Old Press
The Loyal Citizen
Centerville, Appanoose co. Iowa
Wednesday August 8, 1866
THE ATLANTIC CABLE has been successfully laid and telegraphic
communication is now perfect between Europe and America. The end
of war in Europe was known here within three days after it
occurred. The President's message to the Queen of England was
only eleven minutes in passing over the wire. The cable connects
Ireland and New Foundland. It is estimated that the proceeds of
this telegraph will amount to $40,000 per day. Arrangements are
being made for a game of chess by telegraph between the champion
players of England and the United States.
GROCERIES--Messrs. Swearngin & Herron, south side of the
public square, have on hand and will keep for sale an assortment
of groceries, including coffee, tea, sugar, rice, tobacco, fish,
&c., &c. They will not permit themselves to be undersold.
Mr. Herron has, also, a farm for sale cheap for cash. For
particulars, apply at the grocery.
WANTED--Hedge fence, to the amount of fifteen to twenty miles is
wanted, by citizens of Walnut Township in this County. They
desire to employ some reliable hedge grower or nurseyman to
supply the sprouts and cultivate the fence, at a fixed price per
rod, until it is large enough to turn stock.
Proposals requested. Address, M. HOLMAN, Centerville, Iowa
[transcribed by P.E., November 2005]