Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
October 10, 1934

Elmer Colsch, 13, was killed and his brother James, 8, was seriously hurt when they were struck by a car whose driver was blinded by the lights of an oncoming car near Waukon.

The Cardinals won the Series, beating Detroit in seven games. The Dean brothers won all four games.

Ingvald Sorlie's funeral was held in Lansing. He was 38.

Duck season opened today. It will run to Nov. 18. Hunting is not allowed on Mondays and on Tuesdays.

John Krueger and son of Ludlow and James McCarthy of Union Prairie accompanied a stock train to Chicago.

Snow White Grocery specials: 20 oz. package of oatmeal, 11 cents.; mince meat, 9 oz. package, 9 cents.; and Campbell's tomato soup, 3 cans for 25 cents.

In New Albin, Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 7-13, will be observed in school with appropriate programs.

Elected to offices of the New Albin high school senior class: Forrest Sires, president; James Morgan, secretary; Ralph Steele, treasurer.

Louis Knopf and son Edward of Lansing are re-drilling a well on the Dan Kelly farm.

[transcribed by E.W., March 2007]

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