Iowa Old Press

Waukon Republican and Standard
Waukon, Allamakee co. Iowa
May 24, 1933

"The Friendly Paper"

Ten Boys Selected for Forestry Camp
Julius Boeckh, Lansing, Allamakee county director of the reforestation delegation for the county made his first 10 selections last Thursday and the boys were driven to Mason City Friday morning. The young men selected are: Otto Schobert and Charles E. Hayes, Jr., of Lafayette township; Joseph W. Wiemerslage, Herbert Mulholland, Frank Asay, Jr. and Arthur C. Magnusson of Lansing; Bert Connor, James Quinn, Joseph McCormick, Kenneth Eckard and Lyle Austin (alternate), all of Waukon. There are 20 men who still are to be chosen from Allamakee county.

Schoolmasters Meeting
Representative Ove T. Roe was a guest at the Allamakee County Schoolmasters Club, which met Tuesday evening at The Loft. Waukon representatives were B.K. Orr, George Patschke, and L.D. Orr. Others who attended were: T.M. Rickansrud and J. Roy Veldhuizen of Lansing; H.B. Hetzler of Harpers Ferry; A.M. Willard and Dr. R.J. Eisheid of New Albin; L.P. Ortale, J.A. Anderson and Silas P. Glynn of Waterville; and R.J. Carroll, J. Steel and W. Klingbeil of Postville.

Leonard Hanson Funeral Sunday
Funeral rites for the late Leonard Hanson, whose tragic death at the hands of bandits at Buxton, North Dakota, was reported in the Republican and Standard last week, were held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Maude Bieber, sister of deceased. Hanson met his death Mary 17 when he sought to protect the funds in his bank by attempting to reach a tear gas valve when bandits held up the bank. As he reached for the valve, he received a bullet in his back, fired by one of the robbers. He reached and succeeded in turning on the gas, causing the robbers to make a hasty retreat, but not until they had scooped up approximatedly $1000. No trace of the bandit gang has been found.

Albert Leonard Hanson was born at Waukon, Iowa, December 8, 1883. His early life was spent in Waukon. Here he received his education in the public schools, and here he formed those frendships that lasted through his life. He was ever a good companion and made many friends. He was united in marriage with Miss Lura Bock January 17th, 1909. The young couple went immediately to Buxton, North Dakota, and that has been their home since that time. To this union were born two children, a son and daughter. Howard is a mortician, and Lois a teacher in the school at Buxton.

Mr. Hanson was for twenty years the cashier of the Buxton bank and was connected with other interests there. Once before the bank had been robbed, but now the robbers added murder to robbery, and the loving father and husband, and the friend of many was suddenly called away from them in death.

The dear wife and children and one sister, Mrs. John P. Bieber of Waukon, are left to mourn their great loss. Mr. Hanson was long a member of the Lutheran church and also of the Masonic order, and in each he gave the best of his manhood. He was esteemed an honorable man, reliable in business, sincere in his religion and in his Masonic work, a man of purity of character, and integrity in pubic and social life. Funeral services by Reverend Van Nice and Masonic honors were conducted Sunday afternoon at the home of his siter, Mrs. Bieber, and burial was made in Oakland.

John Maloney of Jefferson Dies - Lifelong Resident of Allamakee
John Maloney died at his home in Jefferson township Sunday morning. He had been ill the past several months with arthritis. He was 65 years of age. John Maloney was born December 26, 1867, near Cherry Mound,, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Maloney. When he was five years old he moved with his parents to a farm in Ludlow township, and after the death of his parents he took over the home place, where he lived for 60 years. On August 29, 1900, he married Miss Margaret Rupp in Waukon. Seven children were born to this union, who, with the wife and mother are left to mourn his death.

The surviving children are Mrs. Robert Ormsby of Monona, Mrs. Lloyd Campbell of Waukon, Thomas of Frankville, and Emmet, Donald, Irene and Catherine at home. He is also survived by one brother, Daniel, of [--smond] North Dakota, and [paper torn] sisters, Mrs. John Caughey of [Fe-dig] Montana, Mary Maloney of Denver, Colorado, and Mrs. Carl Ankney of Wheatland, Wyoming. There are four grandchildren, Donna Mae Campbell, Betty and Bobby Ormsby and Jimmie Maloney. Funeral services were held at St. Patrick's church this morning with mass by Reverend J.C. Stuart. Burial was made in Oakland cemetery under direction of undertakers Pluemer & Bakke, Waukon.

Waukon Woman Dies in Hospital
Mrs. Fred A. Sanderman died at the Grandview hospital in La Crosse Saturday afternoon, following a weeks illness. She was taken seriously ill Wednesday morning and was rushed to La Crosse, where she underwent an operation for ruptured appendix Thursday morning. Everyting possible was done for her, but peritinitis set in, and she passed away Saturday afternoon.

Lena Nagel was born February 6, 1881, in Ludlow township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Nagel. She received her education in the rural schools of Ludlow and Union Prairie townships. She moved to Waukon in 1917, and was engaged in nursing for a number of years. On December 16, 1924, she married Fred A. Sanderman, and they made their home in Waukon. She is survived by her husband and four sisters, Clara of Waukon, and Sophia, Lydia and Minnie of Union Prairie township. Funeral services were held this afternoon fron Zion Reformed church, of which she was a member . Because of the illness of the pastor, Reverend F.E. Stucki, Reverend Carl Koepke of La Crosse conducted the funeral services. Interment was made in Oakland cemetery.

Stroke is Fatal to Charles Henry
Charles Henry died Thursday at his home in Makee township. Mr. Henry sufffered a severe paralytic stroke nine weeks ago, and since then had been in a serious condition. He was 63 years old.

Charles Joseph Henry was born March 31, 1870, in Allamakee county. He was a son of Charles and Eva Henry. He received his education in the rural schools of this county. On January 28, 1896, he married Miss Mary Colsch, and they made their home on their farm in Makee township. He is survived by his wife, and six children, namely Theordore, Leo, George and Milton of Makee township; Mrs. William Duffy of Dorchester, and Mrs. Harvey Flage of Ludlow township. He also is survived by three brothers, Joseph, Andrew and John of this city; and three sisters, Mrs. Charles Haas of Lycurgus; Mrs. Gustav Gruber of Union Prairie township, and Mrs. Moritz Gruber of Lansing township.

Funeral services were held Saturday morning at St. Mary's church at Lycurgus, conducted by Reverend P.H. McNamara. Interment was made in the cemetery nearby, uner direction of undertakers Martin Brothers, Waukon. The casket bearers were John O'Brien, Robert Hughes, Nicholas Colsch, O.A. Dixon, Patrick McCauley and Thomas Ford.

Local and Personal - Waukon
-Paul Bakke and Horace Van Nice went to La Crosse Monday afternoon on business.
-Miss Leonette Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Olson, has been seriously ill the past few days.
-Mrs. Henry Gilbertson and son, Harris, of Lansing were Waukon and Decorah business callers Saturday.
-Mrs. Lena Mathis of Bancroft came last Thursday to attend the funeral of Charles Henry. She returned Sunday.
-Mrs. Leo Hufschmidt, Mrs. Warren Hayes, Miss Maize Dunmlevy and Mrs. N.C. Martinson spent Monday evening in Waukon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hanson are the proud parents of a baby boy born Friday at their home. Mrs. George Hall is taking care of the mother and child.
-William Garner and Mrs. Phoebe Turnipseed, both of Richland Center, Wisconsin, were married by Reverend R.L. Van Nice WEdnesday, May 17th. They will make their home at Richland Center.
-Two Wisconsin couples were married by Reverend H.W. Singer at the Methodist parsonage Monday. They were Merle William Chapee of Reidstown, and Miss Ruth Riser of Viola; and Russell Davidson of Onalaska and Miss Barbara Showers of La Crosse. The last named were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hanson.
-Miss Marian Rosauer, who taught the Lycurgus school several years, and who made her home at New Hampton the past two years, left yesterday for Los Angeles, California, where her parents reside. If she finds the western city to her liking she may decide to remain there.
-Jack Luther returned to his work at the barber shop Monday, after a several months absence.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carpetner spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Carpenter's sister and brother, Nettie and Doran Walters at Rossville.
-Bernelle Steele of New Albin came Thursday to assist in the Kroack grocerty store during the absence of Mr. Kroack, who is ill.
-Miss Susanna Welter, R.N., of Dubuque spent a few days visiting her parents at the home of her sister, Mrs. J.A. Sawvell and family.
-R.A. Nichols enjoyed a brief visit one day last week from Ed L. Hall of Indianapolis, Indiana, who came over from Rockford, Illinois, for a chat with his old comrade of Spanish war days. Mr. Hall was a corporal in Captain Nichols company.
-Frank L. Sink and Miss Caroline M. Streitz, both of La Crosse, were married Tuesday by Reverend Peter F. Kjorlaug at the parsonage. Mrs. Kjorlaug and H. Linebeck were the witnesses. Mr. Sink is superintendent of the Northern States Gas and Power Company at La Crosse, where they will make their home. They were accompanied to Waukon by a number of relatives and friends.
-A.C. Doehler of Village Creek came Saturday to spend the day visiting his daughter, Mrs. Fred Intelkofer and family.
-Dr. J.L. Bresnahan will go to La Crosse Thursday to visit his father-in-law, Dan O'Brien, who underwent an operation last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dravis and Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Kuehne of Moline, Illinois, came Saturday to attend the funeral of Leonard Hanson. They returned home Monday.
-Dr. Herman Peterson, Carl Peterson and Mrs. Charles Allison went to Estherville last Tuesday to attend the funeral of a relative, Nels Volding. They returned home the same evening.
-Out of town people who attended the funeral of Leonard Hanson includes the following: Mr. and Mrs. Donald McNulta of Francisville, Indiana; Harold Sorlie of Hartland, Minnesota; Dr. and Mrs. Douglass Brown of Elkader; Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Catlin of Austin, Minnesota; Mrs. Allan Bock, Elizabeth Bock and Blanche Bock of Dubuque; Mrs. Blanches White, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brien, Mrs. Arthur O'Brien and son Joe, R.D. White and Warner White, all of Volga City; Charley Kumpf, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson, Daisey Robinson, Ed Bock and Charley Travis of New Albin; Mrs. J. Greer and son of Omaha, Nebraska; Alfred Bock and daughter Marie of Wausau, Wisconsin, and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dravis and Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Kuenhe of Moline, Illinois.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flage are the parents of a baby girl born this morning. Miss Gladys Amundson is taking care of the mother and child.

Big Foot Personals
-Elmer Hefner called at the Mike McNally home Monday.
-Miss Gayle L. Thias, Violet M. Thias and Vernon Melcher were Waterville shoppers Monday.
-Ford Thias visited at the John Campbell home Monday. Ford has hired out for the summer. He went to work Monday.
-A shower was given Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Davis at the old Sixteen school house. Many from this vicinity attended and everyone had a nice time.
-Miss Hazel Gilson is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Fred Meine at Luana.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harley Cowell motored to Dubuque Tuesday to see Tom Cowell.
-Russell Gruver and Mrs. Clarence Gruver were Waukon callers Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Woodmansee visited in Waukon Friday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown visted at the Leslie Nicholas home Sunday afternoon.
-We have Mrs. Albert Gilson and Miss Ferne Campbell on our sick list. Mrs. Gilson is better, while Ferne is just coming down with the mumps.

English Bench News
-John Sadler and mother were Waukon shoppers Monday.
-Miss Gladys Martin spent several days last week at Waukon visiting high school with her cousins, Violet and Esther Shefelbine. Miss Violet is among the graduating class this year.
-Mrs. Gus Mohwinkle of Dorchester spent several days last week with Miss Daisy Beardmore.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pottratz and family were Sunday callers at the Ben Hartley home.
-Roy Coppersmith, the proprietor of the Dorchester store, was out riding Sunday on his motorcycle.

Waterville News
-Miss Nellie Anderson is a visitor at the E. Leiran home.
-The Joe Danaher family of Waukon were Sunday afternoon visitors at the M.J. Kelly home.
-Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Baldwin and son, Bud, of Cresco were weekend visitors with her mother, Mrs. Ed Gaynor and family.
-Miss Ruth Pederson, R.N., of Chicago was a visitor from Saturday till Tuesday with home folks, the G. Pederson family and also with her sister, Mrs. Herman Haehlen and family at Waukon.
-Miss Leone Asleson, R.N., of Chicago, arrived home Friday for a week's visit with the Adolph Asleson family.
-Several people from here attended the B. McCormick funeral at Paint Rock which was held Monday morning.

New Albin News
-Miss Bernice Coughlin of Waukon is visiting with the William Coughlin family.
-The A.F. Weymiller family, accompanied by Miss Cora Thomson, motored to Minneapolis Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Carl Weymiller.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson and Miss Daisy Robinson attended the funeral of Leonard Hanson at Waukon Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weymiller St., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weymiller attended the funeral of Mrs. Carl Weymiller at Minneapolis on Wednesday.
-Miss Anna Irons of Chicago is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Irons.

New Albin Dance Hall Opening
The opening of the new dance hall, "Dreamland" owned by C.D Hartley is scheduled for Monday night, May 29th, with Cecil W. Brewten's 11-piece colored band. Mr. Hartley has spent much time and money making this an attractive and cool place to dance and a good hard maple floor has been laid.

Lansing News
-The fire truck was called out Monday evening around six o'clock to the W.E. Albert home, the fire being caused by a gasoline stove. One door and the linoleum floor was quite badly burned.
-Miss Hazel Olson, R.N., of La Crosse, came home Monday for a two weeks visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Olson.
-Jerry Dunlevy met with quite a misfortune Monday when he fell and broke his arm above the wrist. He was vaultin gover some rhubarb plants and lost his balance and fell.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Saam received a letter from their son Thomas at Iowa City, saying that he had been eleted to an eight weeks interneship in Obstetrics at the state hospital, his work beginnning next Monday.
-Bobbie and Joyce Greenley have been confined to their home with chicken pox.
-Miss Helen Feuerhelm entertained a number of friends at a dinner Tuesday evening at her home, the occasion being in honor of Milton Severson's birthday.

Quandahl Quidnuncs
-Ruth Quandahl spent last week at the J.F. Osmundson home.
-Lynas Abel of Monona was a Sunday guest at the O.L. Nelson home May 14th.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Forde were visitors at the Tilleros home Wednesday.
-G.S. Ellestad plans to leave for Minneapolis soon, where he will remain several weeks.
-Jaerdis and Inez Osmundson have been staying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Quandahl, near Highland.
-H.M. and J. Quanrudes were among those who attended Leonard Hanson's funeral at the Bieber home in Waukon Sunday afternoon.
-Mrs. Ed Nelson returned from the Hall hospital Sunday evening. She and the babe are feeling fine.

Oak Ridge Personals
-Miss Emma Timmerman returned home this week after having spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Herman Topel.
-Milton Schlitter was a business caller at the John Unterberger home on Cherry Mound last Wednesday.
-Friends of Mrs. Mary Finley Clauson were shocked and grieved to hear of her sudden death at the home near Harpers Ferry Tuesday of last week. The funeral was held Friday at 2:00 p.m. at the Evangelical church at Monona, with burial in the city cemetery. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved husband who is left with five small children. [note: a longer obit appearing in this same issue spelled her surname Clawson]
-Misses Malinda Kiester and Winnie Sieg were visitors Sunday at the Frank Van Cura home.

North Franklin News
-Mrs. Alfred Berg and boys visited at the John Berg home Monday afternoon.
-Harry Gobin delivered veal calves in Monona Tuesday morning.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fish and Laura Decker were calling in Monona Friday.
-James Fish continues in very por health at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harold Decker.
-Mrs. Abe Evans, Arthur Evans and Robert Fish were visiting with James Fish Sunday.
-Norma June Berg is spending this week with Grandma Berg near Forest Mills.

The Week at Volney
-Henry Hanson was calling at the Albert Gilson home Saturday
-Gaylord Moose was a guest at the Albert Gilson home Saturday evening.
-A large crowd attended the shower and dance at the Dave Stafford home Saturday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Orrie Davis who were married Wednesday, May 17th. Congratulations!
-Albert Gilson and daughter, Alice, wee calling at the S.L. Swenson home Friday.
-Mrs. Leslie Nickols and girls were calling at the Albert Gilson home Saturday. Mrs. Gilson is able to sit up a little now after her week's illness.

News of West Ridge
-William Rea spent the past week at the Mrs. Henry Mellick and John Kilpartick homes.
-Anna McAneny of Waukon spent the week end at the Charley Kilpatrick home.
-Mrs. Fred Liddiard was a visitor at the Mike Millick home Thursday afternoon.
-Leonard Mellick spent Suday at the Albert Liddiard home.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2010]

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