Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald, February 10, 1943

Mrs. Lester Trautman informs us that her brother, Private Robert Allen, has completed his course at the radio technician school at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and is now at the aerial gunnery school at Las Vegas, Nevada, where his address is:  Pvt. Robert W. Allen, Class 43-11, L.V.A.G.S., Flight B, Barracks G 48-20, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Postville Herald, February 24, 1943

Robert W. Allen, brother of Mrs. Lester Trautman of this city, writes:
Dear Bill—Just a short note to acquaint you with my change of address. I graduated from the radio school at Sioux Falls, So. Dak., January 25 and came to Las Vegas Army Gunnery School, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 1.

This is a swell place—a lot warmer than at Sioux Falls. I saw Bob Hope’s show when he broadcast from here on last Tuesday night. It was very good.

I want to thank you again for the HERALD—I sure miss it when I don’t get it on time.  I want to also thank everyone who is helping make it possible for all the boys to get it.  We sure like to see what is happening around home.  Sincerely, Bob.

[transcribed by LZ, Mar 2021]

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