Iowa Old Press

Audubon County Journal
Exira, Audubon Co. Iowa

ANNUAL PICNIC and FETE DAY. The Danes Know How to Entertain. Come and See For Yourself.
The West Hamlin Creamery Company will hold their Annual Picnic in the Carpenter HANSEN grove five miles west of Exira, Tuesday next, September 11, and everybody both great and small are most respectfully requested to attend. A number of good speakers have been engaged for the occasion and a pleasant time is anticipated by the management. Everything essential to happiness will be found there - a good band has been engaged, a merry-go-round will be on the grounds, fried chicken with its trimmings will be substantial, while ice cream with its garnishments will be one of the delicacies while there will be other refreshments such as pop, Colfax and Wakeska water, etc. Come and have the time of your life. A dance has been arranged for the light fantastic foot.

Oakfield-Brayton column.
We've read and heard about all kinds of tall corn raised in southwestern Iowa, (but I want to tell you about some that was raised) a little east of Brayton. (One stalk) measured fifteen feet and three inches; it was about seven feet up to the lowest ears and nearly nine feet to the one farthest up the stalk.



Oakfield-Brayton column.
--The members of the Brayton rifle club had had a practice shoot at their club grounds in Brayton last Sunday.
--Mr. Eli HANSEN visited with the Journal staff while on a business visit to Exira and advised the editor that the carpenters had just finished building him a fine new home on his farm. Mr. HANSEN is one of the most prosperous farmers in the south part of the county, has always been a hard working man and is justly entitled to enjoy all the good things of this life as the evening shadows begin to gather.



Oakfield-Brayton column.
......there will be a shooting contest between the rifle clubs from Brayton, Elk Horn, Kimballton, and Hamlin
(Submitter's note: the ten members of the Brayton club who had been selected to represent that club in the competition, were named)

Page 6.
HARVEST PICNIC. At Oak Hill. Committees Are Making Arrangements To Have a Fine Time. Everybody Invited.
A harvest picnic will be held at Oak Hill Church west of Brayton on Friday, September 28th, commencing at 10:30 AM. A program has been arranged by way of entertainment as follows: At 11:00 AM music by the Oak Hill band; an address by Rev. GRAZENGARD of Cedar Falls; 12M., dinner. Each family will bring a basket well filled with good things. From two to four, addresses will be delivered by Rev. GREGERSEN of Kimballton and Rev. IVERSEN of Wilbur, Washington. The Oak Hill band will discourse sweet music at intervals all day. There will be a stand on the grounds where ice cream and other dainties can be obtained.



--The results of the recent shooting contest mentioned on 9/20/1906 are released. The Oak Hill (Brayton) team was the winner and thereby successfully defended its championship of the year before.
--The magazine section of the paper devotes a large amount of its space to an article discussing the likelihood of people flying through the air some day in the future.

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