Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
October 7, 1931

Lansing's advertised paving celebration last Wednesday was a grand success and greatly enjoyed by a good-sized crowd, in spite of the rain that day. The morning started in threatening and wet, and the moisture fell gently until the ball diamond was too wet for playing, and the big game between De Soto and Lansing had to be abandoned, much to the regret of the fans. The tug-of-war between Wisconsin and Iowa also had to be called off.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Enright returned Thursday to their home at Yorba Linda, Calif., having enjoyed a three weeks' visit here at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Robinson.

Don't miss the big ball game on the local diamond Sunday afternoon. Married men vs. Single men of New Albin. It will be worth a quarter.

For Sale-Young ferrets, hand handled, at $5.00 each. Jarvis Ferret Farms, Brownsdale, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and family of Clarion, Iowa, were here over the week-end, visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Latronch and other relatives.

Harold Gerling of Gordon Ferry, Ia., was here last week visiting his sister, Miss Ruth Gerling. The former has been at La Crescent, Minn., where he has been dong relief work at the La Crescent depot.

Waterville Ball team was defeated Sunday afternoon by Harpers on the local diamond by a score of 25 to 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogan motored here Saturday for a visit with the former's home folks, the J. H. Hogan family, and other relatives. They also visited the Corrigan families at Paint Rock. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Hogan's mother, Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald.

A pleasant and social event took place last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Heffern, when a large gathering of neighbors, relatives and friends, numbering about 150, assembled to help them celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. It was a happy surprise on the couple, gotten up by the children, Leo, John, Jr., and Mrs. Clarence Hogen.

The Helmer Carlson family moved into their new home on Platt street last week. It is a nice little bungalow, modern in every detail, and their numerous friends hope that they may enjoy it for many years to come.

Weighmaster W. H. Guider and wife, Nick Schack, the cattle buyer, with Orrin Bartheld as chauffeur, drove to Chicago yesterday, the Guiders for a week or so vacation visit with relatives and friends there, and the latter on a business trip. Herman Haas is looking after business at the city scales during Bill's absence.

Attorney Frank Riser of Lansing and Harm Luedman of Waukon drove to Iowa City Saturday to attend the Iowa-Pittsburg football game, which Pittsburg won 20 to 0.

A seaplane from Hayward, Wis., was here Sunday taking up passengers, and did a thriving business most of the afternoon.

October 6th and no frost yet, but the season of the "sear and yellow leaf" is becoming much in evidence. Corn has just naturally dried up and so has vegetation of all kinds, but pastures are still nice and green, owing to the recent soaking rains. Some one has predicted that frost will hold off until November first, but we doubt it, as usually "All bloom is consumed in October."

The railroad park at the depot has been plowed up and leveled off and will be seeded down to rye. The old cement American flag, made many years ago by the late operator, Edward Boeckh, has been removed from the park.

Members of the Iowa State Motor Vehicle department are planning to make a concentrated drive in this locality within the next few weeks, according to Frank L. Christen, Decorah, inspector in charge of this territory, and Knopp F. Matthews, inspector in the Waterloo territory. The drive will deal primarily with foreign license plates, oversized and overloaded trucks. Every car owner living in Iowa or working in Iowa must buy an Iowa license to conform with the law. Failure to do so will not only mean the buying of a license with penalty of one dollar per month from the time the car entered the state, but may also result in a fine of $100 and costs. During this drive six or eight inspectors will concentrate at the Black Hawk bridge in Lansing and check all cars, besides making a thorough check of adjacent territory.

Miss Pearl Kaeser has accepted a position as stenographer for the Highway Commission in the office located in the Peoples National Bank building.

Last Friday evening, the Adolph Peterson home was the scene of a happy gathering when twenty-four young ladies came in with baskets, complimenting their daughter, Miss Evelyn, who is soon to become a bride. A delicious dinner was served at 6:30 and a pleasant social evening followed. The visitors presented their hostess with a set of dishes as a token of their friendship.

Fred Weymiller finished making sorghum last week, having made about 200 gallons of the molasses.

Margaret Waters, accompanied by her girl friend, Virginia Ryan, hiked from Waukon Friday to spend the week-end at the John Waters home.

Ruby Dresselhaus and Loretta Waters accompanied by friends, took in a show at La Crosse Sunday evening.

[transcribed by E.W., February 2007]

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