Iowa Old Press

Audubon County Journal
Exira, Audubon Co. Iowa

Brayton column.
The celebration held by the Danish residents of the town and neighborhood last Monday was said to be a success in every way. It is a celebration somewhat of the nature and purpose of our own Fourth of July Jubilee and one in which they get perhaps more real joy and happiness than we do in celebrating our glorious day of freedom. Amusements of all kinds were in plenty and were participated in by all. The dance in the evening was somewhat marred by the unexpected storm that broke so fiercely just as twilight appeared but taken all in all everyone went home happy and satisfied, although very tired.
(Submitter's note: The preceding Monday would have been June 5. June 5 is a recognized national holiday in Denmark, known as 'Constitution Day'.)



--The 10th anniversary of the Oakfield Township Creamery Company last Saturday was a great success although marred as far as attendance was concerned by the threatening weather, many being deterred from attending on that account. The State Dairy Commissioner was there and made a speech which was well received. This Company in its 10 years experience has done a thriving business as they have sold during the ten years existence of the company over $260,000 worth of dairy products, or an average of over $26,000 per year, which is good enough for one company and that the one that suffered the most from the hail storm of two years ago or the returns would have shown a greater amount.
--The old people of Danish nationality repaired to the tent Monday evening to enjoy themselves in social conversation, but then someone suggested a dance and soon these gay revelers were enjoying themselves as rapturously as if 20 or 30 years had been clipped from their lives and they can once more be boys and girls of a quarter century ago.
--The city fathers had reported that the town of Brayton had no debt and had $550.00 in its bank account.

Page 6.
Large ad attempting to induce people to come to Exira to celebrate the upcoming Fourth of July.

Page 8.
Larger ad attempting to induce those same people to come to the town of Elk Horn to celebrate the same day. The inducements from Elk Horn also included a promise that "all day the Oak Hill Band will play."



Oakfield-Brayton column.
The people of Oak Hill have decided to celebrate Independence Day in befitting style. Commencing at 10:30 AM Reverend JENSEN of Des Moines will deliver an address. At noon there will be a basket dinner in the shady grove of the parsonage after which Attorney A. T. RASMUSSEN will deliver the principal address of the day. The program also covers all kinds of sports such as ring riding, baseball, foot races, sack races, egg races, etc. A good time is assured.

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