Iowa Old Press

Audubon County Journal
Exira, Audubon Co. Iowa

--The elderly people of the Danish settlement in town and vicinity gave a hop in the Bendixen hall Monday evening. An excellent time was reported.
--Reverend JENSEN and Soren NELSON of Oakfield Township are now engaged in conducting a night school at the Center School house which is a success, even beyond their most sanguine expectations. Over a score of pupils, all over sixteen years of age, are attending and the number is increasing. The exercises are conducted in both the Danish and the English languages, the time being about equally divided.
--The farmers south and west of Brayton met at the Oakfield Center School house last Friday on business pertaining to the creamery, which, being finished, the conversation then turned on the proposed Oak Hill Cooperative Lumber Company with headquarters here, which has lately been agitated in the vicinity. No active steps were taken further, but in a short time a meeting will be called here to organize and elect officers, due notice of which will be published.

(Submitters note: Ultimately, a new lumber company was organized and headquartered in Brayton. Thereafter, that new company and the long established Green Bay Lumber Company yard located in Brayton competed vigorously for the area's lumber business. My maternal grandfather was the manager for 55 years of, and ultimately, the major shareholder in, the new company, which eventually became the survivor of the competing Brayton lumberyards.)



The Oakfield-Brayton correspondent reported that night telephone service was authorized for the Brayton telephone system at the telephone company's most recent annual meeting, that meeting having been held the prior Monday.

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