Iowa Old Press

The Loyal Citizen
Centerville, Appanoose co. Iowa
March 13, 1867

The following call explains itself. We are sure there will be a general attendence at the time specified. Our county did nobly in the late war, we cannot do too much to keep in memory the brave dead who fell in defense of our rights:
A meeting will be held at the Courthouse in Centerville, on the 13th day of April next, for the purpose of organizing an association having for its object the building of a monument to the dead soldiers of Appanoose County. Let every one who holds dear the memory of our brave boys who fell in defense of their country, turn
out. John C. Sevy, H. Tannehill, C.H. Howell, D.M. Rice, Jacob Rummel, J.A. Breazeale, Isaac S. Adams, Kuhn Hollingsworth, D.D. Strickler, S.M. Moore, Wm. Bradley, R. Adamson, F.M. Drake, J.R. Wodden, D.C. Campbell, J. Lankford.

On last Saturday while Mr. Martin Sturte of this county, near Cincinnati, was in the timber loading his wagon with wood, and just as he had thrown a small stick of wood on the wagon, he staggered back and fell dead upon the ground. It is supposed that he bursted a blood vessel. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his loss.

On the 7th day of March 1867, by Rev. Wm. S. Manson, Mr. B.D. Kimes and Mrs. Mary Conger.
Same date, by A.F. Haines, Justice of the Peace, Mr. Alexander Haines and Miss Eliza Hudson.

More expected soon.

SKILLFUL SURGERY--A little daughter of our County Clerk, Capt. K.P. Morrison, had been suffering for about three years with a severe affliction of Stone in the Bladder. - So severe was the case that it became evident that she could not live, unless relieved.- Her father consulted several physicians and they advised him to take her to Prof. J.C. Hughes of the Medical College, at Keokuk. He did so; and Prof. Hughes succeeded in removing the obstruction from the bladder. The Stone was as large as hen's egg. Capt. Morrison informs us that the little girl is doing well, and is now able to play with other children. Prof. Hughes is counted as one of the best surgeons in the west. He is prepared to receive patients and give them treatment and board.

[transcribed by P.E., January 2006]

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