stitches to close.

The remains of Dr. J.G. Hagerman which have rested in the Waltham cemetery for about eighteen years were removed recently to the Belle Plaine cemetery and buried by the side of his daughter, Mrs. Claude Modlen.

[transcribed by S.F., June 2016]

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