Iowa Old Press

Audubon County Journal
Exira, Audubon Co. Iowa

The Brayton-Oakfield column included a short biography of O. F. IDE, one of Brayton's leading lights; revealing that he had been an orphan waif who showed up one day on the doorstep of Brayton residents by the name of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver SMITH, who took the poor boy in and raised him to adulthood.



Brayton-Oakfield column.
--The activities of the Oakfield Township Center School for the month of December, 1900 are reported. The report shows there were thirty five students enrolled at that one-room school house for that month; the average daily attendance was twenty nine. There had also been fifteen cases of tardiness.
--The same column also contained an item about the annual report of the Oakfield Township Separator Creamery for the past year. That report showed, inter alia, the following numbers:
-Pounds of milk received 4,880,635
-Pounds of butter produced 213,3231
-Received from butter sales $43,452
--The report further advised that the creamery had been receiving for some time a premium of one cent per pound above the New York price because of the quality of its butter.

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