Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald, October 13, 1943

Robert Allen Is Overseas.
We have the following letter from Sergeant Robert W. Allen, a member of a Bomber Squadron now overseas, dated September 26:
Dear Bill—I’ve been in North Africa for some time now. It isn’t so bad over here, except that they lack so many of the conveniences we had back in the States.

I surely have missed receiving the HERALD. I had depended on it quite a bit to keep up on the news from home so-much-so that I am lost without it. If it is possible, I would certainly appreciate your sending it to me here.

I want to thank you and all who help in sending it, and I’m sure all the other boys in the service feel the same way about it as I do.  We all look forward to it and news from home,  Sincerely, BOB ALLEN.

(You are on our list and have been, Bob. It requires about six weeks to two months for the first copy to reach you after leaving for overseas. So, a little patience and it will be along and then reach you regularly. ~Bill)

[transcribed by LZ, Mar 2021]

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