Iowa Old Press

Waukon Democrat
Waukon, Allamakee co. Iowa
September 24, 1942

-Mrs. John Fellows and baby daughter arrived home Saturday from the Hall hospital at Waukon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Larry Slattery became the parents of a boy on Tuesday, September 22 at St. Ann’s hospital, La Crosse, Wis. This gives them a family of three boys and one girl

-Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roe are the proud parents of their first born, an eight pound baby girl, who arrived Sunday morning at the Allamakee General hospital. This baby puts Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Hill in the grandparent class for the first time. Congratulations.
-Mrs. Peder Pederson left Wednesday by bus for Minneapolis to consult a foot specialist, and will also visit her sister, Miss Martha Ericsen and her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Ericsen at St. Paul.
-Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Roe, Miss Marian Roe and Miss Emma Paulson were at La Crosse on Wednesday.
-Bobbie Condit came Saturday to pay his last respects to his grandfather, Will Thomson, returning Sunday evening to his naval training in signal and radio school at the University of Chicago.
-Our former neighbor, Mrs. Ida Anderson, arrived last week at Postville to visit her son Ted Anderson and wife and to be present at the funeral of Will Thomson.
-Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larson of Moline are visiting friends here and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Anderson.
-Mrs. Harold Sivesind and son Robert and Mrs. Chas. Anderson and Ruth visited with Mrs. Oscar Johnson and Mrs. Roy Forkner on Friday afternoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitney of Mora, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson of Minneapolis were among the host of relatives in attendance at the funeral of Will Thomson. The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Thomson, Mildred and Verona respectively.
-We are very glad to learn that the last report of the condition of George Gullickson was more encouraging about his recovery from his head injuries sustained by a kick from his pet colt. His father, Harry Gullickson, returned home on Sunday and his mother is with him at a hospital at Rochester, Minn.
-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson and Kenneth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bechtel near Church on Sunday and after the dinner they attended the funeral of Willard Marti.

-Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Mendenhall of New Albin were Sunday evening visitors at the O.E. Buntrock Home.
-Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Hinrichs were callers at the O.E. Buntrock home one evening last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. H Ardell Mosher and son Douglas of Onalaska, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. G.P. Hartley of Postville, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wild of here were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the Robert Hartley home.

LANSING NEWS - by Mrs. Katharyne Feuerhelm
-Miss Clara Hefty, who is teaching near Sparta, drove home Sunday for a few hours visit.
-Mr. and Mrs. Al Fitschen of La Crosse spent the week end with the Alvin Wildes and Kermit Fitschen families.
-Herbert Towle of Milwaukee spent the week end with relatives of his wife, the Ben Feuerhelm and Riser families.
-Miss Marcella Rush has secured employment in Waterloo in a firm’s shipping department and stays at the home of her sister, Mrs. Harold Knight.
-Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gruber, daughters Lois Ann and Mabel were La Crosse visitors Saturday, visiting the clinic and with ill relatives.
-The Walter Aschom and Geo. Kaufman families drove to Winona Sunday where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davis, federal ranger who resided here a year ago.
-The home economics department of the city schools, under the management of Miss Elaine Harrington, sponsored a get acquainted party Thursday evening at city hall, when games and dancing were enjoyed by the high school students.
-Phillip Schafer leaves the end of this week, returning to Harvard where he will be a senior student. He is majoring in botany and spent much of his spare time this summer in the woods here and in Wisconsin collecting specimens, finding over 200 of value to him.
-The equinoctial rains started early this year and 1.7 inches fell between midnight and 8:00 a. m. Friday, added to through the day and night, making a much larger total. This was fine for fall pastures but not so good for corn which is supposed to be drying out.
-Mrs. Eva Becking sold her household goods at auction Saturday afternoon and will visit among friends for a week or more before going to Florence, S. D., where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Selma Maag. Her son William came during the week to visit her before she went north.
-The following women have been selected to judge the stamp corsages: Mrs. E.B. Gaunitz, Mrs. F.J. Nachtwey and Mrs. P.E. Rethwisch. It is the hopes of chairman Mrs. Katharyne Feuerhelm, that they will have a number to select winners from. Corsages in Waukon area are to be turned in to Mrs. O.J. Moe and in Postville area to Mrs. Nina Riser, all to be forwarded to Lansing for judging.
-The Women’s Community club will meet at the library Thursday afternoon at four o’clock.
-Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Gaunitz left Friday for South Bend for a visit with the former’s brother Will and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerndt of Rock Island, Ill., spent the week end with the Theodore Kerndts and father, C.M. Kerndt.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lorenz of Dubuque spent the week end with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Arne Helle and other relatives.
-Lester Fink, who has been employed on the Alaskan highway, was expected home the first of the week, his kind of construction work completed.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ben Irons and baby came over from Riceville Wednesday and next day left for a job near Lincoln, which will take a couple of months.
-Leland Richie and Jimmie Fredrickson hitch-hiked home Friday to spend the week end at their respective homes. Both are Luther college freshmen.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashbacher and family of French Creek attended services at the Evangelical church Sunday and were dinner guests at the home of the Dewey Gramlichs.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leland Snell of La Port City spent the week end with the former’s aunts, Mrs. Edna Kelley and Miss Laura Schisler. Both Mr. and Mrs. Snell are teaching at their home town.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fink and family spent Sunday with their daughter Dorothy and family living near Prairie du Chien visiting her before her brother La Verne goes into service.
-Mrs. George Baker was a passenger Saturday for Saint Paul where, with her husband, employed there, they went apartment hunting with plans for the family to move from Lansing to the city.
-Mrs. Alvina Yohe came home Saturday from New York where she had gone two weeks ago. She went as Alvina Protsman and came home with a new name, having been married there to her soldier fiancee. She remained as long as he was in the states.
-At 3 a. m. Monday morning Bob Feuerhelm arrived home from National City, California, making the 2300 miles in 60 hours. Bob has been gone a year and is employed in an airplane factory. He will remain until the end of the month, having to be back on the job October 3.
-Miss Lois Ann Schafer left Saturday from La Crosse to spend the week end in Milwaukee and from there on Monday went to Chicago where she registered as a freshman at the University of Chicago, taking advantage of a scholarship awarded to her for outstanding work in her high school studies.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Hausworth of La Crosse entertained relatives of Mrs. Peter Kehr, also of La Crosse on Sunday, the occasion being that lady’s birthday. In attendance from Lansing were the families of Will and Albert Kehr, Alex Knutson, Fred Kehr, Charles Brandsmeier, Mrs. H.O. Kehr, Mrs. Walter Beck and children, Miss Clara Kehr, Mrs. John Lehner and Louie Kehr.
-The Rev. and Mrs. H.C. Marks and daughter Ruth were in La Crosse Friday and visited Fred Zimmerman at the hospital. He recognized and spoke to them. Reports are so conflicting that his condition varies with reports supposed to be authentic. His many friends hope for an ultimate recovery and normalcy again. Mrs. C.C. Riser accompanied Rev. Marks to visit her sister, Mrs. Anna Gjefle.

[transcribed by E.W., November 2014]

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