Iowa Old Press

Southern Iowa American
Centerville, Appanoose co. Iowa
Monday, late afternoon edition, March 16, 1925

Birthday Party
Mrs. B.F. Thomasson was given a magnificent surprise by a number of her friends and relatives at her home at 632 N. 7th street Sunday, March 15. All the children were present with the exception of J.D. Thomasson of Denver, Colo. An immense cake bearing her name and age, made by Miss Anna Wright was presented Mrs. Thomasson. The occasion for the gathering was the 82nd birthday of Mrs. Thomasson.

Those present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Gus Astroth, Mystic; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Collins and children of Mystic; Mrs. Carl Astroth and baby of Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Spinks and children of Alida; Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Delmar and children of Albia; Mrs. E.R. Bartlett of Cincinnati and Mrs. T.L. Bryon and children of Sylvis, Ill.

Those from this city were were present were: Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Smith and daughter, Beulah, Mrs. Mary Wright, Miss Anna Wright, Mrs. Olsa [Bi--her?] and son, Wright, Mrs. Harried Bryon, Miss Ella Bryon, Mrs. J.W. [Mal--ery?] and two sons, Paul and John, and Mrs. B.F. Thomasson and daughter, Anna, and son, Robert.

Mrs. Delia Swift, of Mercer, Mo., and her son-in-law, Roy Belvel, of Lineville, Ia., arrived Saturday night to spend Sunday with Mrs. Belvel and help her care for her little daughter, who is very ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Swife will remain for several days to help care for the little one.

Miss Imogene Foster has recently acceepted a position as stenographer at the White Motor Co.

Mrs. Sherman Shore, 1011 W. Wash. street is confined to her home with a light attack of the flu.

Mrs. Fulton Rice and baby, of this city, left Saturday for Des Moines where she will visit for a few days with her husband.

Mr. and Mrs. O.F. Hobart and family, of this city, and Mrs. Delia Swift of near Mercer, Mo., took Sunday dinner at the J.H. Hobart home in Darby.

Mrs. Belle Kincade of Seymour was shopping in this city Saturday.

Ad. Boyer, of Allerton, was transacting business in this city today.

Frances Baker, of Chicago, Illinois, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baker, of this city, is here for a few days visit with her parents.

A.L. Groh of Chariton, Iowa, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Mattie Groh, on East State street.

Winifred Olds, residing on W. Maple street, is very sick with the flu.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Corder and daughters Wanda and Leanore, of Cincinnati, were transacting business and shopping in this city Saturday.

Born - to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hindley Friday, March 13, a baby girl. The little Miss weighed six and one-half pounds.

Miss Carrol Wyckoff and Marvin Dotts were visiting yesterday at the Alva Wyckoff home in Cincinnati.

Mrs. W.M. Watkins and son, Troy, of Dean, were city visitors today.

Miss Zola Mae Jones of Mystic was shopping in this city today.

Byron A Harl, of Ottumwa, IOwa, and Miss Cora Keen, also of Ottumwa, were united in marriage by Justice J. M. Zimmer this afternoon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Keen of Ottumwa. The groom is the son of Mrs. Alice Harl, also of Ottumwa. The young people were accompanied by Mrs. Alice Harl, mother of the groom.

-Ed Steepy of Centerville was transacting business in Cincinnati Friday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Martin and son Arthur have gone to Hammond, Ind., where they will visit and Mr. Martin will find employment.
-Mrs. Templeman of Unionville, came Friday to be with her husband who works at the Collins Oil Station.
-Mrs. William Harrison Sr., is confined to her home because of sickness.
-Mrs. Wm. Westredale is some improved in health at this writing.
-James Lee Harrington the little son of Mrs. Bertha Harrington, is quite ill at this writing.
-Mrs. John Workman is quite sick at her home in the country, where they recently moved.
-Wm. Binns, who was arrested and charged with wife desertion and non support of his children has waived to the Grand Jury, we are informed.
-Dorothy Marguerite Fox is confined at home with her Grandma, Mrs. Inns, a sprained ankle is the cause. She has lost a week of schooling and will in all probability lose most of next week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Davidson and son Harold, are moving to the country Monday. Cincinnati hates to loose this fine family. The best wishes go with them.

-Elvin LaRue was a business caller in Centerville Wednesday.
-Albert Brown visited at the J.E. Brown home Wednesday.
-Guy McClaren visited at the David Williams home Wednesday.
-Emery Wilson spent Wednesday night at the Fred Brown home.
-Miss Leta Baugher spent Wednesday with Mrs. Fred Brown.
-John Williams was a business caller in Unionville Wednesday.
-Mrs. David Perkypile is on the sick list.
-Miss Alice Baugher of Livonia, is visiting at the A.W. Baugher home.

-The Hawkeye mine worked last Tuesday for the first time this month.
-Wm. Foster has moved into the house that the bachelor moved out of.
-Dick Kelly was calling at the home of W.S. Show Wednesday evening.
-James Hunter was dumptin dirt at the Hawkeye mine Wednesday.
-Ike Bogle was in Centerville Wednesday to see his brother, who is in the hospital.
-Bob Kincade went up to Boone to see his sister, who is sick, and while there got himself a job and is working every day but we did not learn what he is working at.
-Miss Osie Foster just returned home Wednesday from a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Charles Phelps, at Promise City.
-All of W.E. Shaw's family are about all down sick with the flu or something.
-Elmer Stewart went to work Wednesday morning and came back. We did not learn the reason.
-Mrs. Chas. Phelps and baby, of Promise City are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Foster, for a week or two.

-Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gradwell of near Udell, visited here Sunday at the M. Cline home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Paul spent the week end in Unionville, Mo., with relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Seabolt returned to their home in Des Moines Sunday after visiting at the Bert Davis home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred kelley visited Sunday in Missouri with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott.
-M. Cline and wife spent Wednesday in Seymour at the Phillip Cline home.
-Floyd Ellis of Washington, Iowa, visited Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ellis.
-Mrs. Charles Caster of Centerville, spent Tuesday here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ellis.

Center Point, Ia., Mar. 16 - Frank Hunter, 30, World war veteran, was dead here today, a suicide. Following a quarrel with his bride of a year, Hunter gave her some money and told her to leave, she took him at his word and went to the home of her parents at LaFayatte. When Hunter failed to visit his father here Sunday, as he had been in the habit of doing, his father went to the Hunter home to see what was wrong. He found his son's body sprawled on a chair, the top of his head blown off. A shotgun lay at his feet.

[transcribed by S.F., June 2016]

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