Iowa Old Press

Benton County Democrat
Vinton, Benton co. Iowa
Thursday, October 9, 1856

Agricultural Society
The Farmers of Benton County, and all others interested in the organization of an Agricultural Society, are requested to assemble at Vinton, on Saturday, the 25th day of October, A.D. 1856, at one o'clock P.M. for the purpose of organizing said Society, and transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. Signed
L.D. Bordwell
P.G. Bergen
W.H. Bristol
James Isabell
J.C. Rhodabeck
J.C. Trair
H.B. Clingan
J.S. Hunt
John Mason
W.A. Guinn
M.D.L. Webb
Russell Jones

We omitted to call attention, last week, to the fact that Messrs. Palmer and Hale, opposite (south) of the Court-House, have on hand a full stock of Drugs and Medicines, Books and Stationery.

The Bridge
We are informed that our public spirited townsmen, Messrs. J.S. Tilford, Esq., Jones & Bristol, and J.W. Filkins, Esq., have subscribed the sum of $2,000 towards building a bridge across the Cedar River at the foot of Main street. Other large sums have also been pledged by responsible persons for the same purpose. The work will be advertised for contract as soon as the necessary amount is raised, which we are assured will soon be realized.

New Advertisements

-Messrs. Jones and Bristol call attention to a choice lot of Goods, just received. They are the oldest business men in town, and understand buying Goods to suit this market.

-Messrs. Olmsted and Van Horn, of the Young America, have this week added a full stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs, to their almost endless assortment. Goods can be bought very cheap, for cash, at the Young America.

-Dr. W.C. Stanbery has this week filled out his column, and thus made his assortment complete.

-Mr. E.H. Dart announces to the citizens of this section that he is prepared to mend Watches and Jewelry in a workmanlike manner. Repairing done on short notice. Land Office building.

-Mr. Jacob Wily has returned from the East with a first-rate stock of Clothing and other New Goods.

-Mr. J.M. Colwell offers for sale at his Saddle and Harness Shop, everything in his line, of the best manufacture.

-J.F. Pyne being in receipt of a large stock of new goods, calls the attention of citizens of this and adjoining counties to his assortment, of Domestic, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods.

-Burrows & Houck would inform the inhabitants of Vinton and vicinity that they have on hand a full supply of Beef, fresh and corned; Pork, salt and fresh; Mutton & c. Farmers who have fat stock of any kind to sell, will be sure of finding a sale for them at Burrows & Houck's Market, Washington street, west side of the Public Square.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2013]

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