Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
October 2, 1940

George Bareis, 87, Resident Since 1882 Passes
George J. Bareis, 87, passes away Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock in the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Duwe, after an illness of seven weeks. Mr. Bareis had not been in the best of health for some time, but he was able to be up and around until his final illness. Funeral services were held at the Joe Duwe residence Saturday afternoon with later services being conducted in the Lutheran church by the Rev. F.R. Ludwig. Burial was in the Postville cemetery. The following officiated as pallbearers: Walter Meyer, Leonard Hammel, Lloyd Bruce, Gus Miller, Will Willman and Fred A. Baltz.

George John Bareis was born July 12, 1853, in Aldorf, Wirtenberg, Germany, where he spent the early days of his life. On March 2, 1879, he was married to Miss Eva Louise Engele and three years later, on May 2, 1882, they left their native land for America. After landing in this country they came directly to the Postville vicinity where they spent many years on farms in Clayton county. Mrs. Bareis passed away Decmeber 25, 1920, and a short time later Mr. Bareis quit farming and lived with his sons and daughter. He had been at the Duwe home for the past year.

He is survived by four sons and one daughter, Fred Bareis of Castalia, Henry Bareis of Cresco, Will Bareis, John Bareis and Mrs. Joe Duwe, all of Postville. He is also survived by 15 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. One daughter, Mrs. Caroline Knodt, of St. Paul, Minn., preceded him in death in 1937.

Tri-City Golf Club Leases Land
At t a meeting of the newly organized Tri-City Golf Club in the club rooms of the Monona city hall, members took preliminary steps towards the establishment of a nine-hole golf course. Forty acres of property owned by Herman Preuss and located one mile north of the Luana Consolidated school was leased. According to Adrian Riveland, president of the club, work will be started immediately on the property. The Preuss property is well suited for a course as a spring is available and a creek, which winds its way across the property, will act as a natural hazard to the golfers. Fifty people in Postville, Luana and Monona have already signed up to join the golf club, with 35 of the signers signifying their desire for two year memberships. Bob Elderton of Independence, noted golf professional, has been secured to lay out the course, which will be ready for use in the spring of 1941.
Mrs. W.F. Heins returned home on Sunday from her visit in Ionia, Mich., where she had gone to attend the funeral of her cousin, Mrs. Bertha Haas. While there she also met Mrs. Susan McKernan, former Postville resident, who she found well and wanting to be remembered to all her local friends. On the return trip Mrs. Heins stopped in Chicago to visit her niece, Mrs. Ed Russett, and family.
Rev. J. Ian Fraser received the sad news today of the sudden passing of his siter, Mrs. Clifford Pleggenkuhle, at her home in Denver, Colo., this morning. He will go to attend the funeral.

Around the Vicinity and the State
-"It was more fun than the Fourth of July", was Mrs. Anette Eastman's comment after her first plane ride. Mrs. Eastman is 99 years old and lives in Shell Rock.
-High score of 95 went to the Garnavillo creamery for butter made by its buttermaker, Alvin Thoresen, when awards were presented at the meeting of Section One of the Iowa Creamery Operators Association in Waukon last Thursday.
-W.E. Hogue, Corydon band leader, was very much surprised to hear an 'echo' of th enumbers just rehearsed by the band recently. The music, even Hogue's voice chiding the players, had been recorded on a phonograph by Francis Fry.
-Harvey F. Haltmeyer, scoutmaster at McGregor for 18 years has resigned. The Boy Scout troop was organized under him in 1922.
-The model airplane built by Jack Callahan of Chariton which flew away at the model air meet in Des Moines on June 29, was found recently. Henry Worth, a farmer living 10 miles east of Indianola discovered it on his farm - the small plane had gone some 20 miles, quite a feat for a model airplane.
-Lawrence Frazier, Malvern, recently found a world war bonus certificate for $1,040, made out to Homer Black, in a bundle of newspapers. The Malvern Legion Post was notified and in turn will give the good news to Mr. Black.

Local Topics
-Floyd Sires of Benson came here Sunday for a short visit at the Mrs. Celia LaVelle home.
-Dayton Smith of Las Vegas, Nev., visited Tuesday evening with Harvey H. Douglass. Mr. Smith is a former resident of Monona.
-Winfield Masonhall of Omaha, Nebr., visited over the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Masonhall.
-Oscar Hanson went to Chicago, Ill., Sunday evening for a day's visit with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bilden.
-A baby boy weighing 8 pounds and 3 ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Kittelson of Clermont at the Postville hospital on Monday.
-Evelyn Dresser and Ethelyn Smith of Manchester and Foster Burroughs of Waterloo visited Saturday evening and Sunday with Miss Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith. Another guest at the Smith home on Sunday was Mrs. Evan Swenson.
-A baby girl, weighing six pounds and two ounces, was born at the Postville hospital Tuesday morning to Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Evans of Luana. She has been named Karon Kay.

Miss Irene Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meyer, who live notheast of Castalia, and Theodore Feickert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Feickert of Forbes, North Dakota, were married Tuesday morning at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F.R. Ludwig. Attendants were Leonard Meyer, brother of the bride, and Georgene Koenig, a friend of the contracting parties. The bride was attired in a chiffon wedding gown, floor length, and the bridegroom wore a suit of the conventional blue. Shortly following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to fifteen relatives and friends at the Meyer home. Table waitresses were Chrystal Koenig and Marian Dunning. Mr. Feickert has been located in this vicinity for the last five years, working on various farms. The newlyweds will make their home for the time being with the bride's parents.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2010]


Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
October 2, 1940

Raymond Mulholland got home after two years enrollment in the CCC camp at Cherokee. Another brother, John, will soon leave for a year's enlistment, having been notified to appear with the next group to leave Waukon.

Mr. Oscar Thorsen, receiver for Blackhawk bridge, was in town last Wednesday and paid the last half of 1939 taxes on the bridge. We are inclined to wonder what effect, if any, the tax commission's decision newly rendered by the state supreme court, that all property assessed at its full value, will have on the bridge company. It is now in at a small fraction of its value.

At a recent meeting of the Lansing American Legion Auxiliary, Mrs. Len Barthell was elected delegate to attend the Fourth District Conference at Charles City. Alternates were Mrs. George Aschom and Mrs. Helga Leach.

The New Albin high school baseball team was defeated by Waterville in the first game of the season. Pitching for New Albin was O. Hosch with D. Irons and R. Moore catching. On the Waterville side Young pitching and Heffern catching.

The good ladies of St. Mary's Parish, Dorchester, did themselves proud last Sunday in serving a sumptuous chicken and ham dinner, with all the trimmings, to about 400 people, who came from all parts of the county.

Miss Mary O'Neill, student at Bayless Business College, Dubuque, spent the weekend with her parents.

A new soda fountain was installed in the S & D Cafe, Waukon, bring about an attractive and convenient improvement.

Ray Sweeney, Bob Langheim and James Seeley of the U.S.S. Pennsylvania arrived yesterday morning from Bremerton, WA. The boys have a vacation period from Uncle Sam's Navy and will enjoy it with home folks.

Marriage vows were exchanged between Gladys Middendorf and Bernet Richard at St. Peter's Evangelical Reform Church, New Albin.

[transcribed by E.W., February 2007]


Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
October 16, 1940

Local Topics
-Miss Sophie Sandbeck, Union Prairie township, a beautiful blond young lady, was chosen Corn Day queen for Waukon's annual festival.
-Alton Nelson, who has been a member of the Decorah police force for 11 years, has been named as flying instructor for the training of air pilots at the University of Iowa.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nagle of Waukon were married 56 years on October 7, and although 81 years old, Mr. Nagle celebrated the event by assisting with painting the exterior of a neighbor's house.
-Mrs. T.K. Thompson of St. Olaf received a letter last week from relatives in Norway. The letter which was written July 18, was the first news she had received of her folks since the German invasion.
-Ben Davis of Waukon, former Allamakee county sheriff, visited with is friends here Saturday afternoon.
-Rudolph Hartwig drove to St. Ansgar on Tuesday to attend the funeral of Alvin Bewick.
-Eva Kehr went to Lansing Saturday evening and spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Kehr.
-Mr. and Mrs. Rolan Heins are the parents of a baby girl, who was born Thursday morning at the Heins farm home south of Postville. The little miss weighed 8 1/2 pounds at birth.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pearson and Robert went to Waukon on Sunday to attend a birthday party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kolden. The occasion was Mrs. Kolden's birthday anniversary.
-Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Kurdelmeier and Lyle attended the wedding of Mr. Kurdelmeier's brother, Alvin Kurdelmeier, to Dorothy Krueger at Cresco on October 6.
-Winfield Masonhall of Omaha, Nebr., visited over the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Masonhall, and with friends.
-Walter C. Brandt of Philadelphia, Pa., came Friday morning for an extended visit here with his mother, Mrs. Mary Schroeder, and with other relatives and friends.
-Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eaton Waters Monday evening were Mrs. Waters' brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas of Waukon. The Thomases were married last Wednesday evening in the Norwegian Lutheran church at Waukon and had been in Chicago on a honeymoon. Mrs. Thomas is the former Miss Charlotte Tysland.
-Mr. and Mrs. Louis Halverson, who were married October 4, returned home on Thursday evening from a five day honeymoon trip to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where they visited relatives.
-Lloyd Luhman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Luhman, left Thursday afternoon for Ogden where he joined the Carl Nebbe orchestra.
-Mr. and Mrs. Elrie Ruckdaschel and family, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Swenson and Doris Swenson visited in Harpers Ferry and Lansing Sunday.

Ruth Moore Marries Clifford Starkey
Ruth Evelyn Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moore of Luana, and Clifford Starkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Starkey of Marquette were married Saturday at Marquette by Justice E.E. Hagensick. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Cleophus Anderson of Marquette. They will make their home in Marquette where the bridegroom is employed by the Milwaukee railroad.

Nephew of Mrs. Kozelka Drowns
Leo Tayek, 21, of Monona, who was drowned Sunday afternoon in the Mississippi river near Waukon Junction, was a nephew of Mrs. Wm. Kozelka of Postville. Tayek fell from a motor boat operated by Kenneth Schneider of Monona in the same vicinity of the drowning of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Senneff of Waukon on July 4. Funeral services were conducted this afternoon in Monona. He is survived by his bride of six weeks, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tayek of near Monona, and a brother, Donald.

[transcribed by S.F., December 2010]


Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
October 23, 1940

Mrs. Celia LaVelle Passed Away
Mrs. Celia LaVelle, 66, a resident of Postville for many years, passed away early Sunday morning after an illness of nine months. Funeral servces were conducted Tuesday afternoon at the LaVelle residence by the Rev. J. Ian Fraser. Burial was made in the Postville cemetery. As Celia Russell she was born Aug. 4, 1874, at Rossville, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Russell. She moved to Postville with her parents in her youth and lived here until 1895. She was married at Waukon March 27, 1895, to William LaVelle and after the ceremony moved with her husband to a farm 3 1/2 miles southwest of Postville, where they made their home until 1929. Since 1929 she had lived in Postville. On June 29, 1930, about a year after moving here, Mr. LaVelle passed away.

She became the mother of three sons and five daughters. Two daughters, Thelma and Ethel, have passed away. She is survived by her sons, Ralph and Ashley LaVelle of Postville, and Harry LaVelle of Platte, So. Dak., and her daughters, (Phyllis) Mrs. Horace B. LaForm of Detroit, Mich., (Esther) Mrs. Clarence J. Riser of Prairie du Chien, Wis., and (Ruth) Mrs. Floyd Sires of Cedar Falls. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Bellows of Jamestown, No. Dak. and Mrs. Jack Martin of Seattle, Wash., and one brother, Gilbert Russell of Platte, So. Dak. Two brothers, Ira and Will, and two sisters, Cora and Delia, passed away previously. For the last five weeks Mrs. Mary Bellows has been here to help care for Mrs. LaVelle.

Rudolph Hein Passes On at Denver, Colo.
Word was received here last Friday that Rudolph F. Hein, a former resident of Postville, had passed away at his home in Denver, Colo. funeral services were conducted in Denver on Monday with burial also being made in that city. The following relatives from Postville left for Denver Friday afternoon to attend the services: Mr. and Mrs. L.O. Beucher, Mrs. Otto J. Beucher, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hein, Mrs. Geo. Hein, Mrs. Frank D. Rounds and Mrs. Bernard Waters. Mrs. Guy Mead of Waterloo also attended the funeral.

Rudolph F. Hein was born April 25, 1892, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hein. His early life was spent at his birthplace on the Hein farm south of Postville in Grand Meadow township, Clayton county. During those years he obtained an early education by attending Grand Meadow District No. 6, rural school. When Carl Hein passed away in 1900, Mrs. Hein moved to Postville with her family. Rudolph F. Hein attended Postville high school and became amember of the graduating class. For a number of years he clerked in the Farmers Store and later at Kohlmann Bros. store. In 1917 he was married to Miss Lottie Beucher and a short time after the ceremony, was drafted for World War duty. He saw service in France and then returned to Postville after an absence of a year.

Mr. Hein was in poor health and at the advice of physicians moved to Denver, Colo., where he lived until his final illness. After first locating in Denver he attended college and then taught school at Palisade, Colo., for a year and a half. He is survived by his wife and one son, Merle. Another son, Ralph, was drowned last July. He is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Guy Mead of Waterloo, Mrs. F.D. Rounds and Mrs. Bernard Waters, and one brother, Wm. H. Hein. Although Mr. Hein had been in ill health for a number of years his death was a shock to friends and relatives here. He had been seriously ill for only two days.

Orrin Ward Passes Away
Orrin Ward, 70, passed away early Tuesday morning at the Decorah hospital where he had been taken following an accident at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Looney, 2 1/4 miles northeast of Postville. He had been in a serious condition since October 15, when he slipped and fell down a flight of stairs. He was born July 10, 1870, coming to the Postville vicinity from Bloomington, Wis. about 30 years ago. He worked on several farms in this community, helping with various farm tasks. Three of his employers were Ed McNeil, Leska Martins and Harold A. Brewer. Seven years ago he went to the Tom Looney farm where he had worked as a farm hand. He is survived by three daughters, Ora, Wanda and Una, all of Rochester, Minn., three sisters and one brother. Funeral services were conducted this afternoon in the Schutte funeral rooms by the Rev. J. Ian Fraser. Burial was made in Grand Meadow cemetery southeast of Postville.

R.J. Brown Passes On
R.J. Brown, 72, who for 15 years had served as janitor of the local schools, passed away Thursday afternoon at his home near Waterville after an illness of several years. He is survived by his wife and nine children, Roy at Luana, Charley at Castalia, William near Waterville, and Rilla (Mrs. Frank Mielke), Ethel (Mrs. Harmey Russell) of Atalissa, Agnes (Mrs. Jerry Russell) near Waterville, Darwin of Luana, Wray of covington, Tenn., and Bruce of Moorhead. After leaving the position as school janitor during which he made many friends, he and his wife have lived at Waterville where they could be cared for by their children. Funeral services were held at Monona sunday afternoon from the Schultz funeral home and burial was made in the cemetery at Sixteen. (Luana correspondence column)

Reckward - Reincke
Mardella Reincke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reincke of Froelich, and Wilbur Reckward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reckward of near Castalia, were married at the Lutheran parsonage by the Rev. William Striepe of Castalia Thursday morning, October 10 at 9:30 o'clock. The bride wore a floor-length gown of white taffeta and a finger tip veil trimmed with lace. She carried a bouquet of tea roses. Charlotte Reckward, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. Her floor-length gown was a pink taffeta. The bridegroom was attended by Delbert Reincke, brother of the bride. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to fifteen at the home of the bride's parents. In the evening a shower and dance were held in the city hall in Monona. Mr. and Mrs. Reckward will live on a farm near Castalia.

Swenson - Jones
The Frankville Presbyterian church was the scene of a wedding Tuesday evening when Jacob H. Swenson and Eliza Jones, both of Postville, were united in marriage by the Rev. J. Ian Fraser. Attendants to the couple were Leo and Viola Brink and Ruth Ludeking of Waukon. The couple will live in Postville.

Local Topics
-Mrs. Bernard Waters accompanied relatives from Postville to Boulder, Colorado, Saturday to attend the funeral of her brother, Rudolph Hein, who passed away on Friday.
-Leonard J. Bulman of Center township, candidate for Allamakee county sheriff, visited friends in Postville on Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Pardee of Edgewood visited friends in Postville on Sunday. Mrs. Pardee will be remembered as the former Miss Pearl Robbins.
-Joseph Meister and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris of Wheaton, Ill., visited from Thursday until Monday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McGlaughlin. Mr. Meister is Mrs. McGlaughlin's grandfather. Other visitors at the McGlaughlin home from Sunday until Tuesday morning were Mrs. McGlaughin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Meister of Aurora, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mogill of Marengo, Illinois.
-Mrs. Horace B. LaForm of Detroit, Mich. arrived here on Tuesday to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Celia LaVelle.
-Mr. and Mrs. Tollef Hauge, Thomas Hauge, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Osterhus and Audrey, and Mrs. E.N. Evenson, all of Ossian; Mr. and Mrs. Tollef Larson, Mrs. H. Loftsgard of Decorah; and Mrs. A.B. Freeland of Waterloo, were guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lofstuen where the latter's baby daughter was christened that day, being given the names Sonja Henriette.

[transcribed by S.F., December 2010]

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Allamakee County