Iowa Old Press

Waukon Republican and Standard
Waukon, Allamakee co. Iowa
December 23, 1931

Pioneer Resident of County Dies
Mrs. John S. Johnson, a resident of this county 60 years died at her home in this city last Thursday, December 17th, at the age of 79 years. She had been in failing health for the past few years. Ellena Martinson was born March 8, 1852, at Toten, Norway, and came to this country when a child. She lived at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for a time, later moving to the Round Prairie locality in this county. In January, 1872, she married John S. Johnson, at the Paint Creek church. Two children were born to them, Mrs. Minnie Hagen of Detroit, Michigan, and Charles of this city, who are left to mourn her death. Her husband died several years ago. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. N.E. Johnson of St. Paul, Minnesota, who visited here before her death. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 1:30 from the home and 2:00 at St. John's Lutheran church, conducted by Reverend Peter Kjorlaug, with burial at Oakland cemetery. Out of town relatives who attended the funeral were Otto Hagen and daughter, Mrs. Ray E. Curtis of Detroit, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. N.E. Moore and son Donald of Laurel, Montana.

Lansing Man is Killed by Train
Elmer E. Moen, 45, who resided alone four miles south of Lansing, was found dead this morning beside the railway three-quarters of a mile south of that city. He had been run over by the northbound freight that went through at seven o'clock last night. Nothing was known of the accident unti the train crew reached La Crosse and observed blood on the engine. The Lansing agent was notified this mroning and the section crew went down the railway to investigate. They found the body terribly mutilated. Coroner Huecker and Sheriff Bulman were called from Waukon and an inquest was held this forenoon at the Saam undertaking rooms, to which place the body had been removed. William Spinner Thomas Saam and C. Aschom served as jurors. Testimony was taken from Will Saam, undertaker, and Ernie Helle, section foreman. Their verdict was accidental death.

Dog Saves Farmer in Holdup Battle
James Fagan, 76 year old farmer residing near Paint Rock, was the victim of an attack by an unknown person who lay for him outside his farm home Friday night. Had it not been for Mr. Fagan's faithful dog, he might have been more seriously injured and his money taken. Mr. Fagan stepped out of his house about 7:30, when a man who had been hiding behind a tree sprang out in front of him and demanded that he put up his hands. This Mr. Fagan refused to do. Instead, he began backing away toward the house. Threats of shooting did not stop the farmer so the stick-up man resorted to the use of a club. Striking his victim over the head, he rendered the aged man helpless and would doubtless have entered the house to procure his money, had not the dog scented trouble. The dog, an old Shepherd, and deaf, without waiting for a call from his master, entered the fight, whereupon the would-be robber took to his heals. Mr. Fagan had received such a severe injury to his head that he was unable to reach his bed and he lay throughout the night on the floor. His only companion in the home is his aged sister. The following day she went to a neighboring home and a doctor was summoned. The injured man was given medical care and he is recovering nicely from the injury and shock. The sheriff's office was not notified until Saturday night and the perpetrator of the crime, believed to be a local party, will, in all probability escape detection.

John Weipert Dies in Gun Accident
John Weipert, a farmer residing near New Galena, met instant death Thursday evening when a shotgun which he was dragging through a fence exploded, the charge entering his chest. Weipert had gone to a neighboring farm home and was returning, carrying his shotgun, when the accident which took his life occurred. He was found by neighbors about six o'clock. Sheriff Bulman was called, but after examination it was decided that an inquest was unnecessary. Deceased was about fifty years of age and is survived by his widow and several children.

Federal Officers Nab Harry Gass
Federal officers overhauled Harry Gass of Postville Saturday evening in Postville, charging him with transporting liquor. The model T Ford he was driving, together with seven or eight gallons of alleged alcohol, was confiscated by the government agents. Gass was taken Sunday to Dubuque, where he was placed under bond awaiting a hearing.

Cars Collide on Slippery Pavement
Joseph Haas and Earl Kilpatrick were drivers of two cars that collided on the slippery paving on number nine northeast of this city Sunday evening. Haas says he attempted to slow down when he saw the Kilpatrick car coming, but a wheel locked and his car swung out into the middle of the road in front of the Kilpatrick car. The accident occurred about 7:30 in the evening. With Haas in his care was Ray Schneider, son of E.J. Schneider. He was slightly cut about the face. Mrs. Leo Howe, riding with Kilpatrick, was also cut and bruised. Another lady in the Kilpatrick car escaped injury. Haas received a severe cut over his right eye that required several stitches to close. After the collision, Haas observed a third car approaching. To avoid further smashing, he flashed a light on the wrecked cars, but the driver, evidently confused because of the dense fog or fearing a hold-up, speeded by colliding with the Haas car [paper torn] throwing it a distance of [paper torn] yards, damaging it considerably. The driver went on his way to the next farm house before stopping.

Jurors Drawn for First 1932 Term
The following have been drawn to serve as trial jurors at the January term of district court, which will convene in Waukon on January 11. Jurors are required to report for duty on Minday, January 18, at 2:00 p.m.:
Herman Schoein, Center
Martha Kerndt, 1st Ward, Waukon
Ethel Saberson, 1st Ward, Waukon
Theodore Munz, Lafayette
E.J. Ryan, Jefferson
Fred Zimmerman, Center
Clinton Smith, Post
Elmer Sander, Post
William Barries, Post
Joe Ward, 2nd Ward, Waukon
Gus Laabs, Lansing
O.P. Gleisner, 3rd Ward, Waukon
Ethel Steele, Post
Mettie Waters, Post
Lawrence Livingston, Taylor
G.L. Land, 3rd Ward, Waukon
Edwin W. Meyer, Iowa
William Kozelka, Post
Alois Hammel, Iowa
J.W. Gene, Franklin
Earl Kilpatrick, Union Prairie
Kathryn M. Schulte, Waterloo
A.J. Larson, 3rd Ward, Waukon
Wendel Wagner, Post
Andrew Onsager, Union Prairie
Joseph Mullen, Lafayette
C.C. Kelly, Paint Creek
Ella Larson, Lansing
Harl Leas, Jefferson
William Spellmeyer, Union City
M.A. Tysland, Paint Creek
T.H. Bakewell, Lansing
H.A. Weimerslage, Union City
Herman Weber, Center
S.P. Bradley, Lansing
William Haas, 2nd Ward, Waukon
William Goebel, Jr., Taylor
H.A. Peterson, 2nd Ward, Waukon
Leonard Ryan, Iowa
Grace Hager, 1st Ward, Waukon
August Nagel, Ludlow
Alvin Walby, Ludlow
Etta Hecker, Post
John Rouster, Sr., Iowa
Cyril Garin, Taylor

Local and Personal.
-Miss Leona Woolstrum will spend Christmas with relatives in Dorchester.
-Mrs. O.C. Rudd of Lansing was a guest at the H.E. Taylor home Monday.
-Fred Fuller left today for Nevada, Iowa, where he will undergo an operation.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott of Waterloo will spend Christmas at the Alden Mosier home.
-Mrs. Henry Kosbau has been helping at the Equity store during the Christmas rush.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kosbau will spend Christmas at the John Pederson home in Waterville.
-E.M. Kerndt, Julius Boeckh and L.J. Barthell of Lansing were business callers here Monday.
-Gilbert Eadie left Thursday for New York City, where he is visiting relatives over Christmas.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alden Mosier and family spent the week end at Waterloo at the Ray Scott home.
-Mrs. George Watkins leaves today for Chicago to visit with her son, R.B. Watkins and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Selberg, Mrs. Lou Kurth and Miss Amelia Selberg drove to Waterloo Friday.
-George Patschke and Donald left Sunday for marion, Iowa, to spend Christmas with home folks.
-Mr. and Mrs. Dwight DeWitt of Frankville spent Saturday at the C.C. DeWitt home of this city.
-Fritz Helming came home Saturday to visit his parents, mr. and Mrs. B.D. Helming, over Christmas.
-Thomas Ryan, who is a distributor for an implement company, is spending this week with his family.
-Miss Margaret Kenan of Milwaukee is spending the latter part of the week at the Tom Keenan home.
-Miss Marjorie Niehaus who teaches school in Osage, is spending Christmas at the W.H. Niehaus home.
-Robert Hager will come today and spend Christmas at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hager.
-Mrs. Mary R. Cain leaves next week for Chicago to attend a convention for music and dramatic teachers.
-Milton Herman of Park Falls, Wisconsin, came Saturday to spend the holidays at the George Herman home.
-Miss Ruth Hall of Preston, Minnesota, came Monday and will visit the Charles Hall family in Jefferson township.
-Miss Anna Hager and W.C. Setzer of Ames came Friday for an over Christmas visit at the O.J. Hager home.
-Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Worley will leave Thursday for Cedar Rapids to spend Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Miller.
-Wilfred Sage and aunt, Mrs. John Ford of Iowa Falls, visited Thursday with Mr. Sage's aunt, Mrs. O.S. Bailey.
-Miss Aurelia Dravis will arrive Wednesday to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Dravis.
-Paul Helming of Cedar Rapids spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Helming in Ludlow township.
-Miss Frances Keenan of Milwaukee came today and will spend Christmas at her parental home, John Keenan and family.
-Mrs. Alma Stone and Mrs. J.G. Minert went to Dubuque one day last week to visit at the Bock and Davenport homes.
-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buettell of Chicago will spend this coming week end at the Reverenc M.C. Buettell home in this city.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nesheim and family and Miss Minnie Barthell will spend Christmas with Mrs. Nesheim's mother in Decorah.
-Miss Lois Ludeking of Britt returned home Sunday for a visit over Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ludeking.
-Miss Lila Herman, who is a teacher at Burlington, Iowa, returns today to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Herman.
-Mrs. H.R. Bakkum will have as her guests Christmas the Dr. Bakkum family of Lansing and the Arlo Bakkum family of this city.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Garrow of Prairie du Chien will arrive Thursday to be present at a family reunion at the Frank Garrow home on Christmas day.
-Miss Marie Manderschied, who is employed at Chicago, will arrive on Thursday for a week end visit with her mother, Mrs. Peter Manderschied and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Roggensack and Rodney and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer and family will spend Christmas at the B.O. Henderson home in Clermont.
-Mr. and Mirs. Simon Decker will have as their guests on Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Walter Selberg, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Guide, and Mr. and Mrs. August Snitker.
-Mr. and Mrs. Horace Van Nice arrived this week from Oak Park, Ill, and will spend Christmas with Mr. Van Nice's parents, Reverend and Mrs. R.L. Van Nice.
-Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Thompson of Rochester and Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Nockleby of Austin, Minnesota, will be guests at the Frank Garrow home on Christmas day.
-Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Minert will leave Thursday for Chicago, where they will spend Christmas with relatives.
-Miss Ruby Estep, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Ralph Ludeking, the past two weeks, returned to her home Thursday. Mrs. Ludeking accompanied her to Hampton and remained for a two days visit at the Estep home.

Waterville Consolidated School Notes
-Miss Ada Carlson, sister of Mrs. Omans, visited school Monday afternoon. Miss Carlson teaches in Missouri.
-The following had perfect spelling records for the week: Donald Fredendall, Dorothy Swain, Margaret Lorentson, Lloyd Johnson, Gordon Gilbertson, LeRoy Young, Elva Sorenson, Dorothy Gronna, Helen McGeough and Lillian Gjefle.
-Mrs. Ula Deemer of Rossville spent the day visiting our school last Wednesday.
-Most of the school children this year have agreed not to spend money for the purchase of special gifts to the teachers, but will use this money to contribute to the Red Cross Tuberculosis Fund.
-Pupils of the General Business Science Class have drawn up a code of ethics which was read by Gladys Hagen before the assembly last Friday. Talks concerning the code of ethics were given by Mercedes McGeough, Alton Erickson and Herbert Surom.

Season's Greetings! At this Holiday Season and on my first anniversary, my thoughts revert gratefully to those friends and patrons whose co-operation and loyalty have assisted in my amazing growth and progress. My sincere wish is that you may enjoy a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with happiness and great prosperity. CLASSIC BEAUTY SHOP, Elizabeth Laughlin, Proprietor, Phone 48

Greetings! A carefree Chrismas, and happy the memories of it. And may the New Year bring you success and happiness. KELLEY'S WATCH SHOP

Sno-White Grocery. Where we smile the old year out and smile the New Year in -- Yours for service, Merry Christmas to all. George Swenson, Manager. "Spring in on Spring Avenue"

"Merry Christmas" Those two words have behind them all our good wishes for your future happiness, mixed with gratitude for your loyal support of us in the past. W.H. Ebendorf, tailor. NU-WAY CLEANERS

Notice! Guernsey milk delivered any place in the city during winter at six cents per quart after January 1st. Jacob Beall.

Native of Lansing Dies in Fort Worth
Orrin H. McCarthy, 67 years old, and vice president of the Frisco Railroad, died in Fort Worth last week. He is a native of Lansing. His body was taken to Cedar Rapids for burial.

Teachers Leave for Holiday Vacation
The following teachers left the latter part of the week to spend their vacation with relatives and friends:
B.K. Orr and family to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Miss Helen Spinden to New Lisbon, Iowa
Miss Mary Snively to Lanerk, Ill.
Merle Ronan to Lone Tree, Iowa
George Patschke to Marion
Robert Wright to Burlington
Miss Florence Helming to Cedar Rapids
Miss Rosa Langenberg to Washington, Iowa

Ireland is Destination of McCormick Journey
Thomas McCormick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCormick of Harpers Ferry, and a brother of Miss Isabella McCormick, county superintendent of schools, will leave about January 1st on a trip to Tarlee, Killarney Lakes, Ireland, the birth place of his mother. En route he will visit relatives and friends at Chicago and New York City, and will sail on the White Star Line early in January. This will be both a pleasure and business trip, as he is making the journey to settle an estate that has been willed to his mother and himself. He has made application for a six months passport in preparation for his contemplated departure a week or two hence.

Local and Personal.
-James and Eleanor Meikle are the victims of whooping cough.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Kaveny spent Monday in Dubuque shopping.
-Miss Donna Mae Fossum has been ill this week with chicken pox.
-O.S. Bailey and Sumner made a business trip to Iowa City Friday.
-R.J. Kibby will leave Wednesday for Chicago where he will visit relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. Stahl of Rossville spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Stahl.
-Will Selberg left Monday for Iowa City where he will go through the clinic.
-Isaac Hoffman of Rossville was a guest at the Charles Burt home on Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Art Swenson of Postville spent Saturday in Waukon calling on friends.
-Mr. and Mrs. Orrie Mitchel were in Waukon Saturday calling on friends.
-Mrs. George Land and Grace spent Friday at the George Leet home in Cherry Valley.
-Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Burt of Decorah will spend Chrismas at the Merrit Burt home.
-Mrs. Milton Farnham of Davenport will spend Christmas with her husband of this city.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snitker of Waterville were callers Friday at the home of Merrit Burt.
-G.B. Richter will spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W Richter in Des Moines.
-Miss Helen Sanderson of Minneapolis will spend the latter part of this week with Waukon friends.
-Dr. S.N. Brooke will spend Christmas wit his wife at the B.A. Steffen home near Forest City.
-Lawrence Bender of Minon, Wisconsin, is spending this week with his sister, Mrs. George Cooper.
-Harlan Magnusson of Chicago will spend Christmas wit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Magnusson.
-Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Edwards and family of La Crosse will spend Christmas at the R.J. Alexander home.
-Mrs. Wayne Brooks and family of Lansing will spend Christmas with Mrs. George Stahl of this city.
-Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fredendall of Waterville spent Thursday with Miss Villa Fredendall of this city.
-Miss Marion DeWitt of Postville will spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. DeWitt.
-Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Anderson and Marion are spending Christmas at Boone, Missouri, with their son Victor.
-Miss Lena Glynn and son Silas will spend Chrismas day at the home of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hendrickson.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snitker of Rossville were in Waukon Sunday visiting Mrs. Julius Snitker at the Merrit Burt home.
-Paul Nierling came Sunday to make a week's visit with his father, A.T. Nierling, and sister, Mrs. Merle Barthell.
-Mrs. Mildred Campbell of Freeport, Illinois, will spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Entwisle.
-Miss Elenaor Schneider, a student at Iowa City, is spending her Christmas vacation with the E.L. Schneider family.
-Miss Joyce Heiser, who is teaching at McGregor, is spending her Christmas vacation with her father, M. Heiser.
-Miss Donna Lou Hermanson of Rossville spent last week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reeder.
-Miss Hazel Burt of Decorah will come Thursday and spend several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Burt.
-Clifford Pargaard of Bismarck, North Dakota, will arrive Thursday for a short visit at the Albert Drierauer home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peck will spend Christmas in Lansing at the home of Mrs. Peck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cooper.
-Mr. and Mrs. Burt and daughter, Mrs. Leona Huffman expect to spend Christmas at the Elgie Burt home in Clermont.
-Edward Quillin, who is attending the State Teachers College in Cedar Falls, is spending this week at the Phil Quillin home.
-Mrs. Julius Snitker of Rossville is seriously ill at the Merrit Burt home in this city. Mrs. John Elliot is acting as nurse.
-Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gleisner and grandsons Bobbie and Raymond of Ossian will spend Christmas at the O.P. Gleisner home.
-Mrs. Tony Ahlstrom has been very ill the past week an dunder the care of a physician. This will be sad news for her many friends.
-Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson and Jimmy of Decorah will spend Christmas with Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Burt.
-Miss Gladys Hermanson has returned from Minneapolis and will make her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hermanson, a short visit.
-Mrs. Ed Sandvold of Harpers Ferry and Miss Ethel Leyse of this city were in La Crosse Thursday and Friday consulting with a doctor.
-Mrs. C.J. Digman and daughter Peggy of Dubuque will spend Christmas with Mrs. Digman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.N. Sanbeck.
-Dr. J.E. Myers and wife and Dr. Glen Myers, wife and daughter of Waterloo will spend Chrismas day at the Charles Colsch home.
-Ben Lagheim was absent from his duties at th eocurt house several days last week due to a bad cold, but is betternow and is on duty again.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Rice and son Billy of Chicago are expected Friday to spend a few days with Mr. Rice's mother, Mrs. Ruby Rice.
-Miss Harriet Schneider, who is attending school at Iowa City, is spending Chrismas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider and family.
-Miss Mary Johnson, a teacher in the Ware High School, will return home Wednesday to make her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johnson, a short visit.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dodge of Mason City came Saturday to spend a few days with the G.A. Rumph family. From here they go to Chicago to spend the holidays with the Wayne Beddow family.

Stock Shipments
Eighteen cars of stock were shipped out the past week, as follows:
Cattle - R.C. Sander, two cars
Hogs - M.W. Eaton, nine cars; Waukon Equity, three cars; R.C. Sander, two cars; Farmers Union, one car; and the Waukon Equity one mixed car of cattle and hogs.


At his residence, December 20, 1931, Reverend Van Nice officiated in the marriage of Miss Ellen Rongstad, of Waterville and Harvey W. Rolphs of Waukon. the young couple were attended by Marvin and Rosana Winters.

Merlin Sheriff of Lansing and Miss Dorothy Spores of Harpers Ferry were united in marriage by Reverend Van Nice at his residence. The attendants were Mr. and mrs. Clarence Sheriff, brother and sister-in-law of the groom.

Twin Babies Die
Twin boys, born at the Hall hospital in Waukon Sunday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Groezinger of Jefferson township, survived their birth only a few hours. Burial was made Monday in Oakland cemetery, with services by Reverend F.E. Stucki. Mr. and Mrs. Groezinger and their two little girls have the sincere sympathy of all in their bereavement.

FIFTY YEARS AGO (by Frank H. May, Oak Park, Ill.)
- December 15, 1881 -
-Before leaving for the west (Sibley) Charlie Bailey sold hishouse and lot next to Esq. Burton's in the south part of town. The price was $800.
-A Bethel correspondent of the Postville Review says: "Our new bridge at Smith's Crossing is almost completed. It is a combination bridge, span 80 feet."
-Mart A. Pratt is now night operatior on the St. Paul & Duluth, and N.P. R.R. at Duluth.
-A movement is on foot in North McGregor to change the name of the town. The names of Mendon and Hatton have been suggested.
-At the annual meeting of the Waukon Relief Society, held December 5th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: A. Row, president; C.S. Stilwell, secretary; L.W. Hersey, treasurer; Executive committee, C.S. Stilwell, C. Barnard and Jas. Reed.

- December 22, 1881 -
-One of the Helmings sold three hogs to Waukon buyers this week which averaged over 500 pounds, and one tipped the beam at six hundred and sixty odd pounds.
-Married - at the residence of the bride's father, Robert Waters, December 14, by Reverend William M. Robinson, Webster C. Livingood of Post township and Mary E. Waters of Ludlow township.

Local and Personal.
-E.C. Konicek of Manchester will spend Christmas with the William Hausman family.
-Mrs. Nellie Waterman has been quite ill the past week with pneumonia and is now slowly improving.
-Ben Antonoff will leave for Minneapolis Thursday evening to spend Christmas with relatives.
-Miss Margaret Tobin of Chicago will spend Christmas holidays with the Pat Frye family, arriving Thursday.
-Miss Mae Teeling of Chicago will enjoy the holiday season with home folks, the Ed Teeling family of Lycurgus.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taylor an dbaby will go to Sioux City and spend Christmas with relatives and friends.
-Mrs. Alice Ferris was a guest of her brother, Charles Cilds and wife, at Winona, Minnesota.
-Miss Nellie Ryan of Davenport has been here the past few days visitng friends in this city and Taylor township.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ray O'Brien of Minneapolis will spend the week end with Mr. O'Brien's aunt, Mrs. Mary Keiser and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller and baby of St. Ansgar will spend the holidays with Mrs. Miller's mother, Mrs. Thea Clark and family.
-Mrs. Elizabeth Sandry came from Minneapolis last Thursday and will spend a few weeks with her sister , Mrs. Minnie Barthell.
-Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Miller went to Iowa City Monday to seek medical aid for Mrs. Miller, who has been in ill health the past few weeks.
-Miss Alice Cunningham, student at Clark College, Dubuque, arrived home Friday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cunningham.
-Miss Martha O'Malley, medical student at the State University at Iowa City, came the latter part of the week for a visit with home folks, the Thos. O'Malley family.
-Mrs. Thea Clark will arrive home Wednesday after a few months visit with her son Loyal and wife of Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Doneff and son of Minneapolis will also spend Christmas with the Clark family.
-Miss Miriam Opfer arried home Thursday from Ames, where she attends school, for a visit with the John C. Opfer family.
-Mrs. A.W. Cassutt and daughter Geraldine of Rochester, Minnesota, will spend Christmas with Mrs. Simon Meierkord and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Serdahl and baby will spend Christmas with Mrs. Serdahl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Halverson of Decorah.
-Otto Hagen and daughter, Mrs. Rav Curtis of Detroit, Michigan, came on Monday morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. J.S. Johnson.
-Miss Emma Opfer, teacher at Cedar Falls, came Friday evening to spend Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Simon Opfer and family.
-John Stilwell, who is attending Iowa State College at Ames this year, is spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. Martha Stilwell.
-Miss Agnes Ericson of Moline is expected here Thursday to spend Christmas with home folks, the Richard Ericson family.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Kelley of St. Paul will drive here Christmas day for a few days visit with Mr. Kelley's mother, Mrs. Maude Kelley.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rost and son Franklin of Winona, Minnesota, will spend Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Fred Hausman and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peck and daughter Elaine go to Dubuque to day to spend a few days with Mr. Peck's mother, Mrs. Walter Schildman.
Mrs. J.S. Cameron, Misses Clarice Leikvold and Gladys Ludeking, with R.N. Warnock at the wheel, drove to Dubuque Tuesday for a visit with the Cameron family.
-James Regan and Edward Sullivan, students at Columbia College, Dubuque, came home Friday evening to spend the holiday season with home folks, the Chas. Regan, Jr. family, and the Dan Quinn family.
-Mrs. Herman Haehlen has been a patient at the local hospital since last Friday. She has been suffering from an infection in one of her fingers of her left hand and it was necessary to amputate part of the finger.
-Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Nierling, and Mrs. E.M. Stewart drove to Riceville, last Thursday to visit relatives. Mrs. Phil Klingle accompanied them as far as Cresco, where she remained for a few days visit with relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Cummens and two daughters of Ortonville, Minnesota, and son Kenneth of Osaka, Minnesota, arrived here Saturday evening for a visit with relatives and friends.
-Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Kelly and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Nierling, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Stoneberg, Mrs. Chas. Cater, and Mr. and Mrs. Mort Winger of Frankville will spend Christmas day with the Lon Pettit family at Rossville.

Season's Best Wishes. We thank you for your confidence and trade during the past year. We sish for you a truly Merry Chrismas, and the success, health and prosperity that will make for a Happy New Year. PLUEMER & BAKKE, Waukon, Iowa

Salutations to the Yuletide Greetings of Santa - Dean of Christmas - we add our chorus of felicitations. May the spirit of the holiday find you as jolly and joyous as Santa and we hope that you all will enjoy a prosperous and Happy New Year. HALE & SONS, an old store with new ideas.

Christmas and Ice Cream. Only a few years ago ice cream was considered a hot weather dish exclusively - but this year - few Chrismas day festivities there will be without some form of this most popular refreshment. Let us supply your ice cream needs for Christmas. Brick or bulk. Delivered to your home Christmas Day. Phone 10. SODA GRILL, R.C. Vaughn, prop.

Local and Personal.
-Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Webster spent Sunday in Decorah with friends and relatives.
-Mrs. Fred Flage left Saturday for an extended visit with relatives in Marshalltown.
-Paul Wells of Owattona is spending a few days of this week at the H.A. Howes home.
-Harry Heiser of Burlington will spend Christmas with his wife and daughter in this city.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ed Manthey will leave Thursday to visit relatives at Merrill and Gleason, Wisconsin.
-Miss Mary Jeanette Ragsdale of Waterville spent the week end with her friend, Anne Taylor.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heiser of Minneapolis will spend Christmas at the home of Mrs. Pete Heiser.
-Miss Theresa Palmer is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Dresser at Postville. Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer and Wilson, will spend Christmas with the Dressers.
-Mrs. James Mahoney spent a few days the past week in Dubuque, returning home Saturday.
-Misses Caroline and Alma Hausladen leave Thursday for Spring Grove to spend Christmas with home folks.
-Miss Lydia Carter left Monday night for Lake Forest, Illinois, for a visit with her brother, Willard and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fossum will have as their guests Christmas, Henry Fossum and Elmer Fossum of Paint Creek.
-Miss Laura Steffen is spending the holiday season with home folks, the A.I. Steffen family. She teaches at Kenosha, Wis.
-G.B. Richter and John King spent several days in Des Moines attending a state meeting of Iowa sheriffs and county attorneys.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Smith of Kansas City, Missouri, arrived Monday to spend a week with mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Henry Rueggenmeier.
-Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Howes and daughter Helen will spend Christmas with their daughter and family, the Dr. Morehead family at Owatanna.
-Miss Gladys Amundson will arrive from Minneapolis to spend Christmas with her father, Adolph Amundson and sister, Mrs. Clarence Flage.
-Mr. and Mrs. O.J. Hager were in Ames last week visiting their daughter, Mrs. H.M. Gift.
-Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Hardon spent the week end with Mr. Hardon's sisters, the Misses Hardon at Keosaugua.
-Mrs. O.N. Johnson and daughter Betty of Cedar Rapids arrived in Waukon Friday to spend the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Herman Thompson.
-Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Schlader and children will go to Cresco Friday where they will spend the day at the Henry Schlader and P.N. Karney homes.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bulman will have as their guests Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hermanson of Rossbille and Mr. and Mrs. Will Speigler of English Bench.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Elsheimer and three children, and Mr. and Mrs. Val Elsheimer went to West Union Sunday and spent the day at the N.J. Martin home.
-Miss Harriet Schneider, who attends the State University at Iowa City, arrived Saturday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider.
-Mr. and Mrs. William Spayde of Perry, Iowa, will spend Christmas at th ehome of Mrs. Spayde's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Johnson and her sister, Mrs. Paul Bakke.
-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Roggensack and baby Jean of Mankado, Minnesota, arrived Saturday and will spend Christmas with Mr. Roggensack's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roggensack.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ed Teeling drove to Mason City last Saturday where they met their daughter Clair, who attends school at Carroll, Iowa. She returned with them and will spend Christmas with them.
-Reverend R.O. Aase of Brooklyn, New York, came Saturday enroute from St. Paul, where he attended a Lutheran conference, and visited over Sunday with the G.A. Rumph family. His wife, Mrs. Aase, is a sister of Mrs. Rumph.
-Cith Clerk T.B. Thorsen is assisting in the postoffice a few days this week during the Christmas parcel rush. L.T. Hermanson is in charge of the clerk's office temporarily.
-Miss Bernice Pratt and Mrs. Lucy Pigott Mullaney, both teachers in the public schools at Cedar Rapids, drove here Saturday for a visit with home folks. Miss Pratt will spend two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Pratt, and Mrs. Mullaney will spend a week here with her sisters, and then will go to Dubuque for a visit with friends.
-Miss Grace Purdy of Minneapolis arrived the latter part of last week and will spend this week with her sister, Mrs. Otto Ney.
-Nels Johnson has been under a doctor's care the past few weeks, suffering from sciatic rheumatism.
-Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones of Chicago came Monday for an over Christmas visit with Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Walker.

Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all those who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and after the death of our beloved husband and father, Simon Blegen, to Reverend Kjorlaug for his comforting words, the choir for the beautiful songs, St. John's Lutheran Ladies Aid for their kind acts and deeds, for the beautiful floral and mission offerings and to all who in any way assisted. May God bless you all.
Mrs. Simon J. Blegen and children.

Society and Club Notes.
-The missionary society of the Reformed church met Wednesday at the Staate home.
-Mrs. Emma Painter was hostess to her card club Wednesday evening at the S&D dining room.
-The 4-H Sunbeam Club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. W.T. Kaveny on Saturday afternoon.
-James Thompson was 86 years old on December 21st and on Sunday a family dinner was given in his honor at the Thompson home. About twenty-five relatives were present to enjoy this pleasant occasion. [Note: in the Elon Personals section, this birthday was also mentioned, but the family surname spelled Thomson]
-Mrs. Ella Heiser will entertain at a family dinner Christmas day, having as her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heiser of Minneapolis and Harrey Heiser of Burlington and Mrs. Harry Heiser and daughter Helen of Waukon.
-The class of the M.E. church Sunday school under the supervision of Miss Maxine Clements enjoyed a Christmas party at that church.
-Mrs. Frank Thomas will entertain the following relatives at Christmas dinner: Thomas Fullerton and two daughters, Myrle and Lorna, Simon and Albert Fullerton, Mrs. Lucile Ford and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Eaton Waters of Postville.
-Mrs. Sarah Kaveny entertained the members of her card club Monday evening. A 6:30 potluck dinner was served, after which the evening was spent playing five hundred. Mrs. William Hausman won high score and Mrs. Emil Schukei won second high.

Luana Personals [Clayton county]
-The firemen enjoyed their annual oyster supper Wednesday evening at six-thirty, served by Mrs. Levi Schultz at the Schultz restaurant.
-On Friday evening relatives, friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Engelhardt to assist them in celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary. It also was Mr. Engelhardt's birthday anniversary.
-Fred Rekor and children of Ellendale, were recent visitors at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rekor.
-Miss Ruth Nichols is spending the first week of the holiday season with her sister, Mrs. Harva Miller and family near Cherry Valley.
-Bruce Brown of Clear Lake, Iowa, is here for a two weeks visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Brown and other relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Landt and son were Saturday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Landt and Helmuth.
-Mr. and Mrs. Herman Christofferson of Postville, Mr. and Mrs. William Landt and Helmuth were recent guests at the Clarence Landt home.
-Miss Helen Truman left Friday night to spend the holidays with her parents and sister and famliy at Oacoma, South Dakota.
-Bernard Palas of Woodward, Iowa, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and mrs. Fred A. Palas.
-Miss Jeaneete Schultz is home from Cedar Falls for the holidays.

Luana Personals (Crowded out last week)
-Miss Amelia and Louise Schroeder of Postville were Sunday visitors in the Ben F. Overbeck and Arthur H. Berg homes.
-Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Overbeck spent several days the past week at the Fred Lempke home at Monona.
-Mrs. Arthur H. Berg was a caller Monday in the Mrs. Bruns, Mrs. Minnie Meier and Gust Pufahl homes at Monona.
-Miss Caroline Overbeck was among Postville shoppers Monday.
-Mrs. Levi Schultz and Dean were among Dubuque shoppers Saturday, going via bus.
-Mr. and Mrs. Orval Radach spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Bugenhagen, Jr., on route one.
-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Olvis and Mrs. Wedemeyer visited on Sunday at the Henry Wilke home at St. Olaf. Mrs. Wedemeyer will visit this week with her sister, Mrs. Heidn at Farmersburg.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Schrader and Wendell of route No. 1 were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schrader.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milke and teacher of their school, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schrader and Marvin Duane of Monona, Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Schrader and Eileen June were Sunday guests in the Henry Schrader home.
-Mrs. Arthur Honn of Colesburg, and the Harva Miller family were visitors at the C.J. Nichols home Sunday afternoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nichols and family were visitors at Maynard, Iowa, Sunday forenoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Splies were at Oelwein Saturday.
-Mrs. Harva Miller and children and mother, Mrs. C.J. Nichols, were in Waukon Monday.
-Mrs. Margaret Kluss of Postville spent Saturday at the Levi Schultz home.
-Mrs. Albert Voetz celebrated her 69th birthday anniversary Sunday evening. A delicious dinner was served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Krueger and Vila of Luana, Mr. and Mrs. August Ihde and family of Farmersburg, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Voelz and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger and family of Monona, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddins of Marquette, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Voelz and son Carlton Lee and Durth Boade. The evening was spent with music by Lloyd Eddins, Lawrence and Otto Krueger. All had a very enjoyable time.
-Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krambeer and Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Koopman motored to Britt, Iowa, Saturday to assist Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Rasmussen in celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Lindroth spent Saturday with their son Arno Lindroth and wife at Clermont.
-Tuesday was Grandpa Krambeer's 87th birthday anniversary. He had not been feeling so well for a week, but was better that day so his sons and daughters of this vicinity came at nooon with heavily loaded lunch baskets. In the evening several neighbors were present.
-Mrs. George R. Engelhardt was hostess to a card party Saturday evening given in honor of Mr. Engelhardt's birthday anniversary. The evening was spent in playing progressive five hundred, and at the conclusion of the games, Mrs. Alvin Brietspricher and Arthur H. Berg were awarded first prize, while Mrs. Louis Engelhardt and Henry Ziegler received the consolation. A fine lunch was served by the hostess to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. John Engelhardt, Mrs. Emma Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Garms of Monona, Mr. and Mrs. Candee of Clermont, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Meyer of Postville, Mr. and Mrs. William Doerring, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schrader, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Engelhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Maury Engelhardt and son, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Engelhardt and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben A Gulsvig, Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Artur H. Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Hy W. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Will J. Lindroth and Richard, Henry Ziegler, Mrs. Alvin Brietsprecher, Mrs. Mary Knuth, Mrs. Dora Ziegler.

Luana School Notes
Declamatory work will begin immediately after the holidays and the local elimination contest will be held on January 21. Three have taken up the oratorical division. They are Harold Kumpf, Earl Jones and Curtis Webster. In the dramatic section, Avis Jean Brietsprecher, Lois Moritz, Ruth Nichols and Ilo Sheffert are competing. Frances Erb, Ione Lamborn, Helmuth Landt, Harley Moore and Curtis Zieman will compete in the humorous division.

Class officers for the seventh grade are: June Webster, president; Leo McNeil, vice president; Ivanell Krause, treasurer.

Those who received an average of "B" in the seventh grade for the past six weeks are: Leslie Smith, June Webster, Keith Overbeck, Leo McNeil and Harlan Krambeer.

Those who received an average of "B" in the eighth grade for the past week were: Florence Aulerich, Wilbur Frye, Helen Miller, Helen McNeil and Dorothy Moritz.

In the fifth and sixth grade room the following officers have been elected: Ralph Schrader, president; Ralph Pearson, vice president; Irene Sanders, secretary.

The third and fourth grades have a few new members on the dental roll. They are: Jeanette Kliefoth, Dorleen Aulerich, Reid Schultz, Amanda Landt and Bernard Schrader. Those who have had perfect spelling lessons are: Amanda Landt, Anita Pufahl and Dorleen Aulerich. Those who received the Skeezix tooth brush set for the best colored health posters are Jeanette Kliefoth and Bernard Schrader.

In the first grade Arnold and Merrill Funk each have six stars in number work and in the second grade Laura Walch has the most stars.

New Albin News Notes.
-Mrs. Clara Baldwin left Thursday for Shickley, Nebraska, where she will spend the winter at the home of her mother.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Tronche left for a visit at Dubuque, Clarion and Detroit on Thursday.
-Mrs. William Lager, daughters Rita and Gretta, accompanied by Raymond Higgins, shopped in La Crosse on Thursday.
-Philip Collins of Pine Island, Minnesota, spent Thursday in New Albin.
-The Misses Hettie Hibbin and Minnie Regan left for their homes in Cedar Rapids on Friday.
-Mrs. D.H. Higgins, daughter Angela, and son Wilfred, motored to Cassville, Wisconsin, on Thursday to see Mrs. Donald Stevens.
-Mrs. L.F. May and Howard Steele drove to Mt. Vernon, Iowa on Friday after Wayne Kester, a student of Cornell.
-The Misses Angela and Mary O'Reily drove to La Crosse on Thursday.
-Mrs. Margaret Cavin was called to Robbinsdale, Minnesota, on Tuesday to see her daughter, Mrs. O.N. Wiliams who is seriously ill.
-News was received here last week of the death of Mrs. O.M. Williams of Robbinsdale, Minnesota. Mrs. Williams was formerly Margaret Cavin.
-Charles Ross of Marquette spent Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. M. Ross.
-Miss Ruth Gerling was a business caller in La Crosse on Tuesday.
-Mrs. Ann Moore, Mrs. Harry Dean, Mrs. Hazel Higgins and Miss Marcella Steele shopped in La Crosse on Tuesday.
-Mrs. Carver Gantenbine and sons Rolly and Raymond motored to La Crosse on Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. L.F. May were business callers in Waucoma, Iowa on Tuesday.
-Rowland Irons of Chicago came on Wednesday for a visit with the John W. Irons family.
-Miss Emma Bock, her father, C.G. Bock, Miss Ma--n Rippe and Miss Marjorie Kumpf called in La Crosse Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Hartley and Mrs. Ann Dolan were business callers on Tuesday in La Crosse.
-Mrs. H. Weber of Lansing spent Saturday at the Allan Crowley home.
-Miss Irma Price left Tuesday for a visit at Omaha, Nebraska, and St. Louis, Missouri.
-Mrs. Mary Morgan and Mrs. D.J. Kell were passengers for La Crosse on Saturday.
-Miss Esther Reiser came Saturday from Creston, Iowa, where she teaches, to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Reiser.
-Roger Reburn left for Gary, Indiana, Saturday where he will visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. Fred Schuster.
-Mrs. Howard Gerling and little son left on Saturday for La Crosse.
-Jay Robinson of Dubuque came Saturday for a visit at the E.W. Rice home.
-Earl Peyton, a student at Columbia, Dubuque, came Saturday for the holidays.
-Mrs. Gelrge Becker of Savanah, Illinois, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. J.V. Irons.
-Miss Betty Barlow of Arcadia, Wisconsin, is visiting at the Frank Robbinson home.
-Nevin Irons of Clayton, Iowa, came Saturday for a visit with the J.W. Irons family.
-Miss Blanche Hannafin, a teacher at Iron Mountain, Michigan, is spending the holidays at the Dr. T.F. Hannafin home.
-Wilfred Higgins left for St. Cloud, Minnesota, on Saturday. His mother, Mrs. D.H. Higgins accompanied him as far as La Crosse.
-Miss Marie Kelly, a student at the Milwaukee Normal, came Saturday to spend the holidays.
-Miss Sarah Smerud arrived home Saturday from Winona, Minnesota, where she is a student at the College of St. Teresa.

Church Town News.
-The Pat Welch family of Lycurgus visited Thursday evening at the Jim O'Donnell home.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Schellhammer and famliy visited Thursday evening at the Adolph Larson home.
-Tade and Clarence Wendel went to La Crosse on business Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Troendle and family visited Sunday at the Jim O'Donnell home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hartong and family spent Sunday at the Willard Marti home.
-Mrs. Jake Isli, Francis Spieler and Gruber were La Crosse visitors last Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ben Decker visited at the Joe Martin home Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Gale McCoy of Waterville spent Sunday at the Archie Uren home.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Dougherty of Lycurgus are the proud parents of a baby boy born December 13.
-Hugh Sweeny visited at the George Troendle home Friday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ferris spent Wednesday at the Otto Hager home in Ludlow.
-John Plien of Fort Leavenowrth, Kansas, came Saturday to spend the holidays with the Will Collins family.

The following Christmas program was given at the Church town school and was well attended by parents and visitors: Selection by Dorothy Uren; Song, Bernice Bauman; Selections by Marvin Sires and Ruth Stirn; "The Almost Wasn't Christmas:, dialogue by primary; Selections by Merlin Bechtel, Wills Savert, Elizabeth Becker, Bernice Bauman and Bobbie Wendell; "Christmas on Other Lands", play; Selections by Mary Uren, Dorothy O'Donnell, Mildred Savert, Marian Schellhammer and Leonard Savert; "The Chrismas Miracle", play. After the program the children were visited by Santa Claus and each was given candy and a gift.

Elon Personals.
-Reverend Lea will conduct service at the West Paint Creek church on Christmas day.
-A number of ladies enjoyed a pleasant afternoon on Wednesday at Clifford Anderson home to form the acquaintance of the recent born son, and to shower him with useful gifts.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Thomson and family were at Waukon on Sunday in company with immediate relatives to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Mr. Thomson's father, James Thomson. [note: in the Waukon personals, this birthday was also mentioned, but the family surname spelled Thompson]
-Mrs. Christina Kolsrud celebrated her 72nd birthday on Tuesday December 15th. Members of the Birthday Club met with her in the afternoon and evening. Other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Sever S. Kolsrud, Myrtle Kolsrud, Mrs. John Rema, Edna Johnson, Cornelia Roe, Mr. and Mrs. Ove Roe and family, and W.J. Thomson.
-Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Hagen and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olson and family were Sunday guests at the Peter Hagen home.
-A Christmas program was given by the Elon school on Friday. The program was good. Following the program, the teacher, Edna Johnson, treated the pupils and visitors to candy and apples. Among the visitors were: Mrs. Anna Johnson, Hilma Johnson, Mrs. Anna Schager, Adalaid Leas, Ellen Christensen and Mrs. Charles Webster.
-Mrs. Eilert Bakkum and Mrs. Arnold Bakkum will be hostesses to the Ladies Aid at the home of Eilert Bakkum on December 30th. They extend a hearty invitation to everyone to attend.

Yuletide Wishes to you who have been served by us in 1931 and to all who will strive to build our community in 1932, we extend words of good cheer -- A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! L. Larson, Cleaning and Pressing.

Season's Greetings to all our friends and patrons. We appreciate the confidence of our customers in 1931 and will strive to continue to merit it in 1932. Elsheimer Meat Market, Waukon, Iowa

Call JAKE'S TAXI. Drives anywhere, anytime. Careful, registered drivers. Service prompt. Prices reasonable. Car Washing and Heated Storage. Phone 45.

Lansing News and Notes.
-Julius Boeckh, accompanied by Herman Haas, J.W. Dempsey, wife and son George, drove to Winona last Wednesday.
-Walter Aschom and sister, Mrs. Anga Riek drove up to La Crosse Wednesday bringing back with them, Mr. Aschom's mother-in-law, Mrs. Caroline Kempter, and his daughter, Caroline, who have been visiting at Houston, Minnesota.
-A.M. Duty drove up to LaCrosse Wednesday, bringing back his wife, who has been convalescing from an operation at the St. Fancis hospital.
-Mrs. H.A. McKinney and Mrs. Ralph Thorsten drove up to LaCrosse Wednesday. Also going to LaCrosse Wednesday were Mrs. Otto Koch, accompanied by sister Amabolis of the local convent; Mrs. R.W. Carrol, Mrs. Frank Hilken and Mrs. George Horn. Leo Wolf and Miss Helen Harrison were up Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck and son, accompanied by Misses Antioneet Carrol, Angeline Wagner and Ellen Kernan drove up Saturday. Will Bartheld drove to LaCrosse Sunday to visit his wife who is taking treatments at the St. Francis hospital.
-Mrs. Ella Larson received word last week that her uncle, Michael Eastman of Beardsley, Minnesota, passed away. He leaves to mourn, a wife and twelve children. One child died when an infant and another died a year ago. Michael Eastman was a brother to Eric Eastman, deceased, and also a brother to Mrs. August Ahlstrom of this city.
-Neighbors and friends of Mrs. Henry Rettinger helped her tie three comforters last Thursday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Kehr and family will leave Wednesday for St. Paul where they will spend Christmas at th eL.L. Wittbecker home.
-Miss Gertrude Barth, teacher in the Lansing High school, leaves Wednesday for Humbildt, Iowa, to spend Christmas with her parents.
-Miss Anne Levi, grade school teacher, leaves Wednesday for Benson, Minnesota, to spend the holidays with home folks.
-Miss Florence Henry, high school teacher, will leave Wednesday for Independence to spend Christmas with home folks.
-Roy Veldhuizen, principal, will spend Christmas in Beloit, Wisconsin.
-P.E. Rethwisch spent the week end with his mother at Guttenberg.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spinner and daughter Florence will spend Christmas in Minneapolis with their children. The lattter will remain for an extended visit.
-Early homecomers for the holidays include: Robert Nachtwey, who is attending college at Notre Dame and Miss Emma Kirth of Hartford, Wisconsin, who will visit at the F.J. Nachtwey home; John Brophy, who is attending college at Prairie du Chien; Frank Asay, who attends college at Elkader; Harris Gilbertson, who is teaching at Epworth, Iowa; James Powers, who has been employed at Green Bay, Wisconsin; Mary Holmes, who attends college at Joliet, Illinois; Leo Conway of Freeport, Illinois; Thomas Saam and Herbert Dehli, both attending school at Iowa City, and Rebecca Noeding, who attends school at Dubuque.
-John Navet of Boscobel, Wisconsin, is spending several days at the P.E. Rethwisch home.

Royal Neighbors Elect Officers
The Lansing Riverside Camp, No. 1521 of R.N.A. at their last regular meeting Wednesday, December 16th elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
Oracle - Catherine Murphy
Vice Oracle - Elizabeth kaufman
Past Oracle - Lydia Horn
Chancellor - Susan Verdon
Recorder - Evelyn Severson
Receiver - Louisa Boeckh
Marshal - Jennie Volkert
Assistant Marshal - Minnie Hefty
Inner Sentinel - Myrtle Gonyier
Outer Sentinel - Mina Boeckh
Manager - Katie Cooper
After the business meeting the members enjoyed a Christmas tree and the exchanging of gifts. Light refreshments were served and a real social time was enjoyed by all.

Pleasant Valley News.
-Dr. Dillon was called to the James Wilson home Friday, Mrs. Wilson being very ill, but is getting along nicely.
-The Melvin Olson family visited at the R.R. Flack home Sunday.
-Gladys Flack visited a few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. Syd Hawkins, the past week.
-Doris Davis was at the James Wilson home Saturday.
- The Harry Lease family visited December 13th at the Doug Fredendall home. Norma Fredendall returned home with them for a visit with Evelyn.
-Ira Gast and niece Phylis visited at the James Wilson home Wednesday.
-Syd Hawkins visited at the home of his brother, Jerry, Sunday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. C.. Vaughn were in Monona Friday afternoon.
-C.H. Marble and C.J. Vaughan were in Rossville Friday.
-Charles Brown dehorned some calves for Jerry Hawkins and William Brown Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown of Big Foot vicinity visited at the William Brown home one day the past week.
-Chicken pox is surely raging in school. Friday there were ten pupils absent.
-Dave Stafford had a bee Thursday and Friday shingling their house. Mesdames Aggie Hawkins, Ethel Palmer, Nellie Butts and Miss Helen Hamm assisted Mrs. Dave Stafford with cooking for the shingling bee.
-Ora Davis chopped wood for Syd Hawkins a few days the past week.

Ludlow News Notes.
-Otto Kiesau, Mildred and Ralph, Mrs. John Kruger and chidren and Miss Dorothy Ludeking motored to Woden, Iowa, on Thursday to visit relatives.
-Robert Hager, who is teaching at Roland, Iowa, will arrive home Thursday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hager.
-Mrs. Caroline Snitker of Waukon spent several days at the Albert Snitker home.
-Fred Kruger bought three acres of woodland from Will Duvel.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brandt and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hesse.
-Reverend and Mrs. M.C. Buettel spent Thursday afternoon at the Paul Hager home.
-Relatives of the Dan Snitker family gathered at their home on Sunday evening to help Mrs. Snitker celebrate her birthday anniversary.
-Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Snitker and family were guests at the Albert Hager home on Sunday evening for supper.
-George Herman, George Stirn, Paul Hager, Albert Steffen and County Agent O'Riley attended the Winneshiek County annual Farm Bureau meeting at Decorah on Monday.

News and Notes of Bee (Crowded out last week)
-Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oftedahl and son Lester motored to McGregor last Sunday to spend the day with their daughter, Mrs. John Engen, who is very ill.
-Mr. and Mrs. Anton Rosendahl visited last Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Bertha Sivesind, near here.
-Mrs. Jack Griffin and family , accompanied by Martin Hayes motored to LaCrosse Tuesday to see her husband Jack, who is a patient at a hospital there.
-Peter Lee transacted business at Spring Grove on Friday.
-Henry Sivesind had a narrow escape last Saturday afternoon while going down a steep hill near his home. He lost control of the truck he was driving and was unable to stop before the truck tipped over. He luckily escaped uninjured but the truck was damaged considerably.
-Bennie Magnusson and Walter Goodno were business callers at Waukon Wednesday. Bennie hauled cattle to Houston, Minnesota for Carl Tyribakken on Saturday.
-Arthur Melbostad returned home on Monday evening from Marian, South Dakota, after a few days spent taking treatments from a specialist there, and Art's many friends are very glad to hear of his improvement.
-John Clauson was a caller at Bee on Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Twite and son of Waukon were Thursday visitors with home folks near here.

English Bench News (Crowded out last week)
-Mr. and Mrs. B. Hartley, also their son Alan and wife, were Sunday callers at the J.C. Bulman home.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Weber and daughter Delores were at Waukon Friday having dental work done.
-Mrs. William Spiegler visited at the home of her brother, Roy Sires, near Lansing while Mr. Sires was doing some sawmill work nearby.
-Charlie Beardmore "subbed" for his brother Leonard on Route No. 2 out of Dorchester part of last week.
-Mrs. William Beardmore enjoyed a social hour with her friend, Mrs. Ellen Hartley while at New Albin recently.
-A real old-fashioned oyster supper was indulged in by Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Bulman and their young folks and also a few invited friends, Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeon Bulman at Dorchester.
-Maurice O'Regan is at Dorchester assisting his cousin, Maurice Waters in getting his year's supply of wood.
-Art Beardmore, wife and daughters, Lorraine and Shirley, were Sunday visitors with their brother Leonard and family at Dorchester.
-Miss Bernice Somermeier is spending a few days at New Albin with her aunt, Miss Pauline Somermeier, and in the meantime is having dental work done.
-Mr. J.E. Martin and family were among the merry-makers at the oyster supper at Dorchester Wednesday evening.
-Leonard Thimmish was called to Caledonia Friday by the death of his grandmother. This respected old lady had reached the advanced age of 101 years and three months, a span of time allotted to very few of us, but prior to her last illness she enjoyed very good health.
-Mrs. E.J. Sadler came from Preston Sunday to be with her mother, Grandma Wilde, who has been quite ill for several weeks. We regret to report the condition of our aged friend, Grandma Wilde, who does not improve as rapidly as many of her friends would wish. She is confined to bed the greater part of the time.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Beardmore and little daughter, Aloris, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Beardmore's old home at Portland Sunday.
-Floyd and Frank Beardmore motored to Preston Saturday for a visit at the home of their uncle, E.J. Sadler, returning the next day.
-Myron Ioham has been assisting Harold and Lawrence Ryan with a long job of husking on their Iowa river farm, completing the job last week.
-Alton Bulman motored to Preston, Minnesota, and was accompanied home by Mrs. Bulman and baby.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. Keuhn, who are visiting here from Stillwater, Minnesota, were complimented Sunday by a family reunion at Mrs. Keuhn's girlhood home with her brother, Louis Dresselhaus and family. Those making up the party were the Fred Kumpf family, the Gus Kirk family of New Albin, Walter Fedketter, wife and children, Gus Dresselhaus and daughter Mae, Mr. and Mrs. John Kruse and perhaps others whose names we did not learn.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2008]

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